About libZDGUI.
libZDGUI is a graphical user interface (GUI) widget toolkit for use in mods for ZDoom-based games. It provides an extensible event-driven framework and a set of default widgets like buttons, windows, listboxes etc.
- Generic widget framework which could run any kind of widget combinations.
- Easy creation of new widgets.
- Mouse control (supports dragging)
- Easy addition of new fonts and cursors.
- Graphics system which uses clipping rectangles to draw overlapping widgets of any complexity, including support for scaled images.
- Widget focusing system which is able to set a modal focus for widgets.
- Utility module with C++ STL-like vectors, lists, queues and strings.
Default widgets:
- Window (basic resizable and draggable window)
- Button (generic image button)
- Label (with word wrapping)
- Container (could include any kind of other widgets, including other containers)
- Scrolling box (provides scroll bars to display content not fit on screen)
- List box (containing string values)
- Checkbox
- Radiobutton (grouped in containers)
- Slider (horizontal and vertical)
- Image (any image)
Additional information and how-to is in README.md file
GitHub: https://github.com/Mistranger/libzdgui
Old post about tech demo: