Anyone else hate death match?

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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by BFG »

I prefer single player but do enjoy a DM once in a while, but not like the people who get competitive with Doom and make their clans and play competitively on ZDaemon all the time. I hate INVASION mode the most because you have unlimited lives and there's really no challenge other than getting the most kills, but your score is only on screen for about 2 seconds, it's really a time waster.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by scalliano »

I actually prefer FFA, especially in games like Q3A (usually play on random custom maps with bots anyway), although class-based team games in Generations Arena are always fun.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Naniyue »

More people who don't prefer DM than I thought. Nice to know, and glad that's the case.

It's not just skill level matching for me. The fruit of my DM labor just seems rather small and tart.
I get juicier satisfaction from completing a level in Quake II than fragging five other guys to death in Quake III. I guess I just like my opponents to stay dead, and actually going from point A to point B, instead of constantly shooting the same guy while running around in circles.

Truth be told, I've never even played DM in DooM! I did, however, enjoy co-oping both DooM and DooM II with a college friend late into the night in the comp sci room. Now THAT was fun! Trying to hold out with little ammo while my buddy came running from the other side of the map! And remember, this was before mouselook. Actually, once I started using (G)ZDooM, there was no going back! It's kind of like growing up with a cassette player, then feasting heavily on the wonders of mp3. There's a certain appreciation and gratitude that comes from living through one tech level into another, better one.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by BFG »

I see why you dislike it, but I think the reasons people enjoy it is because it's playing a video game where the enemies/targets have an intelligent thinking brain and aren't just mindless characters programmed into the game and that's it's biggest appeal, but there is other types of competition rather than just running around in a small map fragging the same people over and over, there is many other modes, especially in Skulltag with the Capture the Flag, All out War etc
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Naniyue »

Yeah, I guess hate is too strong a word . . . this time. I'll have to agree about going toe to toe with living intelligence, but I'd rather do it in Domination or Assault. And the latter does have a feel of progression, with the bonus of thinking brains.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Jeimuzu73 »

I find the more objective-oriented modes such as CTF to be more interesting since teamwork is much more important and players have to work together. In deathmatch, you just run around and kill noobs.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Reactor »

I do have a distaste for death-match (albeit I don't hate it or such), I prefer playing the story and the campaign thru, because well, a good game story always fascinates me, and to be honest, it features great many things, which a simple death-match could not. In some games - specially Quake 3 Arena - I love death-match, but when a game has a campaign or story mode, I always play that one.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

my only experience with deathmatch has been a few quick rounds in Quake Live back when it didn't get fucked up, so i have no strong feelings on the subject. then again, i was never much of a multiplayer guy to begin with.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Zanieon »

On pure deathmatch i don't like it, because i really see no reason or fun in killing everyone you see until hit the pointlimit, however a Team Deathmatch already motivates me more to try, i prefer stay more on team based games than just randomly pick a server and start slaughtering everyone in my view, lately i'm only playing CTF on Quake 3, as well CTF/VCTF/Warfare on Unreal Tournament 3 and 4 (with bots or friends), and on Doom i prefer stay on Cooperative/ZandroInvasion i'm not good at CTF tho.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Armaetus »

I prefer playing cooperative over deathmatch. Team deathmatch, maybe but preferably not FFA.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by NeuralStunner »

Glaice wrote:I prefer playing cooperative over deathmatch. Team deathmatch, maybe but preferably not FFA.
Same here. I'll only play FFA against maybe three others at most. Too many and it gets chaotic.

TDM is a lot of fun. It still contains elements of competition among teammates, trying to get the best score in addition to the team win. I also enjoy CTF a lot. Haven't had many chances to play it with non-bots though, since I'm more interested in friendly play than the "competitive scene".
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Clownman »

I prefer deathmatch over any LMS style of game IMO.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Ethril »

BFG wrote:I hate INVASION mode the most because you have unlimited lives and there's really no challenge other than getting the most kills, but your score is only on screen for about 2 seconds, it's really a time waster.
Survival Invasion is a thing that exists (and is a lot of fun!). It just doesn't get played very often.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by Matt »

I play FFA specifically for the chaos.
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Re: Anyone else hate death match?

Post by DoomRater »

I find it interesting that the only game mode that ISN'T in Splatoon is deathmatch. 1v1 is actually a pointmatch although splats do matter there too, taking points off the splatted instead of gaining points. I'd love to just do a straight up battle against someone in that game.

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