America is an irradiated wasteland. Within it lies a city. Outside the boundary walls, a desert.
A cursed earth. Inside the walls, a cursed city, stretching from Boston to Washington D.C.
An unbroken concrete landscape. 800 million people living in the ruin of the old world and the mega structures of the new one.
Mega blocks. Mega highways. Mega City One. Convulsing. Choking. Breaking under its own weight. Citizens in fear of the street.
The gun. The gang. Only one thing fighting for order in the chaos: the men and women of the Hall of Justice. Juries. Executioners.
So this is it. A few years ago, when I got into Doom modding, I made the Lawgiver MkII weapon mod. It was a horrible DECORATE mess, but it kinda worked. Then I tried my hand at ZScript and revisited some of my old projects.
Turns out what I want to do is much easier (albeit more complicated) to do with ZScript. Then I got kinda hooked again and decided to expand it a bit and suddenly things exploded and got REALLY ambitious.
The result of this is the beginning of a total conversion for Doom 2 that is set in the world of 2000AD, more precisely, in and around Megacity-1, where the judges rule with an iron fist.
You are Judge Doom, an amalgamation of different judges, known and unknown, going about his daily duties. With your trusty Lawgiver by your side and an air of authority, you must respond to calls and JUDGE THEM.
Download HERE and make sure to read the README!
Spoiler:What I tried to do here, or what I AM trying to do, is to have each call be a task that is to be solved with only the tools at hand, which is pretty easy in the beginning, but needs careful planning and a cautious approach later on.
The general idea of this mod is as follows:
- hard-hitting enemies (yes, the hitscanners are intentional, MARANAX MALAX!)
- (mostly) open levels, (almost) no key hunt/switch hunt if any, no pickups
- levels must be cleared by judging all perps (dead or alive), with only the tools at hand (maybe pickup from dead judge)
- focus on deliberate approach, resource management, crowd control while staying more doom-y than HD
- judge shout for preparing arrest and weakening packs - AP with increased damage against robots, also massive overpenetration - incendiary against advancing crowds - hi-ex explodes - hotshot for fast enemies
But I am currently not able to work on it since there is enough private stuff I have to take care of (as a matter of fact I haven't done any work on this mod since last year), so I decided to publish this as it is, so that in case of me dropping it someone interested has the chance to pick it up. This does not mean I am dropping it right now, it's just that I won't do any further work on it probably until the end of the year, but if there is ANY possibility of me coming back to it, I will. It also means that I won't be really active on the forum and only visit occasionally. Of course I will still collect any feedback. Please also note that I already have tons of ideas for levels (hell, just reading through the case files gives you already a thousand possible settings).
Also, before anyone complains: This mod is NOT set in the canon 2000AD universe, which means there are certain anachronisms, inconsistencies and inaccuracies and I am fully aware of that.