Alright I've made some personal changes, some in addition and some mixed with twelvenipon's variant.
My additions:
-Added ability to reload when clip not completely empty. (Same as patch above)
-Added weapon recoil effects (Same as patch above)
-Explosions gore effects remains on the ground without disappearing
-Improved hud clip-load and throw-power bars (I used both bar versions and depending on wich screensize using)
-Changed mighty foot sound (borrowed from BD)
Mixed features (compared to original v10b and taken from twelvenipon):
-Some Aliens do less damage (indeed before some pigcops and troopers were too OP)
-Balanced pickups around vanilla maps
-Pigcop Sheriff upon death can mutate into Hog Boss.
-Protozoid Slimers and Eggs release a toxic gas upon death.
-Slightly balanced dropped items. added just a few healh pickups here and there (twelvenipon's version had too much imho)
-After pickup some health cans life is starting to regenerate, (wanted to set green screen effect instead of red but color values won't respond)
- and probably others who I didn't even noticed when testing, I'll update the post in case
I've disabled the automatic holoduke and steroids, I would like that once picked up 20 steroids segments it will give manual usable steroids in inventory instead, shouldn't be too difficult, however I'll have a look.
This is not such a big work but for me actually the game plays better, I liked some features added from twelvenipon but I missed others from Mr.Ramon.
Hope it's gonna be appreciated as one of my first works here, Love GZDOOM <3
(Oh, I hope I have permission to give it a version subnumber)