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Replaces enemies with "dark" versions, creepy monsters from the void dimension rather than hell. Soon there's going to be Gothic Chapter (which replaces environments with darker ones, as well as the weapons), so in anticipation the arbitrary changes to the weapons in DMG Heretic's mod has been removed. The monsters are more dangerous, move faster, faster projectiles, homing projectiles for the Death Imp, Imp's and Caco's attack more often, complete sound revamp, Baron of Hell and Archville are taller and enemy melee attacks do more damage (especially Royals and Death Imps AKA revenants replacements). Chaingun Major fire's faster. NightMareDemons (Spectres), PainElemental and Mancubus (gas variant) are more challenging.
I've now included a separate "Nightmare" addon for more variety of monsters.
Added Ghosts & mini-bosses in the optional addon, zombiePLUS mutator (9 new zombies) and provided ways to disable various optional creatures or to replace zombies with the Swarm.
Added compatibility patch for Zero Tolerance and Neocore for their zombies or marines to show up when you use them with this mod (see load order).
My Intentions - To make the game more difficult while retaining the dark theme started by DMG Heretic's mod, the Nightmare addon adds enemy variants, its optional so you don't lose the classic feel. In case you don't like the GasManacubus or the Pain Elemental that vomit's bile, heres a older version (minus the weapon changes by DMG Heretic so its still compatible with weapon mods). Or you can get the original version by DMG Heretic that has the 2 weapon replacements.
Load order:
Load your preferred weapon mods, then the main DMG1.1bx file, the addon third, and mutators and/or compatibility files always last. Make sure to only load one zombie (or swarm) related mutator since they overwrite the same spawns, and one nightmare (or mini-boss) mutator. You can always load NoNewPowerups or NoNewBosses.
The addon is optional but adds many creatures including, 8 more zombies, 2 additions to Imps, one for Baron, Caco and 2 for Mancubus, various Lost Souls and Pain Elementals, Ghosts (that are semi-common for low level monsters like imps/beasts) & mini-bosses (rare spawns for Baron, Spectre, Mancubus, Archvile). All spawns can be tailored to your taste with the mutators.
Previous changes (by [DMG] Heretic):
Dark Doom v1.1 - I have removed PSX SFX & kept every Enemy/ weapon to Doom's original SFX & also re-coloured the Archvile to a Dark Version and The Revenant has been replaced with a stronger/faster Death Imp.
Dark Doom v1 - Enemy replacements, & PSX SFX.
Screens (the first 8 have Weapons of Saturn hud/weapons, but you can use any weapon mod you prefer, the rest show the dark hud)
b1: Soon there's going to be Gothic Chapter mod by Hexen Star (which replaces environments with darker ones, as well as the weapons), so in anticipation the arbitrary changes to the weapons in this mod has been removed.
b20-23: The monsters are more dangerous, move faster, faster projectiles, homing projectiles for the Death Imp, Imp's attack more often, complete sound revamp, Baron of Hell and Archville are taller and enemy melee attacks do more damage. I've now included a separate addon for more variety in Lost Souls & Pain Elementals with a Dark theme and made the bosses, Spectres, Mancubus and Death Imps more challenging.
b23: and there is now a variety of zombies in the optional addon.
b24 + addon v1.31: Baron of Hell and Fusion spider have faster moving projectiles, Baron has the hellknights green projectiles (only HellsFury has the red one). Added Nightmare creatures in the optional addon, a zombiePLUS addon (6 new zombies) and provided ways to disable various optional creatures or to replace zombies with the Swarm.
addon v1.32: Hell's Fury is challenging, Incarnate is now a rare Mancubus spawn (But is still a ghost species).
addon v1.32a: Ghosts and Zpecops should be spawning now, Dark Devil is more aggressive, Nightmares don't infight with their own species (like ghosts, viles and royals).
Edit- addon v1.32b: RepeaterZombie, PlasmaZombie, PistolZombie, FreezeRifleGuy and Beamguy are now spawning (total of 17 zombies non-vanilla zombies).
addon v32d:
* Sound issues fixed with torturedelemental, deathincarnate and devastator zombie.
* ChaingunMajor should now be spawning as usual.
* DeathIncarnate now has 3 different attacks, beside spawning GhostlyAgaures and its normal hitscan attack, it fires out homing spectre ghosts (I'm thinking of giving him the ability to spawn beasts which are like fast moving melee-only enemies like the darkdemon).
* Set Green blood for Poisonsoul, Drownedsoul has its own active sound and a fast projectile (has no spawn though), burning soul has different attack sounds, faster moving projectile and a noticeably different active sound (still don't know what its point is).
* Agaures have a deathbreath sound, move faster and have a faster moving projectile.
* Ghosts don't bleed, they are also special in not just their stats (like taking being tougher compared to other species, some can fly, some are hard to see, some have homing projectiles) in that they can see invisible players perfectly well and seekermissiles won't follow them (so they can fight DeathImps & Vores with ease),
* Nightshade attacks are more difficult to dodge,
* Shade can duplicate itself but not infinitely instead his copies die off on their own, have no pain sound, do no damage, are easier to kill and have a noticably different death sound,
* Ghostly Agaures are tougher but slower and are invisible except when they feel like killing you but I still haven't given them a spawn (except DeathIncarnate occasionally spawns them).
* Spectre Elementals should be easier to fight against and have slightly less health.
* The Zspecops have less health than autoshotgunguy & quadshotgunzombie but more health than the lower tier zombies but they move faster than any other zombie, ZspecOps shotgunner does less damage, more inline with the regular shotgunguy and slightly upped chance to spawn, Zspecops machinegunner fires in burst shots and when he flees he fires progressively less accurately, the Zspecops railgunner has a more eye catching rail beam (Blue, Green rather than White, Blue).
* RocketZombie replaced with creepier more distinct sprites.
b24a: Zombie Marines fire one bullet at a time now and sometimes a burst fire (not 4 bullets at once), Imps don't infight eachother, Royals and HellsFury don't infight, Barons have slightly faster projectiles. Minor sound issue fixed.
b25: DarkPainElemental has a blackbile melee attack that weakens you (doubles the damage you take) for 30 seconds and does fairly high damage and poisonous. Arachnotron fires slower now but he is still very deadly up close. Baron and HellKnight have melee sounds. Mancubus has exploding poisonous gas as his attack.
addon v33:
* ArchonofHell, DeathIncarnate and Agaures have deadly melee attacks.
Vore is slightly faster.
* Incarnate no longer has the boring and cheaphitscan, instead fires out pure darkness and the more you hurt him without killing him the more powerful he gets when he transforms into DeathIncarnate, his summons get more deadly and his attacks more devastating, his body more ethereal causing him to reflect projectiles and has more health.
* ShadowBeast added, it and the ArchonofHell, Shadowvile & DeathIncarnate are mini-bosses now, and can be de-activated via the NOmini-boss mutator.
* Zspecops machinegunner no longer fires anywhere near as accurately when sniping and does slightly less damage, the ZpsecOpsRailgunner no longer flees faster than other Zspecops.
* DarkPainElemental is now spawning with the addon.
edit- 25a & addon 33a:
* GasMancubus is immune to poison, but fire is more damaging to him since hes flammable.
* DarkPainElemental should be attacking at a slower rate now, but he moves slightly faster.
* DarkSpiderDemon has his own attack sounds and projectiles.
* DarkDemons, Wraiths and NightmareDemons (spectres) don't infight with ShadowBeast.
* Scimitar swing and hit sounds separated.
* Made sure Aracnorb and Caco's get along with eachother.
addon 33b:
* Incarnate has a lower chance to resurrect in his normal state.
* Shadowbeast spawns should be working correctly, and he moves at his fast speed after losing 200hp rather than 400.
* RepeaterZombie drops cells.
b26 & addon v34:
* Arachnotron has less health (600 to 460), DarkArchvile (1000 to 800) and DarkCacodemon (400 to 320) as I generally aren't a fan of meatshields apart from Barons & Mancubus.
*Archon of Hell and HellsFury move faster than HellKnight now, since they are taller & therefore take larger steps, with Archon of Hell being faster than the DarkBaron.
* Hellsfury's homing skulls move faster and do more damage, Archon's comets do less damage so you have a chance of surviving 2 and a 50/50 of surviving all 3.
* Hellsfury bleeds dark red and attacks alot more often but he has less health.
* Shotgunguy now has the same attack as ZspecopsShotgunner, also both their attacks fire 5 pellets as opposed to 7 reducing their ranged effectiveness and bringing the damage output to max of ~30 on middle difficulty.
* Quadshotgun zombie singleshot fires less accurately now compared to the shotgunners but does slightly more damage, also now reloads faster than before. Karasawaguy has delay before firing and his projectile moves slightly slower, does less damage and bounces only once (however when he fires offaim, its alot more unpredictable now). * Made AutoSGGuy and QuadShotgunZombie drop 4 shells instead of 2, and sometimes drop a bit extra.
* Dark Devil now has less health than a spirit imp (240 to 170, takes 3 accurate shotgun hits).
* Defiler now is more like his name, spits out slightly poisonous blood and vomits out creatures, has less than half of his original health but moves slightly faster.
General changes: When blood hits the floor it makes a sound. DarkSpiderMastermind pain sounds are working now. BaronofHell has a different pain sound than HellKnight. BurningSoul attack sound is now working. Fixed issues around mancubus spawns when using nightmare addon related mutators.
Added NeoCore compatibility patch, which when used with Neocore and creature replacement mods (like this one), makes NeoCore marines show up instead of zombies (when doing this don't use the zombie related mutators otherwise they will override the changes).
b26a & v32a:
Made the UndeadMarine take longer to fire, and added a delay after his burst fire. Fixed fixed issue with AutoSGGuy/QuadShotgunZombie zombie shotgun shells not showing up with custom mods.
edit- b26a & v32b:
* ZspecopsRailgunner now coolsoff his railgun before firing it so there's a visual and audio cue before firing with a slight delay. Autoshotgunner has a longer delay before firing, but still quite fast compared to other zombies.
* Made ShadowBeast only spawn monsters when hes in your line of sight.
* The Satyr spawns (from the ShadowBeast) can now lunge at you, but they aren't as tough as before (slightly weaker and slower than the Dark Beast, but much more aggressive).
General changes: Simplified keycard/skull sounds so its not incompatible with wads that modify actor key names in lockdefs.
Added compatibility patch for Zero Tolerance marines and added minigunner as a chance to spawn in place of a plasmazombie with that wad (run dark creatures first, then ZT, and lastly the compatibility patch).
ChaingunMajor has a longer build up to firing (still fires faster than default chaingunguy), fixed lingering deathstate bug with DarkSpiderMastermind, can see Nightmaredemon (Spectres) with Infrared, DarkCacodemon will now lunge at you when it gets close enough.
b27a: Included credits, changed name of compatibility patches to prevent the mutators from overwriting the changes when you drag and drop them.
addon v34c:
Made ShadowvileClones not resurrect enemies, prevented Shadowvile from killing its clones with the darkthunderbolt attack so its not as pointless for him to spawn them or for it to be as chaotic in large arena's. Quadshotgunzombie has a longer delay before unleashing his full quad-load.
addon v34d: Added more credits.
addon v34e: Made infrared look more like it does in real life.
Addon v35:
* Made sure that poison that chokes you to death no longer makes you bleed profusely, like Mancubus gas, Agaures deathbreath, PoisonSoul gasclouds etc.
* Made DarkPainElemental, TorturedElemental, souls and ghosts immune to poison since they either don't breath or in the case of darkPE end up getting killed by the PoisonSoul's they spawn. Bosses are also immune so as not to be exploited.
* Tortured Elemental only breathes gas when you get to close, and it as well as its poison cloud are no longer so slow moving.
* Made D3Wraith alot faster moving so they can outrun other beasts, but made them spawn less often and made NightmareDemon (Spectres) spawn more often.
* In the compatibility patch for Zero Tolerance, made the sniper have a longer delay before firing, gave him sprites that make him look more like a sniper, and gave a warning sound where he cocks the gun. And he reloads after every 5 shots.
* Autoshotgunner and Rocketguy have less health, enough to be killed with one shotgun blast like the Plasmaguy.
* Autoshotgunner is slightly less accurate but still quite formiddable at medium range.
* Karasawaguy has slighly less health, and Rocketguy no longer commits suicide but runs away when you get close.
* DarkDevil is more aggressive when it comes to melee attacks, his missiles aren't as fast as before.
* Added NetherImp as a rare spawn, his main attack is poisonous.
* Shade is more aggressive.
* 3 powerups that can spawn in place of blursphere; ethereal, bloodlust and terror spheres. Terror is the offensive sphere that allows you to kill any non-boss monster with ease, ethereal allows invisibility, damage reduction and can walk on fire/radiation/boiling blood, and bloodlust allows for leeching life, damage bonus, faster speed and demonic sight for seeing in the dark. Bloodlust also spawns in place LAVgoggles. Added a mutator changes powerup spawns back to normal.
* Gave imps a very short lunge and made them less noisy.
* Zombies no longer making the choking death sound when dying, instead they only do it when they die by poison and choke a bit also before hand.
* Demons and Spectres are more relentless in their pursuit of the player, a faster bite, the spectre are better at taking you by surprise,
* Imps can climb up stairs.
* DarkPainElemental no longer infights with souls, since he has a melee attack, and he can now spit out black bile from afar rather than just upclose.
* Nightvision has a new sound.
* ToxicBarrel explosions are large enough to kill small groups.
* Attacks that are purely poisonous now ignore the players armor.
* DarkPainElemental black bile weakener powerup dies off on its own, and it is now acidic damagetype, so it does not bypass armor. But it still deals some poison damage from the vapors.
* Baron and Archon both have faster moving projectiles on Nightmare difficulty (FastMonsters flag), the Baron green plasmaballs aren't as big as before, instead Hellsfury is the only one with the larger projectiles.
* Imp melees now scratch sound only when they hit.
* Capped Arachnopytes red plasma damage.
Addon 35a
* Zombie chokin sound no longer repeats constantly when they are in poison clouds.
* Netherimp has its own charge up and fire sounds for its lightning special and has green blood, his main missile is less random in how much damage it does.
* Archon of Hell 6 projectile special attack is alot easier to dodge since its spread out more but has a longer build up and tougher to dodge up close, slightly longer build up for Archon comet.
* HellsFury has his own sounds.
* Various attacks that should have been doing fire damage do now. Barons, HellsFury, ArchonofHell & Archviles and some souls are resistent to fire, BurningSoul are immune.
* Nightshade is no longer a useless ghost, its missiles curses the player with slow movement for a few seconds, and its harder to dodge on Nightmare difficulty.
* Shadow has a faster projectile since hes about assassination.
* DarkDevil is now doing as high melee damage as he was doing before the last update.
* added compatibility patch for ProjectMSX marines(also made them drop pistols along with their other weapons).
Credits summary
Thanks to Sargeant Mark IV for the ideas for the greater enemy difficulty, and the code for the melee attacks that the Caco, Demons & Death Imp utilize. Thanks to Realm667 for hosting the custom nightmare creatures (Lost Souls, Pain Elementals, Barons, Ghosts, ShadowBeast) and thanks to Vader & Woolie Wool for most of the zombies and for the Wraith, Agaures, Vore, Aracnorb, Swarm and three of the ghosts, the Blot, Shadow & Nightshade (featured in TheRefinery) and thanks to Aerial for the Shadowvile (featured in Hard Doom). Paul Schneider for the Chainsaw Zombie (Unloved) and ZombieRocketGuy from Ultimate Torment & Torture (with shotgun zombie color by Pa1nki113r), PlasmaZombie is by Bouncy (edited by Pa1nki113r) and QuadShotgunZombie reload sprites by Pa1nki113r.
Full credits are a tad long so its in the download. Thanks to BD-Johnny for the words of encouragement and to Revilution for a potential new boss in future versions.
Last edited by TheUnbeholden on Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:37 am, edited 12 times in total.
I enjoyed this, the consistency of coloring is pretty good and makes it a good mod to play with heavy-atmospheric maps, would be good it having a separate weapons pack to be played too.
TheUnbeholden wrote:Revilution for a potential new boss in future versions.
* Made sure that poison that chokes you to death no longer makes you bleed profusely, like Mancubus gas, Agaures deathbreath, PoisonSoul gasclouds etc.
* Made DarkPainElemental, TorturedElemental, souls and ghosts immune to poison since they either don't breath or in the case of darkPE end up getting killed by the PoisonSoul's they spawn. Bosses are also immune so as not to be exploited.
* Tortured Elemental only breathes gas when you get to close, and it as well as its poison cloud are no longer so slow moving.
* Made D3Wraith alot faster moving so they can outrun other beasts, but made them spawn less often and made NightmareDemon (Spectres) spawn more often.
* In the compatibility patch for Zero Tolerance, made the sniper have a longer delay before firing, gave him sprites that make him look more like a sniper, and gave a warning sound where he cocks the gun. And he reloads after every 5 shots.
* Autoshotgunner and Rocketguy have less health, enough to be killed with one shotgun blast like the Plasmaguy.
* Autoshotgunner is slightly less accurate but still quite formiddable at medium range.
* Karasawaguy has slighly less health, and Rocketguy no longer commits suicide but runs away when you get close.
* DarkDevil is more aggressive when it comes to melee attacks, his missiles aren't as fast as before.
* Added NetherImp as a rare spawn, his main attack is poisonous.
* Shade is more aggressive.
* 3 powerups that can spawn in place of blursphere; ethereal, bloodlust and terror spheres. Terror is the offensive sphere that allows you to kill any non-boss monster with ease, ethereal allows invisibility, damage reduction and can walk on fire/radiation/boiling blood, and bloodlust allows for leeching life, damage bonus, faster speed and demonic sight for seeing in the dark. Bloodlust also spawns in place LAVgoggles. Added a mutator changes powerup spawns back to normal.
* Gave imps a very short lunge and made them less noisy.
* Zombies no longer making the choking death sound when dying, instead they only do it when they die by poison and choke a bit also before hand.
* Demons and Spectres are more relentless in their pursuit of the player, a faster bite, the spectre are better at taking you by surprise.
* Imps can climb up stairs.
* DarkPainElemental no longer infights with souls, since he has a melee attack, and he can now spit out black bile from afar rather than just upclose.
* Nightvision has a new sound.
* ToxicBarrel explosions are large enough to kill small groups.
Last edited by TheUnbeholden on Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
More changelog for something people might want to be surprised by:
Added a New Boss: Tamer of the Dark. Master of portals and keeper of time, he knows no match. If there was a king of the void he would be the closest thing to it. Excels at surprise attacks and is deadly up close.
Can be disabled using the nonewbosses mutator. Enjoy.
Added difficulty enhancements for FastMonster settings (like on Nightmare difficulty), where Hellsfury, Aguares, NetherImp and Incarnate get faster projectiles.
Last edited by TheUnbeholden on Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
AFAIK it's a legit monsters-only mod, so it probably will work with weapons-only mods, dunno if works properly on mod with own custom monsters too, those you mentioned might not work as intended
Valken wrote:Very cool. Is this mod compatible with Project MSX, Brutal Doom, Project Brutality or other such mods?
I'd have to make compatibility patches to get other custom monsters to show up as well, so far I've only done that for the two mentioned in the top post (for their zombies or marines). I can make one for Project MSX, thats actually a good request since I quite like that mods weapons! It will be for their marines so that they show up, with dark creatures for the rest of the spawns.
* Attacks that are purely poisonous now ignore the players armor.
* DarkPainElemental black bile weakener powerup dies off on its own, and it is now acidic damagetype, so it does not bypass armor. But it still deals some poison damage from the vapors.
* Baron and Archon both have faster moving projectiles on Nightmare difficulty (FastMonsters flag), the Baron green plasmaballs aren't as big as before, instead Hellsfury is the only one with the larger projectiles.
* Imp melees now scratch sound only when they hit.
* Capped Arachnopytes red plasma damage.
Addon 35a
* Zombie chokin sound no longer repeats constantly when they are in poison clouds.
* Netherimp has its own charge up and fire sounds for its lightning special and has green blood, his main missile is less random in how much damage it does.
* Archon of Hell 6 projectile special attack is alot easier to dodge since its spread out more but has a longer build up and tougher to dodge up close, slightly longer build up for Archon comet.
* HellsFury has his own sounds.
* Various attacks that should have been doing fire damage do now. Barons, HellsFury, ArchonofHell & Archviles and some souls are resistent to fire, BurningSoul are immune.
* Nightshade is no longer a useless ghost, its missiles curses the player with slow movement for a few seconds, and its harder to dodge on Nightmare difficulty.
* Shadow has a faster projectile since hes about assassination.
* DarkDevil is now doing as high melee damage as he was doing before the last update.
* added compatibility patch for ProjectMSX marines
(also made them drop pistols along with their other weapons).
No they replace the same spawners unfortunately, and it would be kind of odd trying to cram both mods together, my mods monsters and that ones as well... not impossible just odd and messy. Better to stick to one theme, whether you prefer the dark theme of this one or the badassness of that one
So far I got two main boss variants, first is the DarkCardinal, which brings the DarkCyberDemon boss back its sprites 'roots'. Originally he was meant to fire gas bombs, and a very fast darkgreen plasma shots, I also given him a fairly fast moving homing torpedo's. Alot more challenging and should be much more interesting to fight. Arachnopyte has now a "masterblaster" variant. Where once he starts firing he doesn't stop until he overheats, so you can't cause him pain to interrupt his attack you just have to seek cover or manage to circle around without getting hit in the process until he overheats, and occasionally he fires his own BFG though its not as powerful as your own you still need to be alot more careful when getting in close. They show up in the addon. NoNewBosses mutator will bring them back to normal.
Last edited by TheUnbeholden on Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:41 am, edited 1 time in total.