- There are a lot of errors on start up.
I recommend setting Options/HUD Options/Message Options/Developer message mode to "Warnings" so they appear.
- That is a lot of skill levels and most have no actual descriptions of what they change.
What are the additional quirks of nightmare? What's the difference between difficulties hard and above?
I feel the confirm texts could use a better descriptions.
- Oh dear the movement speed. There is fast and then there's too fast.
This is the only mod that I had to play with always run turned off.
And this isn't just an issue with the movement, additional jumps and the dash both cover a lot of horizontal distance, too much to really be of use in vanilla Doom maps.
Also the dash is unlimited and without cooldown, so you can just spam it mid-air to never fall.
Also Doomguy hands:
- The HUD doesn't scale by default, meaning if the player has the "Fullscreen HUD" option set to default, then the additional HUD elements look like this:

This can be fixed by adding the
forcescaled flag to your
- The mugshot graphics could use a touch up I feel.
I actually had issues deciphering what it was at first, as I only saw a white blob without any features.
So maybe more shading or contrast could make it look better?
- The mod options menu has a control submenu, however from what I checked none of the weapons actually use tertiary or quaternary fire.
Instead that menu lacks two controls found in the actual controls menu, flashlight and bullet time.
- The kick seems fine, the issues with dash I already mentioned.
The grenade launcher has infinite ammo it seems.
The piss function doesn't actually do anything other than stunlock enemies, but since you can't use your weapons it seems pointless.
Currently it's just there without any reason to actually use, the piss mechanic in Postal 2 had at least some gameplay usage.
One idea I have is that you could maybe make it "mark" enemies so to speak that increases the damage they take?
- The fists seem fine. The chainsaw seems very overpowered with its damage, reach and speed.
- The pistol is ridiculously inaccurate, it almost never actually hits the center.
The primary fire should be made more accurate, or even perfectly accurate to fit the role of an early sniper, while the spread fire is fine as is.
- Eviscerator is pretty unbalanced: Fast, hard hitting and with a huge ammo capacity. And it also damages you up close which is weird for a shotgun.
I get that the mod is called a power fantasy simulator, but there doesn't seem to be any reason to use anything other than it.
- Apocalypse Bringer is also extremely powerful, being able to oneshot a spider demon. And again, easy to kill yourself with.
My only problem with it is that aiming down won't actually give you any Z velocity. This can be fixed by replacing the A_Recoil function with the following:
A_ChangeVelocity(-cos(pitch)*16,0,sin(pitch)*16,CVF_RELATIVE|CVF_REPLACE) where 16 is the amount to recoil with.
Also its ammo seems to regenerate, which doesn't seem necessary as its large ammo pool and slow firing speed makes it very unlikely to actually run out.
- Breacher is another automatic shotgun, however this time its damage output is more sane and it won't kill you at close range. It's pretty good.
- Stryker has some issues, but at least it won't kill you at close range.
Its primary fire has horrific spread, making it worthless at any range, but its damage is alright.
The secondary fire however is bad. It's perfectly accurate, which is good, however it deals a quarter of the primary fire's damage. Also it makes the gun pump longer.
That's it for the shotguns, 4 seems to be a lot especially when they all get overshadowed by the Eviscerator.
- Shredder is a perfectly fine chaingun replacement, I see no issues with it. And it doesn't kill you.
- Buzzsaw also seems fine, but its recoil is ridiculous and again, no vertical acceleration saddens me. Doesn't kill you however and has regenerating ammo.
- Turbo Vulcan is another very overpowered weapon that shreds through anything with ease, including you.
Why do so many weapons deal damage at close distance? I get the usage of A_Explode in the projectile death states, but you can exclude the player from them.
- Revenant is a pretty good rocket launcher replacement, even if its blast radius is huge.
However its ripper projectiles mean it's not very good at hitting the enemies with explosions.
There's also an issue with it: Aiming the weapon switches it from bolt-action to semi-auto, which I'm not sure if it's intended or not.
- Hydra, surprisingly the plasma rifle replacement is a balanced weapon.
And it doesn't damage the player at close range, which was the only weapon I actually expected to do that.
- Eraser.... Well, I thought the option in the mod settings was just a joke.
I would actually recommend you to take that part of the mod out, as while it's not very visible, I think it still breaks the forum's NSFW rules.
Back to the weapons, it's very interesting and once it did fire I was laughing out loud with how it turned an entire test room black.
Though you could make the whole prefire sequence actually cancelable.
I get that there's an option to skip it entirely, but just being able to switch out of it would be very useful.
- Cobra, somehow missed this one initially.
It seems to do as much damage as the pistol, but it's way slower.
It also uses the vanilla Doom clips which have a lower capacity compared to all other modded ammo types.
- Executioner, the hidden weapon.
It's impossible to fire this thing and survive without invulnerability.
I don't really have much else to say about it, it pretty much oneshot everything I tried it on.
I think I covered all weapons I could actually find, both in game and in the test map.
Really, a lot of weapons should have their self-destructive nature taken away from them, as it's very easy to kill yourself with many of them.
Additional notes:
- Stimpacks and health bonuses were replaced with variants that can increase your health a lot, however basic medikits weren't.
- Soulspheres and megaspheres also won't increase your health over 200.
- The cyberdemon replacement is extremely wide, which can break some maps.