This mod is not compatible with ZScript.
You need the old 2.0 version of D4D for this mod.
Hello! I've been doing (just for fun) some unofficial add-ons for this awesome mod called D4D. Thanks to the original D4D creators for making the real thing.
BTW: MY ENGLISH IS BAD. But I will try my best to... you know, communicate and all. Forgive any weird sentence of mine.

. == v2.1 RELEASED! == .
So, yeah... I decided to skip completely the 1.0 slot and put this version directly as 2.0, to associate the name with D4D 2.0 and make it clear what's the project compatibility.
First of all: I decided to merge the add-ons to deal better with file issues. To compensate, I made a custom menu (D4D Add-Ons Options) to control some of the additions. Gore Nests and Hell Knights for example, are now fully customized: you can enable, disable or even choose to randomize them.
The list of features are kinda extensive. Maybe I should put them on a spoiler box, but for now I think it's better to show here so people can know what's new and all.

NEW SKINS (v2.0):
Imp, Hell Knight, Pinky, Lost Soul, Baron of Hell
A collection of skins\sprite replacements. For now the pack contains the Cacodemon (by Merser) and some of my own creations: The imp, Hell Knight, Pinky, Lost Soul, Baron of Hell and a mysterious entity. It also features some exclusive sound effects for most of them.
Note: The Baron of Hell was retouched for the 2.0 version, with some visual imperfections being corrected. My main intention with sprites right know is make them more consistent with the Classic Doom art style, while having Doom 2016 characteristics.

The Hellknight from Doom 2016 complete with a "Doom 3" visual. They have three attacks: a frontal leap, a vertical stomp (similar to mancubi) and the regular (unmodified) short-ranged attack. HKs are now really fast and can leap into the player even from distant places. This will help to keep the intended behavior of the original monsters, since they will jump and launch theirselves like a projectile.
UPDATE (v2.0):
HellKnights now have two new attacks: They can run and charge or perform a short-range (but faster) leap.

Inspired by the Project Brutallity behavior, Revenants now can fly. Includes new sprites, sound effects and lots of the usual skeleton craziness! They can perform any long-range attack from D4D or drop down at any moment. Of course, you can make them fall for a glory kill as well. The ability is optional and you can disable it on menu options.

Blursphere and Berserk received new skins inspired by the awesome D4D Power-up style! Additionally, the Invulnerability (Pentagram of Protection) had to be changed to green (to differentiate it from Berserk). Radsuits have a new sprite as well. Includes pickup-sounds and messages.

It was a pain, but I managed to find and apply all the power-ups announced by Vega (usually from Multiplayer/Snapmap). The voices are optional and you can disable it on the menu options. However, after that you have to restart the map to apply all the changes correctly.

A replacer for Infrareds and Backpacks. Similar in concept to Random Crates, Field Drones will drop random itens when destroyed. Differently, they can drop 5 different itens at the same time, excluding power-ups or other top-tier stuff.
Backpack replacers will keep the D4D granade functionality (with progressive pick-ups). Infrared replacers, on the other hand, can drop more itens than normal.

A rare replacement to regular dead marines.
They will randomly drop a single goodie: equipments (infrared, radsuit, allmap, backpack), green armor, medikits or a BFG ammo.
New Palette and Texture replacements:

A set of replacements inspired by the Doom 2016 lore, including Neo-UAC logos, Baron of Hell marble textures, enhanced stuff and more.
Also, the color palette was slightly changed for a better D4 experience. You can choose download a version without it too.

Cacodemon, Summoner, Cyberdemon, Mastermind, Fist (idle), Hellknight (recolored)
download v0.1 (.RAR)
download v0.3 (.RAR)
download v0.3.1 (.RAR)
download v2.0 (.ZIP)
2.0 without palette
Version without palette
You need the old version (v2.0) of D4D to play it .
If you want some music, "Proj2Mus3pk" is recommended too!
For modders, be aware that:
My code is still a mess.
I decided to focus on release it instead of going into a deep process of organization.
Hopefully, I will have more time to clean them up eventually.

(Nov 17)
Spoiler:v0.1 to v0.3.1