This mod, at the very beginning, was a submod for my dark tartarus maps (tartaru3.wad), it's some sort of custom content randomizer. since almost nobody like custom content in a 32 level replacement wad (it actually has 45 maps), so I removed the custom content completely and made a new version of my maps.
However, the randomize mod always lives, I add stuff and change things from time to time and it grow bigger and bigger, becomed 75MB mod. Because it was made based on the concept of AEOD and I am not sure how to name it, so I just call it "AEODLite".
This mod was released about a year ago on idgames, back then it wasn't very polished, later I spent a lot of extra hour working on it, and I think the current one is much better than that release.
My goal is to put all the best looking sprite, and some of my(other mod's) favorite weapon/monster concept in a single mod, to create a rougelike kind of game experience.
Some Screenshot (V1.2)
Some features highlight:
Randomized monsters healths.
There are 3 classes with their unique arsenal, over 40 selection of weapons, 150 different monsters.
Monsters behaves much more unperdicable: for example, they may decide to throw a lot of fireballs at the place you were last seen, or may wander around aimlessly, camping at a spot to ambush you, escape when their health gets low, or just "strike a missile", which means they fire their range weapon without aiming or anything...
A recoil and accuracy powerup system: weapons with high recoil are much harder to control when you are not stand still, your aim will also "swinging" when you are running and shake violently when you are hurt, However, you can conter those effect by collect accuracy powerup dropped by monsters. at 100% accuracy, all "screen shake" effect are eliminated.
If you feel headache about the camera swing effect, try not to run only when abosulutely necessary, or you can just type in the console "summon acc100", IDFA cheat also works, note that it takes a while for accuracy powerup to kick-in.
A sort of bullet sponge setting, many of the zombie and small monsters have this "bullet sponge" ability, simply put, they are somewhat more resilient to small weapons, but if you put enough bullet through them in a short time, they'll explode.
Very messy gore combined of other's work
Most weapon have altfire attack, try it. also make sure you bind the default zdoom reload key... to reload.
A alternative gamemode that include interesting monsters only (though not necessary powerful) , the game also feels more survival-horrorish.
Upgradable Weapons! (New in 1.2)
Max.Health Regen Bonus: Collect these powerup to increase the limit which your health can naturally regenerate. (New in 1.2)
Use Upgrade Crate on your standard issue weapon to get a set of items (New in 1.3)
DOWNLOAD Link (1.3)
http://www.mediafire.com/download/41wpj ... LITE13.rar
Credits comming soon.
I Remove DD_Flashlight and FootSteps mod from the main files, In case future updates of these mod, However it's recommanded to play with those mods, You should get them here:
http://www.moddb.com/games/doom/addons/dark-doom ( for the beam flashlight )
http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f= ... t=footstep
You probably need that latest GZDoom to run this, get it here
If you have a slow computer, type in the console "sv_aeodlitefx 0" to disable some of the laggy effects.
ChangeLog V1.30
+ Fixed "Corrupt zlib stream" with the newer version engine. ( You get this error when you have more than 9000 files in the same folder in your archive, seriously )
+ Map07 Specials are now working properly under all game mode. please load the hotfix after the main files
+ Monster classes are back, and enchanced.
+ Added some new weapons and monsters.
+ Balance adjustment.
Problems/ Thing will get fixed in the future:
Coop/Deathmatch is untested, also I believe balance in deathmatch is nonexistent.
The Pain Elemental and Bosses roster is pretty boring and lack of variety.
Monsters many get stucked due to acceleration used in movement.
There are still a lot things that are directly stolen from other's work, I am not even sure that I even have permission to use them

The files in the PK3 package is a total freaking mess.