forum welcome stickies

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forum welcome stickies

Post by skadoomer »

Most forums i know of have this, and seeing how its a per peeve of mine to see the same practices being overlooked time and time again, i was wondering if we could have a stickied welcome post outlining some FAQ of this forum. Personally, I'm sick of seeing the same redundant questions being asked over and over again without any sort of visitation of the wiki, so I was wondering if we could have the zdoom forum survival guide and a link to some commonly asked questions as well as a few curtisy favors (like typing IN COMPLETE FUCKING SENTENCES!) stickied to the top of the general, editing forum.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

People don't even read the bug posting guidelines. What makes you think that this would be different. The ones who read it normally behave.
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David Ferstat
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Post by David Ferstat »

Perhaps the forum could send an automated e-mail, or PM, to new members, including an FAQ.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Try what you want but idiots are particularly stubborn in ignoring any advice. How else would you explain all the morons that get removed so quickly from Doomworld?

For everything else just point them to the Forum Survival Guide in the wiki.
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Post by Belial »

Then some would say: WTF IZ DIS CRAP U R SEDNING MEEEZ?!?!?!?111111
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Post by Siggi »

Although the wiki does contain pretty much everything you'd need to know to edit zdoom, I've got a feeling some people are intimidated by it. I'm pretty sure some of the zdoom users have no idea what the wiki actually is,,,
so maybe on the main page it should be worded differently to something like "online manual and editing guide" and there should be a shortcut to it that comes with the cab downloads.

I know allot of you will probably read this and think "wtf?!?!?!111one", but not every doomer is a programmer or as web savvy as the rest of us. This is just something I think would help the people out there who don't spend allot of time in forums and don't spend allot of time sniffing around the net...

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