HUD: Drawing selected inventory item

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HUD: Drawing selected inventory item

Post by Cherno »

I use ACS to draw my complete HUD. I use the SetHudSize(320, 200, TRUE); function so everything is nice and pixelated, like the original VGA resolution. However, it seems that ACS can't draw the selected inventory item, and SBARINFO doesn't allow to specify the HUD resolution, so the resulting image would be too small and not fit with the rest of the HUD elements. What are my options? Use ZScript solely for the inventory icon?
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Re: HUD: Drawing selected inventory item

Post by ZippeyKeys12 »

Cherno wrote:Use ZScript solely for the inventory icon?
That's what I would personally do, with the goal of gradually converting as much as conveniently possible to ZScript.
For future projects I'd say use ZScript but right now I can only see using ZScript solely for the inv icon as a solution. :shrug:

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