Walpurgis 0.99 (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!!!]

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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by Irrevenant »

Something weird I've noticed about the taunts though, as I'm testing Strange Aeons; they don't play at all even at 50%. Are they only set to play when fighting the usual monsters?

The patch totally works, also. I don't think there's significant sprite overlap, and in the one place I think I saw, it ends up looking super cool and fitting so I'm not gonna do anything about it. Though, I might need to copy over the skill levels in MAPINFO and turn the aggressiveness down some because the Men of Leng are absolute menaces with their shotguns at long range. They are manhandling Parias at the first map of episode 4. I'm also not sure if I should have them still drop their shotguns. If I do, they'll drop Combined Mana a lot of the time, and that seems like a lot. But, then you have to go without a second weapon for a short while in the beginning of a few of these episodes. Either way I think I need to lower aggression a bit, but a lot less if they still drop weapons.

I just noticed this. The Spear's upgraded altfire isn't holding the two spears I summon until I release, or rather, it is, but it's also continually summoning more pairs as I hold it, even after my mana runs out.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by eharper256 »

Irrevenant wrote: Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:20 am Something weird I've noticed about the taunts though, as I'm testing Strange Aeons; they don't play at all even at 50%. Are they only set to play when fighting the usual monsters?

The patch totally works, also. I don't think there's significant sprite overlap, and in the one place I think I saw, it ends up looking super cool and fitting so I'm not gonna do anything about it. Though, I might need to copy over the skill levels in MAPINFO and turn the aggressiveness down some because the Men of Leng are absolute menaces with their shotguns at long range. They are manhandling Parias at the first map of episode 4. I'm also not sure if I should have them still drop their shotguns. If I do, they'll drop Combined Mana a lot of the time, and that seems like a lot. But, then you have to go without a second weapon for a short while in the beginning of a few of these episodes. Either way I think I need to lower aggression a bit, but a lot less if they still drop weapons.

I just noticed this. The Spear's upgraded altfire isn't holding the two spears I summon until I release, or rather, it is, but it's also continually summoning more pairs as I hold it, even after my mana runs out.
Ah, the taunt system has to be told a monster has died to work, so you'll have to add:

Code: Select all

to the monsters on their Death state(s).

Generally there shouldn't be sprite overlap often these days with walp since about 70-80% of the sprites use l33t in their names deliberately (lol), so it's interesting you did manage to find one. :)

For zombie drops, use:

Code: Select all

DropItem "BlueWeaponZombie"
This will ensure a special spawner is created that checks if the player has a weapon already, and if not, spawns a weapon, but if the player is already armed then 5 mana spawns instead.

I haven't actually played Strange Aoens, but if hitscans are used you will generally find Walp characters struggle. Again, for this, you can copy the built in shotgun blasts I've already made for sergeants with the following anonymous function added on the firing frame:

Code: Select all

{While (CountInv("Mana2")<5)
			A_SpawnProjectile("Zombie12Gauge",random(31,33),random(-1,1),random(-6, 6),CMF_AIMOFFSET|CMF_AIMDIRECTION,random(11,-11));
Obviously omit the Startsound if there is already a custom sound you want to keep. You can see all of these things in the monstersdoom.txt if you peer through it (you can search sergeant too in SLADE, each monster has a header).

Finally, good catch on the spear bug. It's skipping its check phase for the upgraded summon (annoying!). :x I'll get that fixed.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by Irrevenant »

Alright, that's all done and it seems to work fine now. Though I also needed to add

Code: Select all

A_KillMaster("None", KILS_FOILINVUL);}
There were actually two. SSFX, and I'm not exactly sure about the other. It's a flame attack from a boss creature, but I don't think I've ever actually seen any fire sprites any of the times I've played it, it's just lights on the ground. But when played with Walpurgis, I think it's using the flames from Firestorm and it looks awesome.

There are two others, a Rapid Fire Trooper with an assault rifle, and the Leng Chieftain who uses two sawnoffs. But, I'd be more comfortable doing it my way, if that's alright. I've played SA with other mods that had aggression modifiers in their skill levels and it makes a lot of these enemies a pain in those too. I actually had the shotgunners only dropping SpawnerAmmo2 before, so I had to make do with the mace. It's definitely more manageable now with just slightly decreased aggression and access to weapons. As of now I set it to 0.1 on baby, 0.2 on easy, 0.3 on normal, 0.4 on hard, and 0.5 on nightmare. And with that, I think it's about done.

Oh, and another error I caught, the Mystic Urn hotkey isn't working because it's not telling it to use MysticW.

Edit: On the other hand, I tried it. I think I did it right?

Code: Select all

Rapid Fire Trooper
      RFTR E 10 A_FaceTarget 
      RFTR F 5 Bright {A_SpawnProjectile("ZombieBullitz",32,3,random(-9, 9));}
      RFTR E 5 A_CPosRefire 
      Goto Missile+1

Man of Leng
    DEHU E 4 A_FaceTarget
    DEHU F 4 bright {While (CountInv("Mana2")<5)
				A_SpawnProjectile("Zombie12Gauge",random(31,33),random(-1,1),random(-6, 6),CMF_AIMOFFSET|CMF_AIMDIRECTION,random(11,-11));
    DEHU E 8

Leng Chieftain
    UNDP E 10 A_FaceTarget
    UNDP F 0 bright {While (CountInv("Mana2")<5)
				A_SpawnProjectile("Zombie12Gauge",random(31,33),random(-1,1),random(-6, 6),CMF_AIMOFFSET|CMF_AIMDIRECTION,random(11,-11));
    UNDP F 5 bright A_PlaySoundEx ("UndeadPriest/Shoot","SoundSlot6")
    UNDP E 2 A_SentinelRefire
    UNDP E 10 A_FaceTarget
    UNDP F 0 bright {While (CountInv("Mana2")<5)
				A_SpawnProjectile("Zombie12Gauge",random(31,33),random(-1,1),random(-6, 6),CMF_AIMOFFSET|CMF_AIMDIRECTION,random(11,-11));
    UNDP F 5 bright A_PlaySoundEx ("UndeadPriest/Shoot2","SoundSlot7")
    UNDP E 10
I'll have to fiddle with them some more later, the RFTrooper and ManofLeng don't play their own firing sounds even though I took the others out.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by eharper256 »

Irrevenant wrote: Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:56 pm Alright, that's all done and it seems to work fine now. Though I also needed to add

Code: Select all

A_KillMaster("None", KILS_FOILINVUL);}
There were actually two. SSFX, and I'm not exactly sure about the other. It's a flame attack from a boss creature, but I don't think I've ever actually seen any fire sprites any of the times I've played it, it's just lights on the ground. But when played with Walpurgis, I think it's using the flames from Firestorm and it looks awesome.
Hm, A_Killmaster should only be required if you're building in Dimensional Instability support (its for that, since in DI mode, some of the spawners handle things like Tag666 triggering); but oh well, if that works, go for it. CFFX, FX06 and FFX5 are Firestorms main spritesets, so I expect its one of those.
Irrevenant wrote: Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:56 pmOh, and another error I caught, the Mystic Urn hotkey isn't working because it's not telling it to use MysticW.[/code]
That one's already been fixed, was pointed out on the discord a month or so back. Thanks though.
Irrevenant wrote: Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:56 pmEdit: On the other hand, I tried it. I think I did it right?
I'll have to fiddle with them some more later, the RFTrooper and ManofLeng don't play their own firing sounds even though I took the others out.
Yes, you've done it all fine.

I finally looked at Strange Aeons myself in SLADE and had an internal screaming moment at the organisation of the DECORATE. After I calmed down from that I checked those files: they use the default monster attacks which automatically attach the default shotgun noise (which is DSSHOTGN, and which is replaced in Walp by a HQ version of the original Doom one, which is used if you choose to keep vanilla monsters rather than using the monster replacers logic). You'll need to change the filename of the Aeons version of the sound to something else, include it in your patch, add a SNDINFO and alias the sound to a different namespace.

i.e. lets say we re-name it AEONSHOT (yes, it should be 8 characters). Your SNDINFO will just have a line like:

Code: Select all

LengGuysShotgun    AEONSHOT
Then either modify the attacksound field or add an A_Startsound to the same frame you fire the projectile. Either way, you'll want to invoke "LengGuysShotgun" (with quotes if used with Startsound, and without if not).
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by Irrevenant »

Ahh, it wouldn't load up the game when I just added the first part, so I went in to Walp and copied that part over too. Maybe it was just that I was missing a bracket, heh. I'll have to check that.

Oh! I thought I noticed their shot sounding different. With that, I think it's pretty much done, thank you. I'm doing a check on Berserks on the wiki since there might be a shortage of weapon upgrades in some episodes. I might give some enemies a chance to drop them.

Edit: Actually yeah, I'm totally going to. There's definitely a dearth of them in episode 4 and 5.

Edit 2: I'm also going through and checking weapon drops to see if you'll be able to make the ultimate weapon in each episode. It's looking like you can, but you need to find secrets and the secret maps to do it in most of them. You won't be able to at all in episode 4 and 5, so I gave a boss monster(a giant worm) you'll fight a few times a chance to drop parts.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by eharper256 »

Irrevenant wrote: Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:25 am Ahh, it wouldn't load up the game when I just added the first part, so I went in to Walp and copied that part over too. Maybe it was just that I was missing a bracket, heh. I'll have to check that.
Heh, it's not proper coding until you have felt the wrath of the missing semi-colon or bracket multiple times. :lol:

Feel free to post the result when you're happy with balancing, and I'll pop it on the front post. Making random patches is a good experience for learning how modding works, so good job. :)
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by Irrevenant »

It also did not help that I was massively sleep-deprived yesterday. In my haze I thought "let's just copy over the thing I know works" even though I'm almost positive now I saw GZDoom telling me it didn't detect it.

Thank you. I've made a few mostly for my own use, but this one was definitely one of the more involved ones. And I should probably say I based this patch off of the one TerminusEst13 made for High Noon Drifter, so most of the item replacements were there. I just ran into a weird issue though. I decided to try playing a bit of episode 5's first level with Baratus, and found that if you're playing as anyone but Illitheya, nothing spawns. No enemies or even things like lightposts.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by eharper256 »

Irrevenant wrote: Wed Sep 21, 2022 5:02 pmThank you. I've made a few mostly for my own use, but this one was definitely one of the more involved ones. And I should probably say I based this patch off of the one TerminusEst13 made for High Noon Drifter, so most of the item replacements were there. I just ran into a weird issue though. I decided to try playing a bit of episode 5's first level with Baratus, and found that if you're playing as anyone but Illitheya, nothing spawns. No enemies or even things like lightposts.
Oh no, that's a doozy, that's a case of what I call the "anticlass" bug, and its caused by the map author being too diligent for their own good. :shock:

I went to check if it was what I thought it was, and it is. :(

When this weirdness happens, it happens as you say, a level without things spawning. You can see that this doesn't happen in say, E1M1, but does in E5M1, right?

Well, you can see yourself if you extract both of these maps from the pk3 and check them in Ultimate Doom Builder, pop it on things mode, and randomly right click any item or thing on the level like a light or a shotgun, and you'll see a difference in the flags.

Normally, when you make a thing in a map builder program, it will automatically flag it for all skill levels and all classes. When you want to tune, say, monster and weapon spawns, you'll want to change some of those flags for different skills obviously. Some authors will do this and then go 'wtf are these class settings?' and just disable them all. :x

This has no effect on basic Doom, of course, as there are no classes, and Doomguy is Class 0. They think its fine, and they have done nothing wrong. But then if you use a mod with classes, bang, its wrecked. Illitheya is technically class 0 in Walp, so she doesn't get affected, but the others are 1/2/3, so they are.

As for how to fix that, well, the only way I know of is re-compiling the offending maps with the flags re-enabled for every single item and including them in the patch. :shock:
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by Irrevenant »

That's a big oof because I have no idea how to do that stuff, I've never used the map makers. So that's every Thing that would have to be changed and there's 300+ on the second map of episode 5 alone and hoo boy is that way more than I wanted to do for this. I hope you understand but uhh, I think I'll just have to call it here. It's sort of funny how I mainly made the patch because I wanted to play the Druid on it and she ended up being the only class that can play everything.

Apologies for the silly name.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/840uswcn ... s.pk3/file

-Secret freebie: From episode 2 on, check the room you start in before going through the doorway.
-If you do happen to be playing the Druid, and you have GZDoom's enhanced night vision turned on, and the option to let it see stealth monsters set to "Any fixed colormap", AND the Druid's Warg form set to either Sepia or Monochromatic vision, you can see invisible creatures. Not super essential, but neat.
-Freezing the skeletons that start showing up in episode 3 will let you kill them permanently.
-Killing a boss monster with ice might prevent progress. I was fighting the episode 3 bosses with Daedolon for giggles and a door didn't open that was supposed to.
-The normal-ish Revenants are your friends.
-Watch out for the spiders. They are very big and very mean.
Last edited by Irrevenant on Thu Sep 22, 2022 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by eharper256 »

Hm, there may be one other method; though I'm not sure if it would work; and that would be opening each Map's WAD in SLADE individually, opening the textmap data, and using a find and replace to find each thing that hasn't got class data and add it in, so that you would end up with this, for example:

Code: Select all

thing // 0
x = 144.000;
y = 272.000;
angle = 90;
type = 1;
skill1 = true;
skill2 = true;
skill3 = true;
skill4 = true;
skill5 = true;
skill6 = true;
skill7 = true;
skill8 = true;
single = true;
coop = true;
dm = true;
class1 = true;
class2 = true;
class3 = true;
class4 = true;
class5 = true;
Still a huge faff, but might be more tolerable. Up to you, though. Even if you don't it was a valiant effort; unfortunately you managed to pick two things with alot of whirling parts in different ways to try to jam together. :)
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by Irrevenant »

Hmmm. That doesn't sound or look too bad now that I'm seeing it in SLADE. Maybe I'll poke at it for a bit. We'll consider that one version 1 then.

Edit: Oh god I spoke too soon, it's so tedious. I'll do it though. It'll take a bit but I'll do it. The first map of episode 5 is already done and that was 130+ Things.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by eharper256 »

Irrevenant wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:34 am Hmmm. That doesn't sound or look too bad now that I'm seeing it in SLADE. Maybe I'll poke at it for a bit. We'll consider that one version 1 then.

Edit: Oh god I spoke too soon, it's so tedious. I'll do it though. It'll take a bit but I'll do it. The first map of episode 5 is already done and that was 130+ Things.
For every entertaining playtest, there are 20 times you need to do tedious tasks. This is also programming in a nutshell. :)
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by Irrevenant »

eharper256 wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:59 am For every entertaining playtest, there are 20 times you need to do tedious tasks. This is also programming in a nutshell. :)
Ah, so it is. Well, that's all done now. I actually didn't need to do anything for a few maps but I still needed to go through and check everything.

I updated the link. Everyone can do episode 5 now.
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by eharper256 »

Irrevenant wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 1:14 pm
eharper256 wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:59 am For every entertaining playtest, there are 20 times you need to do tedious tasks. This is also programming in a nutshell. :)
Ah, so it is. Well, that's all done now. I actually didn't need to do anything for a few maps but I still needed to go through and check everything.

I updated the link. Everyone can do episode 5 now.
Added it to the first post. :)
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Re: Walpurgis 0.96A (For Doom/Heretic/Hexen)

Post by eharper256 »

Massive thanks to everyone for 200000 views, 1000 replies, and 69 pages (nice). :)

Milestone city is here (lol). Seriously though, I appreciate everyone's views, downloads, discussions and patches. Walpurgis wouldn't be here today without everyone else enjoying it!

I'm also tentatively declaring that 0.97 should be released at some point in October. Not pinning down a precise date yet, though. Of course, I'll carry on throwing out preview videos as I become happy with stuff being done, so stay tuned. And for those who are of the type to hold off until a 1.0 release, keep in mind that 1.0 in my mind is a very, very feature complete version that I should not have to alter further.

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