This is my first hell themed map, sequence of Exobase.WAD
Name: Elsewhere.WAD
Tested on GZDoom 4.11.3+ (Designed for)
IWAD Doom 2
1 map
Modified Vanilla monsters/weapons.
Adjustable flashlight included (default key "F"). Check options.
Recommend jump, crouch and freelook.
Highly recommend brightmaps and lights.pk3.
Darkness is INTENTIONAL. Use the flashlight!
Don't blame the mapper if you get lost in the darkness.
Monster changes:
Pain Elemental does damage when explode. Also Cyber D and SMM.
Lost souls have half health.
Everything moves and attacks faster.
Spidermastermind now is a threat. Play smart...
Weapons changes:
Except for plasmarifle and BFG, all weapons fires/reload faster and have recoil. (fists and chainsaw don't have recoil)
Weapons change faster.
Hitscan weapons have a modified bullet spread.
For those SSG addicts, this weapon does more damage and reload faster, but have a greater spread. Better use in short range. ... /elsewhere

My previous maps can be found here: