The "Spikebombs"
Powerful, high-explosive, manually-detonated glory tubes! As much as they are rare and pricy in production, those puppies are your best friend when it comes to pest control.
Upgrade: Gives it Vacuum Imploder effect. You can turn it on/off with reload button.
Raskovnik-Arms "Macheterang" Machete prototype
As the name suggests, Malcolm isn't too fussy about the nationality of the weapon, if it gets the job done - it's more than enough for him to be interested in it. For being a high-tech prototype weapon sold on some bazaar bargain, with a visible sign of rust on it, it was obvious that it didn't have many pickers, due to some quite fatal flaw. While the returning mechanism usually works perfectly fine (and with recently developed by UAC teleportation tech, somehow rigged into its handle in case of being unable to get back to it's owner - it simply warps back into his pockets), the problem was to catch the bloody thing without letting it to cut your arm off. Fortunately for the buyer, being extremely fast, he can get it back without much of a hassle. Like the thing was created just for him, eh?
Special, secret trait: While having the machete out, you move faster. By the power of counter-strike knife logic!
Upgrade: Gives you power slashes. Stacks with berserk!
BoSAVSO standard-issue unit "Sidekick" Pistol
Left from his adventures within Bureau of Super Awesome Very Special Operations, it's Blazer's partner for years, so the nickname for this weapon isn't without a reason. Fast, reliable, and (almost) never jamming - Blazer's been using it for so long that if he'd have to today switch to another pistol - he'd be most likely missing the clip hole while reloading for at least next two months!
Upgrade: Gives it pinpoint perfect accuracy, doesn't alert monsters and gives it a snazzy laser pointer.
Shofield "Cradle & Grave" Custom-assembled Revolvers
Malcolm, in his pursue of Vladimir, had an occasion to visit more than just one or two dimensions, often getting in contact with the locals, just so he could either get some intel on his whereabouts... or a tool to put him out of his misery. He once stumbled upon a guy who 'seriously' wanted to challenge him who's actually a badass here. In the end, they ended up becoming good friends and sharing tokens of a broship, after a fiery fight of who's gonna drink one another under the table.
Upgrade: The weapon doesn't need to reload anymore, and its recoil gets nullified.
Bald-Ninja Industries "Leadspitter" Uzis
Those little gems come from the fact that he once landed right in the gun shipment department in some company. After being caught by local workers and security, admiring with all the love he could muster the light-weighted firearms he did found there - they couldn't just let the guy go without any token for telling them how grateful he was that there was still people that could do such wonderful pieces of murderous art, fitting right for his taste of putting enemies into eternal sleep - blazing-fast style!
Upgrade: Slightly more damage, bigger clips, better accuracy.
The "F.M.G."
As this weapon's name and manufacturer proved to be to difficult to be read by Malcolm, he came up with a fitting nickname for it, anytime he aims down at some poor sucker, and leaves him a whole new collection of artificial orifices. And hey, what's more satisfying than slamming the clip into your gun after unloading it into yet another flying tomato?
Upgrade: Gives it a base damage bonus +25%, and a sniper mode. To activate/deactivate sniper mode, press quick-punch while being in sights. While in sniper mode, it also gets +50% base damage bonus.
"Fleshrend" Sawed-Off
As riding through the australian pathless tracts proved to be a little difficult at times due to local gangs (because Malcolm was to busy with his own business of tracking down V.V. Shooting them in the head instead of asking why they even bother with chasing him proved to be an faster option), having some backup weapon proved to be an excellent idea. While not the best at range, it still whoops troublemaker's asses at the acceptable by Blazer's standards speed... and style!
Upgrade: Gives it extra barrels. And they don't use more ammo. Because fuck logic - it's 80s TIME!
"Chrome Justice" Pump-Action
While the raging streets of enclosed cities, ran over by demons proved to be too difficult to pacify at first - mister Blazer yet again saved the day by providing an answer to local weapon manufacturers. The resonating flame shots, while not the most humanitarian way of dealing with the angry mob of demons, proved to be quite effective. As the guy in question had said - "fight fire... with fire!". And in case you need a concentrated package of lead, right into some mangoat's chest - there's such option as well!
Upgrade: Changes the weapon into "Auto Justice". Bigger clip capacity, gets semi-auto firing mode (tapping makes it fire faster!).
"Eliminator" Lever-Action Rifle
A weapon of choice for every action hero worth their salt, a shotgun made with one design prerogative in mind - kill everything, and be hella stylish while doing so. (also less known point: break your fingers in the process of reloading it). Can be dual-wielded (of course), benefits from Uranium Shot blueprint, gives you magical ability to squint your eyes like Eastwood and get better spread at semi-long distances if you hold reload. What this gun cannot do? Probably laundry. Spawns from time to time in stead of Chrome Justice.
Upgrade: Damage increase and limited penetration ability. What else do you need, really?
"Patriarch" Automatic Grenade Launcher
What kind of mod that would be, maintained by Pillowblaster, if it didn't contain any high-yield explosive weapon?! This metal tube with a grenade clip attached to it will rock any crowd's socks off. While it's reload times prove a bit to desire, it can unload it's contents at unsuspecting victims faster than you'd expect to. Show 'em who's your daddy!
Upgrade: Gets a new clip and a muzzle break. Higher clip capacity, lowers recoil, nullifies projectile spread, higher projectile speed, higher impact damage.
"Bitchmaker" Hellraiser Magnum
Blazer is all about revolvers and firing it up, and this weapon proves both. Stylish gift from the past, it fires fireballs at one's face, causing more than just 3rd degree burns - it also destroys craniums of dumb monsters!... if they still possess such, that is.
Upgrade: Gets a new clip and barrel. Higher clip capacity, significantly lowers recoil, even higher projectile speed, higher impact damage.
Ironworks-T800 ''Skullthrottle'' Minigun
For being a weapon, made by Malcolm himself, with a little assistance of the industrial smeltery company, and also thanks to a hunch of scrapped Harley Davidson motorcycle parts (and melted cyborgs from the future, but that's unconfirmed info) - this weapon is as sturdy and stylish as one would expect it to be. It possesses uncanny rate of fire, powered by a miniature fusion reactor, connected to a spark generator for extra stylishness during unleashing a hail of death - perfect for a fan of spreading the freedom all along his way to victory!
Upgrade: Gives you a JUNK2-Browning into the other hand. Fires instantenously and has higher accuracy, but generally keeps the same level of DPS.
"Paintrain" Railgun
A weapon crafted from a blueprint - bit of 3D-printed plastic, some old car battery, couple wires, pieces of uranium-sprinkled rebar that no sane person would try using for such purpose - and voila, you've got the Paintrain! Compact and deadly, a weapon of choice for any MacGyver suddenly needing weapon of future for those pesky, long-distance targets. Sports decent penetration power, also fries passing-by monsters if they are close enough to firing path.
Upgrade: Damage bonus, faster rev-up and a passive ammo regeneration.
Van Masterson's "Nutcracker" Rifle
If a 33.7mm (1.32 inch) modified black powder-powered rifle doesn't speak "Whoa" to you, then you're doing it wrong. Sporting absolutely immense power, this ornamented beauty of an unified craftsmanship of making wood and metal come together in deadly display of exploding limbs can literally send you flying across pretty much any gap you can find! (And your arms flying off, still connected to the weapon, if you aren't in luck of possessing some inhumane resistance.)
Upgrade: Enables Glory Shot on alt-fire. Glory Shot causes a time freeze as long as it's in flight, all the monsters affected by the glory aura - explodes. It takes a while to recharge after impact.
"Double Deuce" Shotgun
What happens when you mix Fleshrend with Nutcracker in some... "happy" accident? Well, apparently this happens - The Double Deuce. It takes no prisoners when it comes to the trash-sweeping power, making an absolute mincemeat out of anything unfortunate enough to be caught in its shrapnel, turning 2bore slugs into highly potent metal storm. The smaller and more crowded the room the better, and best part is, firing it somehow doesn't end up with you becoming shredded meat in the process!
Upgrade: Makes the shrapnel bounce longer and get smarter at that.
"Conqueror" Gun Platform
Conqueror is not a gun per-se. It's a collective of random gun barrels, with the exception for the main cannon - all slapped together onto a massive chassis made of some forklift parts, sprinkled with Russian technology that the fellas at R&D wouldn't even dare to take a crack at understanding - doing so requires to sacrifice their livers to the gods of drunk; even more elusive and mind-warping than gods of madness. Do not wield this weapon with care, as there is no care to be had with a gun made of guns!... just don't fire it point-blank at walls, I'm not an OSHA representative but this much you can figure, yes?
Upgrade: Gives you access to alternate ammo set and builds in machineguns and a mortar right into the gun itself. Yes, you read that right.

Health & Armor bonuses
Those are rarer than cigs and lower in value, but they give you permanent health and armor boosts, up to 100 points.
Nightvision Goggles
Space monkeys sitting in dark-ass room don't want to let you get a clear shot due to ever present darkness? Those spectacles will fix that problem!
Occasionally spawns alongside backpacks in Doom, spawns in place of flight powerups in Heretic/Hexen. Hold jump while the item is present in your inventory to fly! Releasing and holding the jump midair makes you enter hover mode. You can use fly/swim up/down buttons to control your altitude, as much as you don't need it that much, unless you really wanna master Sjas-flying, as I like to call it. (GvH-players, rejoice!)
Radioactive slurpee
By pressing use/open doors on barrels, you can... "inject" its contents into your body - the entire barrel's worth of radioactive sludge, instantly. Don't ask how that works, other than giving you 15 seconds of damage floors immunity, slight overall damage decrease and a damaging aura for its activity period. Each barrel you take stacks up time-wise and increases the aura's damage, so if you ever dreamed of becoming a toxic avenger and getting as much social spacing as you ever desired - now you can.
Hazmat Suit
The ever-lasting protection from hazards that you can use at any given moment! Also gives a nominal, extra protection from the generic damage.
"Piss" Brand Whiskey (Aka Pisskey)
Not the best of the Whiskeys out there, as the name suggests, but it surely gets the job done! Portable healing item.
Box of Cigars
To put it simple - a rare, portable megasphere of sorts with EXTREME POWERING UPING. Grants you hefty dose of health, armor, sizable nicotine boost AND EXTREME POWERUPING.
Hold use/open doors while using the item to keep the flare with yourself, illuminates the area around you for two minutes, can be stacked time-wise. Otherwise, you throw the flares around.
Applies the full effect of your special ability without losing your health. Ergo, you shoot and run insanely fast during it's active time.
Ammo Junkie
Grants you temporary infinite ammo.
Quad Damage
...Do I really have to say what this one does?
A sphere that occasionally gets dropped by monsters if you have crafted "Master Exploder". On pickup, causes a sweeping blast. Handy in situation when you are surrounded and need a fast clean-up. The shrapnel also flies higher or lower, depending on your view pitch.
Generally, those are upgrades you can find alongside backpack spawns (it gets crowded on that spawn...). If you have enough spare junk points, you can craft them. One or two of them can be used repeatedly.
Lets you toss extremely fast spikebombs that are not affected by gravity. Locks in impact place and always detonates. Toggle-able via inventory item.
Whiskey on demand. Grants 100 points worth of whiskey per craft. Doesn't consume the blueprint in the process.
Nut Force One
Enables a scattershot on your Nutracker. Also applies to alt-fire.
Full loading the Chrome/Auto Justice on reload.
Kinetic Fist
Greatly increases your punching range. Berserk punches explode regardless of hitting anything.
Blazing Booster
Permanent stage one blazing boost, and increases the nicotine gain from cig-related items.
Uranium Shot
Sidekick gets explosive bullets.
Lucky Strike
Boosts cigar bonuses, gives you a chance to win free health/armor boosts.
Keep Shooting
Gives you ability to use Bitchmaker's alt-fire with depleted clip. Provides 25% chance to not consume ammo on both firing modes.
Homing Grenades
Patriarch's bouncing grenades home into nearest targets.
Throttle Instaspin
Skullthrottle fires instantly.
Tricorne Shot
Fleshrend(s) fires even more pellets per shot.
Master Exploder
Immune to own explosions. Barrels have occasionally way more powerful explosions. Monsters drop Blastspheres.
Alchemist's Potency
Extends powerup times.
Alchemist's Dream
Store powerups in your inventory, up to three while holding use/open door button.
Armored Measures
Crafts very resilient armor. Does not consume the blueprint in the process.
Spontaneous Freedom
Leadspitter(s) tend to fire out freedom missiles.
Crafts five flares that illuminate the area around you. Each lasts two minutes. Using more flares stacks them time-wise. This is the only blueprint that doesn't spawn alongside backpacks but infrared instead.
Doubles your clip capacity (and adds a ten extra~). Also adds tracers, but their purpose is purely visual.
Colt Burstshot
Makes your colts shoot in bursts. Pretty great with upgraded colts, as it increases the DPS by a hefty lot.