@Onslaught Six: It only took me about 30 seconds to do the code for the random melee attack

. I'll increase the delays for the Mancubus' death, too. The mancubus sprites (and the imp sprites, for that matter), are from the Doom 2.5 mod for Edge that was never finished, and have been used here and there. The Doom 2 weapons are more powerful (and faster, I think) than the ones in Doom 3 and the player's much faster, too, so that's why the mancubus is weaker.
About the imp sprites, I can't do better than what I have, I don't have anything better and nobody's offered to do better. I like the new imp as well as the old imp, but personal preference notwithstanding, I certainly won't redesign the look Doom 3 imp for this mod. If you can do better than what I have, I'd be happy for the help, but if you're capable, I think there are some bigger fish to fry, like the pinky, lost soul or forgotten one. The sprites fit the model pretty well, too:

Machinegun and Shotgun variants of the ZSec are done. They use the AI from the ZSec on the R667 Beastiary (No credit given, since I'm the one who coded it

) since the real map-independant AI (Stand and shoot, maybe take a step to the side or crouch) is quite bland and WAY too easy to kill in Doom 2, but since they don't seem done to me, I'm marking them as 99% done. Next is the pistol variant. I just flipped and copy/flipped the sprites for a second melee attack for the imp. It looks fine from the front, but since the rotations are mirrored, it'll look like a useless amount of work if you're viewing it from different angles (especially 2, 3 and 4 :/).
I just took a look at the .script and .def files for the Archvile (they left them in the demo! XD), and it apparantly has at least two attacks (counting the floorhugger), and for some reason it has code for resurrecting monsters...? Anyone willing to sit in front of an archvile on God mode for a while waiting for it's rarer attack, which is described on the Doom wiki as similar to the original's attack? I just hope it isn't map-scripted.