[Release] The Trailblazer - 1.5e

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[Release] The Trailblazer - 1.5e

Post by PillowBlaster »


Sups from the Trailblazer!
If you've read the previous topic, you know what the general idea of TB is already. If you haven't, you can check it out here. In a nutshell, it's about shooting-smoking-reloading-blazing fast with enough time to pick up milk from the grocer. And maybe some hot babes along the way. (Disclaimer: contains no milk or hot babes.)

You take the role of Malcolm Striker - a former member of Earth's special forces that main job was to obviously save the Earth on daily basis. A loner and a mercenary now, who's only purpose is to find and finish off his dreaded nemesis - Vladimir Vladimir, a one-man factory of lust for world domination. His shadowy presence is ever pervasive, and despite all of these ugly things getting in your way and giving you a reason to expend shotgun shells in some as ugly faces, such as invasion from outer dimension, caused by accident thanks to UAC, for which sure as 'Hell' V.V. is responsible for - perhaps one day you will finally face him upon the field of battle to avenge his lost love and the tragic refrigerator accident. Where that damned villain could be now, anyway?

To sum up - an epicly lame tale of an 80s action movie hero, with even more explosions and speed than your body has room for. Everything hand-crafted by DoomNukem and yours truly, with some extra help from KeksDose and Zhs2, for you all! Awesome, right?!

Download riiiight here.

Remember to bind yourself the keys accordingly to your taste in "Mod Controls", as this mod makes use of a bunch of extra buttons. Also check out the "Blaze-it Stuff" if you wanna tailor the mod's settings to your taste.


The Crew in semi-detail:

PillowBlaster (Project lead who had put this whole thing together, involved in too much stuff within to really go over it all, just look into zs files or ask me for info if you'll wanna snag something for yourself and give more accurate credit~)
DoomNukem (The man, myth and legend, the one who conceived Trailblazer in the first place and provided most of the swag graphics in it.)
Zhs2 (Right hand of the project lead, revolver afficionado, made most of the complex stuff here such as Blazer's movement tweaks, smoking scripts (yes, that's a thing), keysharing and more, among countless small tweaks and advice dispensing for many headache-inducing problems.)
KeksDose (Not his type of mod but he lended his hand in making the dashing script, probably his most popular to be snagged-script by far and long, lmao~)
Cardboard Marty (Lent his excellent voice-acting talent for the mod's protagonist!)

Social media stuff if you wanna follow folks who actively work on this mod!

Pillowblaster: Twitter Tumblr (not gonna include youtube cuz it's down there with videos, lol)
Zhs2: N/A
DoomNukem: N/A
Cardboard Marty: Twitter Youtube
KeksDose: Twitter Youtube

Spoiler: List of mod's items, guns and other thingamajibs.
Aka what it has to offer.

"I'm a Trailblazer, baby!"
If you think that you may stop, or at least postpone your inevitable death by damaging him as much as you can, Malcolm is a horrible exception. The more hurt he gets, the faster he can put that punch in your sorry face!

"Give a man some bullets - I've already got guns!"
Vast variety of powerful and over-the-top weapons that will keep your enemies at their toes, ranging from revolvers, through sawed offs and automatic grenade launchers, to end on giant-ass rifles and a goddamn minigun. All in the name of unrestrained, blastalicious fun!

"Some people call it junk. I call it bullets."
The mod possesses an upgrade system! Occasionally instead of ammo, you might encounter junk items which add to your junk counter. You have two items by default which lets you mess around with the spoils. Tinker's toolbelt lets you pour the junk into weapon until you fill up its upgrade quota. Once filled to the brim, magic happens! The other item lets you craft the ammo for the currently selected weapon. If you already got all the upgrade values in your head and warning text annoys you, you can activate skipping in blaze-it stuff menu. You can also find blueprints, which further improve your death-dealing capabilities.

"Double your gun - double your fun!"
For being a person who doesn't have time to bleed or reload, Striker sports a special mechanism attached to his belt that helps him with all the tediousness of the single-handed weapon reloading. Magnetic clip holders, ahoy!

"My gun is accurate, and so am I."
Since I never actually liked immense spread, and wanted to hit some goddamn arsehole across the room, all of the Blazer's weapons are really accurate.

"Up, up and away!"
Not only being extremely agile, for being a typical action hero, Malcolm also bends the laws of real world. He has the ability to get an extra dash in midair! (Double-tap direction key to achieve that effect, also works like standard dash on ground.) Moreover, he can use a jetpack which further increases his mobility. (Hold jump to fly, release and hold again to enter hover mode.)

"Vladimir - I'll find you, wherever you hide your sorry, evil ass!"
This thing supports more than just Doom. Want to give those foul beasts in Heretic or Hexen a taste of lead? Go freaking head! (Forget about Strife, though - it's too much for me.)

"Explosions are your friend!"
For being a master exploder, this guy can be barely scratched by the carnage he causes, making barrels he explodes, and grenades he launches quite harmless, compared to what they should actually do with him.

"Smokin'! Smokin'! We're cookin' tonight, just keep on tokin'!"
Malcolm's bread and butter is blazing - by all means. If he scores a hundred worth of nicotine points, a random powerup boost from a pool of three available is bestowed upon him, and the nicotine pool gets a reset. Other than cigs, Blazingspheres/Cigspheres and box of cubans gives him a hefty boost of nicotine points.


Why the explosions look so freaking ugly/broken while I play it?
Mod's dedicated for GL mode. Use it instead of software.

Why it doesn't want to launch?!
Update your gzdoom, get official builds here or beta builds here.

Will you make it work with brutal doo~
No, I won't make it work with brutal doom.

Can I use X/Y/Z thing from the mod?
Since there was a little change in usage policy - feel free to use anything you want, as long as you'll provide the credit.

Anything regarding Moonspeak directory, refer to _readme_authors_reuse.txt file.
Last edited by PillowBlaster on Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:41 pm, edited 45 times in total.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

Holy piss I almost forgot this existed. Excellent work, totally worth the wait. Wait's wrong with using it in ZDoom? Works for me.

Also, non Shadow Warrior Uzis yay!

EDIT: I can't see the ammo pool for the double revolvers.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Gifty »

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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Zanieon »

Dat chaingun in the ending...
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Somagu »

To everyone that worked on this... I love all of you so much.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Silentdarkness12 »

You've done it again, PillowBlaster. All my days are now spent on this mod.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Mav3rick »

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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Somagu »

TheMightyHeracross wrote:EDIT: I can't see the ammo pool for the double revolvers.
They're a Seriously badass pair of revolvers. There is no ammo pool. (infinite ammo)
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Yholl »

Ah, this is glorious, I'm loving it so far, especially the Uzis, dat firing sound. All the weapons feel and sound great.
I have noticed though, that loading shells into the Chrome Justice shotgun takes 3 shells to add one shot to it. Not sure if it's secretly a triple shot death shotgun or a bug.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Gothic »

Hell yes!! And I'm posting this before even play the game, but I know it's gonna be awesome!
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by RastaManGames »

Dear PillowBlaster, can you make, pleeease compatibility patch for Brutal Doom V.19?
I hope you can. :3
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Carbine Dioxide »

The game play is good enough to be a TC!
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by wildweasel »

RastaManGames wrote:Dear PillowBlaster, can you make, pleeease compatibility patch for Brutal Doom V.19?
I hope you can. :3
Really hope you're joking here. It's in the FAQ.
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Re: [Release] The Trailblazer

Post by Carbine Dioxide »

Just use Brutal Doom Lite if you want to play this with Brutal Doom so much.

I found some anti aliasing issues on the weapons that could use some fixin.

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