* Should now boot up in latest GZDoom versions again; not sure what version in particular it started crashing on but it's now fixed.
* Air control for default and consistent presets now defaults to 0.25.
* Added slider to adjust the spawn chance of the boots item.
* Added presets, accessible through a new menu! Each one should give you a unique experience, so be sure to give them a try.

* The old "Reset to defaults" option has also been restored as a preset, for those that want the default bounciness again after messing with the options.
* Added a randomizer preset, which completely randomizes the bounciness settings to a certain degree (i.e. displacement option will never randomize to "everything").
* Added "Use map defined settings". When enabled, the current map uses its own values for the strength, delay, object displacement, and air control options, as determined by the map's checksum. Some maps may not bounce as much, while others may prove to be quite the rollercoaster ride. Buckle up.
(note if you want to see what settings the map will provide, set the console value 'sv_megabounceplus_debug_mapsettings' to 1 and the settings will pop up in the console upon starting the map (but not when loading a save game))
* Added new options to "Object Displacement", which either affects the player and monsters but not items, or just the players only.
* The "Air Control" option is now its own CVar rather than being the vanilla "sv_aircontrol" CVar. As a result, it now saves.
* Slightly reduced player's bounce height when the boots are active.
* Tips in the Megabounce options menu have been overhauled to only display the relevant tip whenever an option is highlighted, using code from Nash. Thanks!
* Fixed a bug where giving a PowerupGiver item directly to actors would often cause the boots to spawn either where the receiving actor was or at the map centre.
* The boots are no longer considered "dropped" on map start, allowing them to respawn if items are set to respawn.
* You can now jump extra high if you jump while on the ground if it's still shaking from a bounce (kinda hard to explain).
* Players can no longer take falling damage.
* Both "Delay" and "Random Delay Offset" sliders can now go up to 64.
* Added "Random Strength Offset" slider.
* Complete overhaul! Just about the whole thing has been converted to ZScript. Due to the extensive changes to both the code and CVars, the mod is now known as "
* A larger majority of objects are now affected by the bouncing; decorations, shell casings, gibs, and more!
* The boots have been made into a separate powerup. Instead of replacing the Radiation Suit, it now has a chance to spawn alongside other certain powerups.
* The boots are now known as "Anti-Bounce Shock Absorption Boots" instead of "Anti-Bounce Dampening Stability Boots".
* The camera tilting when object displacement is enabled has been replaced with horizontal shaking instead.
* Time freezing powerups (but not the freeze console cheat) now halts the bouncing.
* The
Megabounce+ options menu was moved to the main options instead of a dedicated keybind.
* The "Delay Factor" and "No random delays" options were replaced with "Delay" and "Random Delay Offset", retrospectively, allowing for more flexibility.
* Due to how CVars work in ZScript, all user CVars from previous versions are server only now.
* The "Reset to defaults" option was removed (for now).
* New CVAR: sv_megabounce_bouncestrength. Determines how high things are kicked into the air. This also affects how hard the screen bounces and how loud the "THUD!" noise is. Defaults to 32. Not even the boots are going to help you much when this is set to higher values...
* Added ZDoom's sv_aircontrol CVAR to the settings menu as a slider. If you want to move easier in the air, turn it up. This setting does not save, so you'll need to adjust it each time you start the game.
* Descriptive text in settings screen now uses a different colour; as long as you're using the latest (G)ZDoom builds.
* Added "Reset to defaults" option to settings screen.
* When object displacement is on, the screen shaking now has a neat roll effect to it. (GZDoom only)
* Added "README.txt" file.
* Submitted for 64k competition.
* Pretty much a near rewrite. The old method from r01 and r02 now works with any map in the latest ZDoom SVN revisions.
* New boots! These replace the radiation suit. Slip these boots on and you won't be bounced about as much while they're active. Besides that, they also offer the same protection from damaging sectors like the regular radiation suit.
* New settings menu, keybind to open it bound to 'K' by default.
* New CVAR: sv_megabounce_dampenshake. Uses the dampened camera shake from r02.
* Items and map placed corpses now bounce individually.
* Reworked bounce mechanic; should now work properly with large maps.
* New CVAR: sv_megabounce_norandomdelays. Makes the delays between bounces constant instead of random.
* Radiation Suits now bounce. Whoops, forgot about that one!
* Most of the map placed corpses now bounce.
* Stuff is no longer bounced while midair.
* Keys now properly show up in the status bar.
* Dampened camera shake a little.
* First release.