Troo Cullers v2.5 - 24bit DooM only demo.

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Pixel Eater
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Troo Cullers v2.5 - 24bit DooM only demo.

Post by Pixel Eater »

Troo Cullers 2.5 24bit Demo
It has less code now but more versatility. This time the lookup table handles what the OpenGL/Hardware option used to and it allows you to blend the saturation styles together more freely. As this is just a trial, I've only ported DooM's palette so far. There is a primitive attempt at increasing the Colourmap's colour depth which means smoother fading of colours as distance changes. The side effect of such is that odd colour bands are softened and spread over normal colour areas. For this technique to work effectively those will have to be dealt with beforehand in the future.

Download V2.0
An almost complete rewrite with many optimizations as well as including individual Lookup Tables for six common palettes.

Troo Cullers brings the colourmap effect from DooM's early days and mixes it with GZDoom's hardware renderer. Conversely, it approximates how the High Colour mode might have looked if it were ever implemented. Plus if you ever wanted to see how your console version would have looked with a colourmap then here's your chance!

I should note that I no longer own a copy of HeXen and have never owned Heretic so they are as yet untested. Let me know how it goes :shrug:
The center pane demonstrates the colourmap from the left-side 8bit image after it's applied to the right-side 24bit version.

Special thanks to Rachael and dpJudas for their guidance and also Romain Dura for the colour blending code.
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Last edited by Pixel Eater on Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:27 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Troo Cullers

Post by Nash »

Please don't take offense but this is a genuine question, how is this different than the palette shader and the banding options that GZDoom ships with?
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Re: Troo Cullers

Post by Pixel Eater »

Offence taken! But seriously, it is the palette shader but evolved to only apply the colour difference. That way we can keep the smoothness of the 24bit rendering but have the software colourmap behaviour.
The existing banding options only add banding instead of removing them like in this case.
This is a pretty extreme example of the difference between the in-built palette shader and Troo Cullers. Even though it appears as though the shader is being bypassed, the pinky remains 'Colourmapped'.
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Re: Troo Cullers

Post by Gez »

So it's not for culling imp sprites?
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Re: Troo Cullers

Post by Pixel Eater »

Sadly, no. "Troo" is actually a contraction of Tyrannosaurus Kangaroo. Very rare and a complete coincidence :P
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Re: Troo Cullers v1.1

Post by Pixel Eater »

Troo Cullers 1.1 is a performance fix with a test option for luminance weighting included. I don't feel I have implemented it correctly yet but it does improve things slightly.

As an aside, the following is a preview of another project underway which adds reflections to liquids. It shows Troo Cullers boosting the detail of the mirror effect. Why this is, I have no idea!
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Re: Troo Cullers v1.1

Post by Outtagum »

Ooh, culler me interested in that reflection thingy... :)
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Re: Troo Cullers v1.1

Post by Pixel Eater »

There isn't an official thread yet but there's some conversation here. If anyone wants to contribute I'd be happy to share the code I have. As I'm no expert it would certainly speed things up :whip:
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Re: Troo Cullers v1.2 - Luminance weighting solved

Post by Pixel Eater »

Troo Cullers version 1.2 is complete and more buttery smooth than I expected. My original wish was only to have the colourmap working in true colour but today I realised that this must be what the high colour mode in DOS was going to look like!
Here is the luminance weighting before and after:
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Re: Troo Cullers v1.2 - Luminance weighting solved

Post by Pixel Eater »

Older version here:
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Re: Troo Cullers v2 - Extra palette support

Post by Pixel Eater »

Something I've just noticed, because DooM 64 is a special case and doesn't have a global palette (I've heard that each graphic has it's own) it actually looks better with Saturation turned to OpenGL.
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Re: Troo Cullers v2.5 - 24bit DooM only demo.

Post by 40KN »

Thanks for recommending this⁠—it's nearly perfect for what I wanted. The only thing I'd like to mention is that v2.5 seems to have a noticeably larger impact on performance than v2.0, although that's probably just a consequence of my hardware, and it is of course a WIP. Also, there appears to be a problem with blood splat decals; they always appear as a mix of desaturated and saturated blood (red and brown mix), regardless of distance or light conditions. Thanks for the great work otherwise!
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Re: Troo Cullers v2.5 - 24bit DooM only demo.

Post by markanini »

This is cool, I like it better than the regular palette tonemap.

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