But, here are some ground rules:
1. It can't be just an orange and black recolor.
2. The more horns, the better.
3. Make sure it's on fire. Or part of it is, anyway.
4. An exception can be made to these rules if the sprite in question happens to be a weapon.
5. For any weapons, if any hands are shown, the skin has to be orange and the gloves have to be black.
I've based most attacks and fire based on the standard Bruiser Ball, the normal attack from the Bruiser Demon.
Pistol: Fires a smaller Bruiser Ball that does a quarter of damage, but travels twice as fast.
Shotgun: Fires four Bruiser Ball variants that do half-damage, but travel at the normal speed.
SSG: Fires ten shotgun Bruiser Ball variants.
Chaingun: Fires pistol Bruiser Ball variants in rapid succession, like the original chaingun.
Rocket Launcher: Fires a larger Bruiser Ball variant that travels at half the speed, but does double explosive damage, and it will let out a radius of small ground flames that move away from the explosion.
Plasma Rifle: It will basically act like a flamethrower, firing the standard Bruiser Ball.
BFG: This will fire a giant Bruiser Ball that does 8x the explosive damage, as well as create a radius of the Bruiser Ball variants the rocket launcher will use. It will be a very good idea to take cover after firing this, as you can kill yourself more easily.
Monsters will have double to triple their normal health, depending on what monster they replace. I am considering using a randomizer for some of the monster replacements, due to the varieties of the same Bruiser monster.
Also, zombies will now be smarter, acting the ZSpecOps from the Realm667 repository.
Zombie Bruiser (Zombieman): Uses the pistol attack, but in rapid succession.
Shotgun Bruiser (Shotgun Guy): Uses the shotgun attack.
Chaingun Bruiser (Chaingun Guy): Uses the chaingun attack.
Bruiser Imp (Imp): Normal attack with the Bruiser Ball, and will sometimes spew fire.
Pinky Bruiser (Pinky): Lets out a succession of 5 smaller Bruiser Balls, and/or one large Bruiser Ball, as well as the standard melee attack.
Bruising Soul (Lost Soul): Inflicts melee damage, whether it is attacking or not, and the melee doubles it.
Cacobruiser (Cacodemon): Spews fire, as well as fire explosive Bruiser Balls in succession.
Spider Bruiser (Arachnotron): Uses the same attack as the Plasma Rifle replacement. Note: Eriance's Araknight would do nicely as a base.
Bruiserbus (Mancubus): Fires the usual volley of fireballs, but these happen to be explosive Bruiser Balls, as well as fire 24 shotgun-type Bruiser Balls. Note: Eriance's Corpulent would work as a base.
Bruiservile (Arch-Vile): Very much like the Diabloist, but will also create a wall of flame to defend itself, as well as create a radius of flame when it dies.
Mega-Bruiser (Cyberdemon): Similar to the Thamuz, as well as using its standard missile attack, but with the BFG-type Bruiser Balls.
Mega-Spider Bruiser (Spider Mastermind): Uses its standard attack, but the hitscan bullets are replaced with rapidly moving Bruiser Balls.
Spoiler: Screenshots: Pre-version 1By the way, if anyone can contact the original authors of the sprites in the old post to be finished, that would be appreciated.
Spoiler: Old post