[Early] Bloodbag v0.1.5 - 4/7 weapons functional

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Death Egg
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[Early] Bloodbag v0.1.5 - 4/7 weapons functional

Post by Death Egg »


So, I got really high about a week or so ago and had a random, stupid thought: what if all weapons shared the same ammo cache? Then, I had an even more wicked thought: what if there was no ammo, but instead, it all took away from your health? So before I could get sober enough to do otherwise, I programmed the bare basics using my little DECORATE knowledge and the power of the ZDoom Wiki. I have further ideas on where to take this mod, and it'll go beyond just a simple gameplay modification with new sprites, weapons, and enemies, hopefully... but I figured I would post the current, early version to see how people reacted first.

Here's what you should know about the current (and previous) version(s):

* The ZDoom Wiki for indispensable help
* cypherphage for a post that provided code I needed
* Freedoom for the punching sprites
* wildweasel for DECORATE code I used for blood and spark effects
* HacX for the BioWeapon sprites
* Realm667 for Super Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Rifle, BFG9000, Soulsphere, and Megasphere replacement sprites
* Commander Keen/Commander Genius for health pickup sound
* Splatoon for sound effects
* Zombies! for the status bar face

Download v0.1.5!

Older versions:

Version 0.1.4!
Version 0.1.3!
Version 0.1.2
Version 0.1.1
Version 0.1
Last edited by Death Egg on Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:57 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by unRyker »

After playing this mod: "Hey look guys, this guy's got a gun that doesn't have to shoot bits of himself!"

Hilariously innovative mod! Minor bug report though: firing the chaingun doesn't take away 2 bullets- it fires in bursts of two.

I'll actually see if I can beat both Dooms with this.
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by Death Egg »

Good catch, I completely forgot about the chainguns little quirk. Rather than change the amount of ammo a shot takes I'll probably modify the behavior instead.
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by whateve »

I just played through half of doom2 with this, and while I love the concept (reminds me of satanic) it's feels too generous: with such a high cap of health the dual drain of taking and dealing hits isn't really felt. Plenty of times I was able to fearlessly use the rl in a close group. You might want to up the health drain of ammo, or lower the maximum HP, or maybe include a quake style health drain when over a cetain point, or some combination of any of those.

In minor bugs:
Chaingunners are dropping their chainguns, but everytime I run over them they stay (as well as many pickups just saying "You got a pickup" which I'm assuming is placeholder)
The Megasphere gives you 200 armor, but if you're over 200 health it does nothing to that value. I only mention as soul spheres will happily add 100 health to values over 200.

Again, I love the idea. You might want to add custom weapons or sprites in the future along the theme (bloodbags, hearts, et cetera)
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by Death Egg »

whateve wrote:I just played through half of doom2 with this, and while I love the concept (reminds me of satanic) it's feels too generous: with such a high cap of health the dual drain of taking and dealing hits isn't really felt. Plenty of times I was able to fearlessly use the rl in a close group. You might want to up the health drain of ammo, or lower the maximum HP, or maybe include a quake style health drain when over a cetain point, or some combination of any of those.
First off, thanks for trying it out! I'm glad you were able to get enough time in to test how it works in the long run.

I was wondering if I'd set the maximum health a bit too high. Right now it's the total of all health and backpack ammo combined plus a hundred. Your suggestion about the Quake mechanic sounds helpful though. I may also move the cap down to 1000 rather than 1500 and take it from there.

In minor bugs:
Chaingunners are dropping their chainguns, but everytime I run over them they stay (as well as many pickups just saying "You got a pickup" which I'm assuming is placeholder)
The Megasphere gives you 200 armor, but if you're over 200 health it does nothing to that value. I only mention as soul spheres will happily add 100 health to values over 200.
Thanks, I'll address these next build.
Again, I love the idea. You might want to add custom weapons or sprites in the future along the theme (bloodbags, hearts, et cetera)
That's actually a future plan of mine, right now I want basic mechanics to be balanced well enough first though.
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by Nevander »

Using health as ammo and replacing all ammo with health is brilliant. Surprised it hasn't been done yet to be honest.
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by InsanityBringer »

so uh does anyone else notice in the posted screenshot that the doomguy has two left hands

that's a bit worrying and it should probably be checked out
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by ZioMcCall »

InsanityBringer wrote:so uh does anyone else notice in the posted screenshot that the doomguy has two left hands

that's a bit worrying and it should probably be checked out
Maybe he have four arms :v
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by ZioMcCall »

There is a bug where if i hold the altfire on the shotgun and take a new weapon,like the chaingun,i can't no more use the shotgun or switch weapon.I saw that the weapons don't left the decal on the wall like in normal doom and try to adapt the punch sprites at the 16:9 screen ratio.
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by Death Egg »

InsanityBringer wrote:so uh does anyone else notice in the posted screenshot that the doomguy has two left hands

that's a bit worrying and it should probably be checked out
Yeah, I know about that. Right now I'm focused on getting the mod balanced and working before moving on to making new weapons and graphics to suit them.

@ZioMcCall That's not good, I'll see if I can't find the source of the issue when I get the chance.
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by Death Egg »


I've fixed the punching sprites to look correct on 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratio, as well as replaced the shotgun sprites with a HacX weapon I found to be suiting. Also, uh, in regards to the major bug and adding Quake degenerating health... as I've said before I'm not too good with DECORATE, does anyone have any idea what that bug could be and (Fixed the bug!) how I could have Quake degenerating health? Also, I've thought that if you get too low, you could regenerate health until you reach around 25 or so in case some maps aren't balanced enough for the mod.
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1

Post by Death Egg »

Download v0.1.1!

I figured it best to shove a release out quickly since such a game breaking bug was in the first one. Changes that I've made in this version are as follows:

Code: Select all


* Weapons no longer break if switching weapons while punching.
* Punching sprites have been fixed for larger aspect ratios.
* Megasphere gives correct health and armor.

* Maximum health cap has been downgraded from 1500 to 1000.
* Medikits give 20 health instead of 25.

* The shotgun has been replaced by the BioWeapon. (Working Title) It fires a small, faster imp ball currently. It'll be tweaked over time to be different.
* The order of weapons has been changed to the following:
	1: BioWeapon
	2: Super Shotgun
	3: Chaingun
	4: Rocket Launcher
	5: Plasma Rifle
	6: BFG9000
	7: Chainsaw
* Blood has been replaced with a new particle effect from one of wildweasels mods. (With permission. I asked him a while back for another mod that never surfaced)
* Sparks using the same particle effect have been added to certain things like explosions.

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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1.2

Post by Death Egg »

Bloodbag v0.1.2 is here!

Quite a few changes in this one. The chaingun has undergone an overhaul, as has the attack of the BioWeapon. The Super shotgun has new sprites too and attacks a bit faster for the moment. (It's temporary) The changes are listed below:

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* Berserk pack is replaced with Super Shotgun spawn so you can have it even in Doom 1 maps. May negatively affect balance so we'll see how it plays out.


* Chaingun has undergone a complete overhaul into a semi-automatic weapon.
* Super Shotgun has new sprites and fires faster temporarily.
* New pickup sound for health bonuses that needs to be louder.
* Health bonuses are now red.
* I'm sure there's other things I did that I've since forgotten.

A bug has also come to my attention in that if you're straferunning, no attack will damage you. No matter how far I set the radius of the explosion this still happened, and I can't set it too far or it will damage enemies too. Any advice?
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1.2

Post by Death Egg »

Oops! Almost forgot about this, huh? Well, I have another update with a new weapon added in, making it so 3/7 of the weapons are now replaced!

Download v0.1.3!

Code: Select all


* Fixed punching sprites to work properly with 16:9 aspect ratio.

* Added Plasma Rifle replacement! A gun that shoots five bullets in a Contra-esque spread, but uses 5 ammo per shot too! Uses sprites for the Repeater from Realm667.
* New soulsphere and megasphere sprites courtesy of Realm667.
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Re: [Early] Bloodbag v0.1.3 - 3/7 Weapons done!

Post by RaveYard »

http://www.mediafire.com/view/ul26e2tat ... 122501.png :lol:
Death Egg wrote:A bug has also come to my attention in that if you're straferunning, no attack will damage you. No matter how far I set the radius of the explosion this still happened, and I can't set it too far or it will damage enemies too. Any advice?
Use scripts to take player's health directly?

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