Graf Zahl wrote:So far every time I had problems with submodules, "git submodule update" solved them
That seems to have worked. That gave me
Submodule path 'wadsrc_widescreen/static': checked out '9a7f5b066115d2e2d98b21e3a31021f5ca24eb47'
and wadsrc_widescreen/static now has stuff in it. Oddly, the first time I ran make afterward, I got a build error:
Could not read central directory from /home/kitty/projects/gzdoom/build/game_widescreen_gfx.pk3. (Is it a zipfile?)
Will proceed as if -u had not been specified.
Updating filter/chex.chex3/graphics/titlepic.png 1.7% [ 39527/ 40197] Deflate
Updating filter/chex/graphics/credit.png 1.9% [ 28514/ 29057] Deflate
Updating 33.4% [ 227/ 341] Deflate
Updating mapinfo.lmp 0.0% [ 39/ 39] Stored
/home/kitty/projects/gzdoom/build/game_widescreen_gfx.pk3 contains 60 files (updated 60)
Could not rename /home/kitty/projects/gzdoom/build/game_widescreen_gfx.pk3.temp to /home/kitty/projects/gzdoom/build/game_widescreen_gfx.pk3: No such file or directory
Error copying file (if different) from "/home/kitty/projects/gzdoom/build/game_widescreen_gfx.pk3" to "/home/kitty/projects/gzdoom/build/game_widescreen_gfx.pk3".
However, running make again worked? No error this time and there's a 1.7MB game_widescreen_gfx.pk3 now.
But now we need to be told whenever there's a submodule update so we know to run "Submodule Update..." or "git submodule update", don't we? Since I don't think Git will do it automatically or tell you it needs to be done when a commit changes a submodule target commit (at least I don't remember it doing so).