Ternis, the King of Khorus - who later turned into the Cursed Lich King.
Blacknore, the Dark Wizard, who got the Staff of Zharduk with Archibald's blessing and made Ternis into who he is now.
How is everything related?
... all fell before you. Slained by you, each time in a difficult battle.
A battle between Good and Evil.
And twice you passed through mysterious Portal in hope this time it will send you back home.
... but you were wrong.
Still, the powerful forces unknown decided that there will be another trial for you.
That either will make you triumph and will mark your return back to the place you came from...
... either will bring you to your Doom.
OK, sorry for such long introduction - I'll get straight to the point.
You've heard about The Inquisitor and The Inquisitor II, right?
(... well, even if you don't - now you do.

Spoiler: ... for the info about original wad's releaseAdditionally, some hotkeys are already set.
J - quest journal,
P - shows hero's characteristics,
M - opens menu with defensive spells,
T - casts chosen defensive spell.
UPDATE 04.09.2022.
Aaand here we go again - 2 years later, another new release from Shadowman & BigMemka!
From what I was told - they both have spent THIS ENTIRE SUMMER to update the project, and finally, here is the result - The Inquisitor 3D v1.4.
Updates include: it is now possible to change wad's language in GZDoom directly (through its menu), as well as to setup the delay of torches' flames (for FPS optimisation); modificated monsters code & player arsenal; warrior's Flame Cannon has been replaced with Ice Cannon; and new locations on the levels. Enjoy!
You can download it HERE (version 1.4., dated by 04.09.2022) from Yandex-disk.
UPDATE 03.24.2020.
Alas, another update

The Inquisitor v 1.3 has been released today.
The main changes compared to version 1.2 are following:
- Fixed a quest that could not be completed in version 1.2 due to a technical error;
- fixed errors on some maps, which did not allow to finish them with 100/100/100;
- the fire cannon now requires STR + DEX + VIT> = 40 to use; all attacks are now equally depending on these three stats;
- sword attacks now restore life, provided that VIT> = 19; life restoration depends on both the VIT value and the harm done by the sword, so increasing STR also has an effect;
- the protection of most game's armors has been increased;
- crossbow damage reduced;
- also, the damage of "fire hands" has been slightly reduced;
- mines' exploded door has been redone;
- added a model of a dying girl in the church as well as some models in the dungeon of the royal castle and on other maps;
- other miscellaneous minor fixes.
Direct link to download:
UPDATE 25.01.2020.
Inquisitor 3D has been updated to version 1.2.
Download: https://yadi.sk/d/YiDReTM4RQTSSw
General changes:
- armor models were added;
- a model of the Bogdan's flail was added;
- some models were fixed;
- alternative attack of Zharduk's staff (causing insufficient damage) was fixed;
- many small edits on maps;
- when switching between locations, the temporary effects of spells and items are saved;
- the transition between locations now does not require re-casting power up’s;
- the maximum number of bags with additional arrows increased from 2 to 4;
- menu for displaying breath under water was added.
Gameplay changes:
- Crossbow rate now depends on Dexterity.
- Ordinary arrows of a light crossbow, when hit, bounce and with some probability can be picked up for reuse.
- Explosive bolts of a heavy crossbow with their explosions attract the attention of surrounding monsters (the effect does not distract monsters who have already reacted to the player).
- Attack with the sword spends stamina, the speed of recovery of which depends on Strength. The more stamina is spent, the longer it will recover. With reduced stamina, the speed of attack with the sword drops.
UPDATE 02.09.2019.
A new wad's version has been released by Shadowman & Guest, now named The Inquisitor 3D.
What's the difference between old and new versions?
... well, one of them is plain simple - you don't need to have doom2.wad to play The Inquisitor 3D; now you can play it as a standalone game, just use inqstr3d.wad as an iwad in command line.
Another one (and a BIG one at the same time) - now most of the sprite objects are replaced by 3D-models; additionally some visuals have been added.
And yes, fixed bugs.
(more info located here.)
New wad's version requires GZDoom 3.7.2. SERIOUSLY.
Download The Inquisitor 3d from Yandex-disk.
Being a bit too old, this info doesn't represent this wad's current state as necessary.
For those who still plays/want to play wad's first ready version, use GZDoom 2.2.0 for it.
... oopsie, did I forget screenshots?
(sorry, but it seems that forum is not allowing me to post screens here as pictures for some reason.)
http://darkwatcher.freevar.com/DoomWads ... nq3-01.png
http://darkwatcher.freevar.com/DoomWads ... nq3-02.png
http://darkwatcher.freevar.com/DoomWads ... nq3-03.png
http://darkwatcher.freevar.com/DoomWads ... nq3-04.png
http://darkwatcher.freevar.com/DoomWads ... nq3-05.png
As always, your feedback is always welcomed!
Have a great game!
P.S. Also, archive contains English .PDF-manual as well (in case there are lore aficionados out there