DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

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DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by BROS_ETT_311 »

Hi everyone!

I present to you my first project thread ever, and with it, my reinterpretation of the iconic tracks from Doom.

My intent is to provide something that takes a more modern approach to the music of old while still sounding like something that realistically could have come out of the 90's...whether or not I achieved that is up to you! As of right now (03.26.2020), this pack contains music from The Ultimate Doom (yes, including SIGIL), but will ultimately be expanded to include both Doom II as well as tracks from Final Doom.

I know this sort of thing has been done COUNTLESS times, however, I hope this music sits in well with certain gameplay mods that take a similar vanilla yet modernized approach, for instance:

Beautiful Doom; viewtopic.php?f=43&t=50004

Enhanced Vanilla Project (EVP); viewtopic.php?f=43&t=58191

Eriguns; viewtopic.php?f=19&t=48208

Nobody Told Me About ID (NTMAI); viewtopic.php?f=43&t=67319

I've been sitting on this for a while, but I feel the time has come to unleash this into the community at large; so to those who received a sort of "pre-release" and kept it to themselves, you have my sincerest gratitude :rock:. Now, without further ado -

Music Pack Download:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xUzwh5 ... sp=sharing

Moddb link: https://www.moddb.com/games/doom/addons ... nterpreted

If you would like to preview the tracks before you download, click here:

(Knee Deep In The Dead)
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

(The Shores Of Hell)
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
Last edited by BROS_ETT_311 on Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reintepreted)

Post by Jarewill »

The previews don't seem to be working, at least for me.

But those are some very nice sounding tracks.

I have only one problem with it though: What happened to the intermission song?
It really doesn't sound like the original one, which is quite disappointing to me, as it is one of my two favorite Doom tracks alongside E1M8 Sign of Evil.

Aside that, really great job with those tracks!
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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reintepreted)

Post by Enjay »


I've tried the download link but I keep getting told

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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reintepreted)

Post by Tormentor667 »

Same here unfortunately :(
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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reintepreted)

Post by BROS_ETT_311 »

Looks like I need to change the permissions. Hang tight folks, fixing the issue now! Fixed (hopefully)!
Jarewill wrote:I have only one problem with it though: What happened to the intermission song?
It really doesn't sound like the original one, which is quite disappointing to me, as it is one of my two favorite Doom tracks alongside E1M8 Sign of Evil.

Aside that, really great job with those tracks!
Thanks for the feedback! I hear ya, it's one of my favorites too actually. I changed the intermission track intentionally and replaced it with a b-side from Romero's unused collection. My reasoning was to avoid conflict with E2m3's music since it uses the same track as the intermission screen, though I guess if there's enough demand then I could make a patch to restore it. Otherwise, consider it a "creative liberty"!
Last edited by BROS_ETT_311 on Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by VGA »

Nice release. Personally won't be using these as a Doom addon because the production is not clean enough to be enjoyed at low volume, "in the background" of the Doom gameplay. But I have them playing in my browser in the background with the Google Drive preview while I am browsing the net :D
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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by BROS_ETT_311 »

VGA wrote:Nice release. Personally won't be using these as a Doom addon because the production is not clean enough to be enjoyed at low volume, "in the background" of the Doom gameplay. But I have them playing in my browser in the background with the Google Drive preview while I am browsing the net :D
Thanks! Well, I'm glad you're at least enjoying it in some fashion. I did my best to test out levels and dynamics across a couple source ports, though I understand my mix probably won't be perfect in every case. I'm only working with stock plugins and the original MIDI (no live performances), so the process of getting everything sounding fairly "real" was a bit of a challenge. Perhaps I'll get better equipment someday and do a remaster, but for now I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out. Either way, thanks so much for checking it out!
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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by Caligari87 »

I'd be interested in a breakdown of your production chain. I presume you took the individual instruments from the midi tracks and mixed them with plugins / effects as if they were performances in a virtual studio?

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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by BROS_ETT_311 »

Caligari87 wrote:I presume you took the individual instruments from the midi tracks and mixed them with plugins / effects as if they were performances in a virtual studio?
That's pretty much exactly right, but it's a bit more complicated than that. I'm not sure how deep you want to go down this proverbial rabbit hole, however, I'm totally happy to elaborate further. For now, I'll say that it was a combination of various mixing practices and instrument layering to bring out the performances you hear in the final product. Some of it was some small synth work on my part, though mostly for specific effects.
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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by Caligari87 »

As deep as you like, I'm fine with the nitty-gritty. I do amateur music mixing and I'm always interested in hearing interesting approaches.

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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by BROS_ETT_311 »

Right on, then I'll fire away!

First thing I do when importing the MIDI is make sure everything is timed up properly and synced with the BPM. This is actually the most tedious part since the original Doom MIDI files seem to suffer either a sample rate or metadata issue, because while the tempo information attached may be correct, it is very much out of sync on playback (***not the case with Sigil***). I use Logic Pro X which thankfully has a tool to synchronize the MIDI information with the project tempo by referencing the downbeat on a given track. This can be tricky and isn't always perfect in some cases; for instance, I had to frankenstein "Facing The Spider" with the b-side version of it because the program was getting thrown off by the drum beat (or at least I think that's what was happening). Luckily the b-side version experienced no such issue and was actually correctly synced upon import, though I still had to expand the song to more closely resemble the original.

Once everything is timed properly, I then try to get a feel for which tracks represent their actual counterparts. This is obviously a subjective bit and can take some fussing with just demoing out different sounds until the final sound is reached, but I try to avoid straying too far from what was imported from the source. In the case of say, organs and clavichords, I usually default to synthesizers which I'll sometimes re-amp. In other cases, like for a lot of the bass tracks, I'll layer in a low and heavy metal guitar sound to give those bits more resonance. This actually kind of brings me to my next process....getting the instruments to sound "real".

This part does take some time at first, especially when using just the stock instruments and plugins. Like I mentioned, I use Logic, so that DAW thankfully has some already pretty decent sounding stuff in terms of its samplers and dynamic processors. For both guitar and bass tracks I'll run them through a combination of pedals (light flanger -> distortion), then into an amp simulator and mix that to where it starts sounding heavily distorted yet resonant. I'll also do the usual EQ and compression for those tracks while also sending them out on return tracks using delays and some reverb with EQ on those as well. This next part is kind of weird, but I then duplicate the guitar tracks and change the articulation to a more muted and plucky sound and mix those tracks in with their originals, just enough to provide some attack to the strumming. And if really necessary, I'll manipulate note lengths to give the instruments more sustain.

As for drums, it's kind of a similar process. I use multiple sends and returns with a combination of reverbs, delays, and compression; however, before all of that I use a send to an amp simulator to emulate a sort of re-amp effect. This is typically used at times for a specific drum piece like a snare, but I wanted to completely transform the drums from sounding like it's vanilla out-of-the-box form, so I'd send out the whole kit and top it off with some EQ and a smash compressor. Getting the drums to sound natural, however, really depends on the sampler you're using. The basic one I use happens to have a lot of different percussive sounds per velocity, as well as a wide set of pieces per kit, so I recommend using something similar. If I need to, I'll sometimes layer in another kit with different dynamics and EQ the frequencies I want to fill in the original tracks, but only on rare occasions will I do this (eg. "Dark Halls" and "The Demons From Adrian's Pen").

I try not to use the same settings per say when I approach each project, but this is almost always the default flow I resort to. Hopefully I've provided some insight for your mixes (which I'm curious to hear by the way). If anything was unclear or not thorough enough, please let me know! :D
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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by Caligari87 »

Great breakdown, lots of interesting and useful info, thanks!

I haven't really attempted the kind of thing you're talking about (MIDI on Linux is a beeeetch to get working acceptably) but I have mixed a couple EP albums for my brother's death metal band, and I think they turned out pretty good. They're Prophecy of Suffering if you're interested, and also released an album under the name Chaotic End. I can't say I have a specific workflow, it really depends on each project.

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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by Tormentor667 »

Hell, I wasn't expecting this high quality! Just listened to the tunes and I really like what you made out of the originals! Well done, looking forward to Evilution and Doom 2 :)
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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by BROS_ETT_311 »

Caligari87 wrote:Great breakdown, lots of interesting and useful info, thanks!
No problem, anytime! 8-)
Caligari87 wrote:I haven't really attempted the kind of thing you're talking about (MIDI on Linux is a beeeetch to get working acceptably) but I have mixed a couple EP albums for my brother's death metal band, and I think they turned out pretty good. They're Prophecy of Suffering if you're interested, and also released an album under the name Chaotic End. I can't say I have a specific workflow, it really depends on each project.
Nice work, that's some pretty heavy stuff! Truth be told I'm not too well-versed when it comes to the death metal genre specifically (unless you count Gravemind or Meshuggah), so I don't have any comparisons to make, but I can say the shredding on those tracks are absolutely brutal and your mix brings that out. It can be really easy to end up with a muddy sounding mix when it comes to metal and I'm happy to say that's not the case here. I do think the vocals might be a bit low volume for my tastes, though I can also acknowledge that they're not the focus for death metal and sit fine where they are. A couple of standout tracks for me are "Exiled to an Endless Wilderness" and "Cycles of Degradation", very kickass! And yeah, if dealing with MIDI on Linux is like dealing with just about anything else on Linux then it's got to be a pretty big headache...then again I suck at using that platform.
Tormentor667 wrote:Hell, I wasn't expecting this high quality! Just listened to the tunes and I really like what you made out of the originals! Well done, looking forward to Evilution and Doom 2 :)
Thanks so much! Coming from the guy who's made some of the most quality WADS and mods out there, this really humbles me. I've already begun work on Doom 2, so you can absolutely look forward to that and Evilution. However, to really complete the experience, I'll also be working on the unofficial Plutonia tracks since that WAD never received its own official soundtrack. Glad I was able to surpass your expectations and stay tuned!
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Re: DACOTE - Doom Music (Reinterpreted)

Post by Caligari87 »

BROS_ETT_311 wrote:A couple of standout tracks for me are "Exiled to an Endless Wilderness" and "Cycles of Degradation", very kickass!
Those are actually my two favorite tracks too! Even as a metalhead myself their other songs are a bit too technical and esoteric for my taste but those two just slap so hard. Thanks for the kind words on the mixing!


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