Demon Eclipse Mod Thread - New Beta Up-Testers needed. p. 1
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Demon Eclipse Mod Thread - New Beta Up-Testers needed. p. 1
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It's been a long time since I've updated the Info for DE. Since Episodes I and II are completed. I think its time to lay down some plans for Episode III. I wont be able to start it (the maps) until all the weapons are sprited, decorated, and tested though. Might a while considering I'm really busy with college. Anyway, here is some info.
General: Episode 3 will be based on what hell really should be, pure chaos and challenging gameplay. It will be hexen style hub-based. With 1 main stage and 5 sub stages. There will also be inventory items, a set of new weapons (aside form the Vorpal blade) and a host of new monsters.
Each substage will have it's own unique theme; From fire, ice, poison, chaos, etc. All stages will be massive and you will have beat some stages or parts of it to gain acess to other parts on the other levels.
Each of the 5 substages will have in it a Skull key of a certain color, a piece of the Unmaker, and guardians whom guards these. You must collect all 5 skull keys to gain entrance to the Main stage's inner sections. There will eventually fight another guardian, who will give you last skullkey.
Map Info:
13) Throne of Chaos (main stage) - large chaotic temple with all sorts of surreal themes. It will have a citadel in the begining that will have large pentagram like room. Each corner of the star will be a portal to the other stages. You will have full access to all 5 stages from the start, though each stage will have doors and areas locked by the skullkeys from another stage. The mid boss here will give you the last and final Black Skull.
14) The Pit: A Volcano base stage where the sky constant;y rains molten rock and fire. You get the Yellow Skull here.
15) River Styx: a stage based on the a river of poison. You will have to swim under this river to game entrance to it's inner sanctum. There you will get the Green Skull.
16) City of the Damned: A hellish city based one Diablo 2's "City of the Damned". It will be the largest of the 5 sub stages with many rooms to explore. You wil ge tthe Blue Skull here.
17) Necropolis: A frozen undead based level with, well, lots of undead type enemies (wraiths, Death incarnates, phantoms, etc). You will receive the White Skull here.
18) Hades Spire: This will be a largely aerial stage with floating rocks for you to hop on. There will be low gravity, but if you fall down, you will instantly be killed. Here is where I will test the "Flight" sphere, which you will need to fight the bosses. You will get the Red Skull here.
Weapons Info:
There will be a new set of 9 weapons, most with 2 functions. You will switch between these functions via the Alt-fire key. All weapons can still be powered up. Giving you an equvilent arsenal of 34 weapons. Some weapon will function best on it's host stage, regenerating it's ammunition by drawing the powers from their natural environment.
1) Vorpal Blade: Same as before. Starting weapon.
Host Stage: None
2) Serpent Wand: This cobra shaped wand spits out globs of poison that eats away at almost any substance. Alt-fire will change it into burst mode, make it fire a spray of vemon at the expense of firing-rate and ammo. Power it up and your normal shots will launch a sphere of poison that will cause the effected area to pour acid rain. Or your spray will leave behind clouds of corrosive gas.
Host Stage: River Styx
3) Ravager: Demon bone weapon that throwns out spinning discs of bone to cut down your foes. Alt-fire will cause it to launch bone spears that will explode into many bone fragments, pummeling all that is caught within the blast. power it out and your bone discs will seek out their own target and cause massive damage, or your bone spears will not only explode, but also split in 3 spears evertime it hits a target (up to 3 times).
Host Stage: City of the Damned
4) Devil's Claw: This 3 pronged crystal weapon shoots out demon blood projectiles at a fightening rate, although each shot is weak. Alt fire will cause it to fire the same projectiles, but 3 at a time, and will bounce off of walls and floors before disappearing. Power this thing up and it will have infinite ammo as well as increase it's damage. Or will it will fire attacks that will drain the blood from your foes, feeding it to you and healing any wounds that you might have.
Host Stage: All stages
5) Soul Smasher: Rapid fire weapon that sends out small homing spirit-projectiles that continues to attack its target for a short time. Alt-fire will cause it to behave like a shotgun, sending out a fan of none-homing or more powerful attacks. Power it up and you will be able to summon hungry sprits to feast on the spirits of your souls (Wraithverge-like) or launch an attack that will instantly kill any non-boss demon, turning it's spirit into usable health and ammo.
Host Stage: Necropolis and City of the Damned
6) Lavaburst: This weapon made from molten rock spits outs flaming brimstone that acts like grenades, exploding into many small burning fragments. Alt-fire will cause this weapon to launch a rolling ball of molten rock that will crush almost anything in it's path (like diablo 2's Druid attack spell). Power this thing up and it will either cause a small volcano to burst up from under your enemie's, raining molten rock on them. Or cause a conflagration to burst from below their their feet, roasting them any anyone caught in the blast alive.
Host Stage: The Pit
7) Frostscourge: As the name implies, this weapon uses freezing attacks; throwing a spinning ball of ice that shatters into a cloud of freezing gas and fragments. Alt-fire will turn this into a sort of freeze-thrower whose stream of freeze air will quickly solidify any flesh. Power it up and this weapon will send a storm cloud to rain down sharts of ice (Blizzard Spell of Diablo 2's Sorceress) or send out a ring of freeze projectiles to not only freeze your enemies, but to push them and their projectiles away should they get too close.
Host Stage: Necropolis
8) Rod of Pain: This rod uses bolts of deadly electricity to quickly fry your enemies. Alti-fire will cause it's bolts to bouce from foe to foe (Chain-lightning like). Power it up ad it will send archs of deadly electricity to elecricute almost any foe within seconds (Arc of Death-like). Or fire a large projecile of ball-lightning that will float around, sending bolts of electricity to zap your foes before exploding (Doom 3 BFG 9000-like, still have to figure out how to do that Via ACS and decorate).
Host Stage: Hades Spire
9) Unmaker: The ultimate weapon, and the one you will try to find. It is so powerful that it was broken up into pieces long ago by the Moloch Abbadon, in an attempt to prevent it's used against him. There will be 5 pieces of this weapon. The normal mode is not all that powerful, but shoots out bolts of energy, but uses no ammo. The other mode, will be it's ultimate attack. It will send out a small blackhole that will suck everything into it, ripping it apart atom by atom. The use of this weapon will be kept projected from it's choatic fury. This mode of fire is the only way to harm the Moloch enough to kill him. But to do so, You must feed the unmaker souls and gore. Each enemy you slay will give the unmaker a certain amount of charge. Once full charged, you will be able to use it's ultimate attack.
When powred up, it either shoots double the amount of bolts or will use only require 50% of the full charge to send out it's singularity-attack.
Host Stage: none
Items Info:
There will be several new pickups available in episode 3, designed to hel you survive the choas. Some will be picked up and used instantlt, while others can be collected and used later.
Doom Orb: mini Doomsphere pickup that can be carried in the inventory. Gives you 10 seconds of the Doomsphere effect.
Phantom Orb: mini Phantomsphere pickup that can be carried in the inventory. Gives 10 seconds of the Phantomsphere effect.
Gravity Orb: mini Gravitysphere pickup that can be carried in the inventory. Gives 30 seconds of flight.
Redemed Souls: Small gathering of redemed souls that will gladly heal you to be released from their hellish prison. Gives 100 hp. Can be carried in the inventory.
Skull Bomb: burning skulls that can be tossed like grenades when you run low on ammo. Can be put into inventory.
Glyth of Fire: Sends out a ring of fireballs to roast some demons when you run low on ammo. Can be placed into the inventory.
Glyth of Frost: Sends out a ring of freezing projectiles. It doesnt do much damage, but freezes the bad guys in place so you can escape or beat them down with the vorpal Blade. can be placed into the inventory.
Glyth of Vemon: Sends out a cloud of toxic gas to kill your foes should you they get too close to you. Can be carried in the inventory
Blade Charge: Gives you 3 charged attacks for the Vorpal Blade (300% charge) instantly. Can be carried in the inventory.
Power Leech: Draws power from the stage you are in, replenishing the ammo for that particular weapon that is native to your current stage. Can be carried in the inventory.
Spirit Armor: Much like the Bone armor, but gives 200 armor and cuts damage by 75%.
GuardianSphere: Powerup that regenerates your armor for 2 points per second. Doesn't matter what kind of armor you have.
GravitySphere: Powerup that gives you 180 seconds of free flight, allowing you to explore elevated secrets or fly over deadly pits of slime or lava.
TerminatorSphere: Powerup that gives 50% ammo to all your weapons instantly.
TurboSphere: Powerup that allows you added agility and speed, allowing you to jump higher and run faster.
Shrines info:
This is something new i'm testing in the 3rd episode. Shrines are gives you various things when you use them. They recharge over time and can use used later. They do no affect the item count percentage.
Life Shrine: Gives 100 health bonus.
Armor Shrine: Gives 100 armor bonus.
Ammo Shrine: Gives 25% ammo to all weapons.
Powerup Shrine: Gives a random powerup.
Item Shrine: Gives 1 of each inventory item.
Checkpoint Shrine: Gives you a checkpoint and also replenishes all your health and armor. (still debating on this, seems kinda useless).
Monsters info:
Abyss Crawler: Small skull like spider creatures that spit out toxic spores that eats you from the inside. They are very weak, bt comes in swarms. They hide in corpses and holes, or are spawned from the hive.
Abyss Hunter: flying cousin of the crawler that launches toxic stingers. They move erratically, making them hard to hit. Also very weak but attacks in large swards. Also spawned from the hives.
Abyssal Hive: Hive structure of the Abyss crawlers and hunters. It has no defenses of its own, but sends is usually guarded by it's resisdents. Will spawn various Abyss-creatures.
Hades Sphere: Masses of pure chaotic energy that has taken form. They are most common in the Hades Spire, and can appear out of thin air. They teleport around as they fly towards their target, detonating on impact.
Devils: Evolved cousins of the imp. These spikey hunoid demons are much more aggressive then their lesser kin. They can easily overcome you if enogh of them uses their barrage of fireballs.
Phantom: Ghostly undead monsters that is phased out. most attacks are harmless against it they simply go right through. They still take damage from splash, and soul-based attacks, or the Vorpal Blade and Unmaker.
Ghoul: Undead constucts made from rotting bones and flesh. They are running bags of toxin that launches spinning spheres of vemon from afar or attacks with their fists up close. When killed, the toxic gasses from inside their bodies are released, creating a deadly cloud of sufficating poison. Dangerous when a lot of them are around.
Hellhound: hellish dogs that spit fire balls or uses a flame-breath attack when they get closer. They ave frightening speed which allows them ot close onto their prey to use their rows of razor like teeth. A nuisance when faced alone, a nightmare when found in packs.
Fallen: burning charred creatures from the pit that patrol the skies for targets to set fire to. They have deadly aerial agility and spits volleys of scorching fireballs.
Death Invarnate: Shells created by hades spheres to use as a host. So evil are these creatures that their stare is enough to inflict pain. They will attack with their rock hard fists up close and have the nasty ability to ressruect themselves if slain. Only by destroying their bodies completely can you hope to kill one of these; but then a nasty surprise awaits.
Soul Harvester: Guardians of the Necropolis and masters of all undead. They are professionals at using soul based attacks that seek you out. Although the weakest of the guardians, these creatures summon wraiths and other undead to aid them.
Hades Elemental: Creatures of pure chaos, relating to the cacodemon, infernos, and pain elementals. They spouted mouths to the side of their bodies to unleash all sorts of lightning attacks. When they feel like it, they can belch out a small black-hole that floats eerily around, waiting to such you into the void. Well killed, their bodies collaspes into the void, pullig you with it if you're not careful. They are placed to guard the Hades Spire, where they reign supreme over their ball-like minions.
Diabloist: Devilized Archviles that have been evolved to be so destructive that they lose the ability to heal their kin. Their devastating fire attacks and seed makes them one of the hardest enemies you will face. They guard the Pit, waiting eagerly to roast you alive.
Vemon Lord: Final guardian before the fight against the Moloch himself. This flying giant rests upon a lake of vemon and will unleash all sorts of toic attacks against you. His aerial agility and speed makes one of even his size hard to hit. You best choice are homing attacks.
Moloch Abaddon: The supreme ruler of the Planes of Despair, and one of the largest demons you will ever see. This behemoth hands rains of molten rock or ice at will, or fires out a flurry of various projectiles. All things accounted for, this demon will most likely kill you with a single attack if you not careful. So powerful is the Moloch that only the Unmaker can harm him. For that reason, he scatter it's parts across the planes. Finding and assemling the weapon is a nightmare, fighting him with it will be pure hell.
Download Link: ...
It's been a long time since I've updated the Info for DE. Since Episodes I and II are completed. I think its time to lay down some plans for Episode III. I wont be able to start it (the maps) until all the weapons are sprited, decorated, and tested though. Might a while considering I'm really busy with college. Anyway, here is some info.
General: Episode 3 will be based on what hell really should be, pure chaos and challenging gameplay. It will be hexen style hub-based. With 1 main stage and 5 sub stages. There will also be inventory items, a set of new weapons (aside form the Vorpal blade) and a host of new monsters.
Each substage will have it's own unique theme; From fire, ice, poison, chaos, etc. All stages will be massive and you will have beat some stages or parts of it to gain acess to other parts on the other levels.
Each of the 5 substages will have in it a Skull key of a certain color, a piece of the Unmaker, and guardians whom guards these. You must collect all 5 skull keys to gain entrance to the Main stage's inner sections. There will eventually fight another guardian, who will give you last skullkey.
Map Info:
13) Throne of Chaos (main stage) - large chaotic temple with all sorts of surreal themes. It will have a citadel in the begining that will have large pentagram like room. Each corner of the star will be a portal to the other stages. You will have full access to all 5 stages from the start, though each stage will have doors and areas locked by the skullkeys from another stage. The mid boss here will give you the last and final Black Skull.
14) The Pit: A Volcano base stage where the sky constant;y rains molten rock and fire. You get the Yellow Skull here.
15) River Styx: a stage based on the a river of poison. You will have to swim under this river to game entrance to it's inner sanctum. There you will get the Green Skull.
16) City of the Damned: A hellish city based one Diablo 2's "City of the Damned". It will be the largest of the 5 sub stages with many rooms to explore. You wil ge tthe Blue Skull here.
17) Necropolis: A frozen undead based level with, well, lots of undead type enemies (wraiths, Death incarnates, phantoms, etc). You will receive the White Skull here.
18) Hades Spire: This will be a largely aerial stage with floating rocks for you to hop on. There will be low gravity, but if you fall down, you will instantly be killed. Here is where I will test the "Flight" sphere, which you will need to fight the bosses. You will get the Red Skull here.
Weapons Info:
There will be a new set of 9 weapons, most with 2 functions. You will switch between these functions via the Alt-fire key. All weapons can still be powered up. Giving you an equvilent arsenal of 34 weapons. Some weapon will function best on it's host stage, regenerating it's ammunition by drawing the powers from their natural environment.
1) Vorpal Blade: Same as before. Starting weapon.
Host Stage: None
2) Serpent Wand: This cobra shaped wand spits out globs of poison that eats away at almost any substance. Alt-fire will change it into burst mode, make it fire a spray of vemon at the expense of firing-rate and ammo. Power it up and your normal shots will launch a sphere of poison that will cause the effected area to pour acid rain. Or your spray will leave behind clouds of corrosive gas.
Host Stage: River Styx
3) Ravager: Demon bone weapon that throwns out spinning discs of bone to cut down your foes. Alt-fire will cause it to launch bone spears that will explode into many bone fragments, pummeling all that is caught within the blast. power it out and your bone discs will seek out their own target and cause massive damage, or your bone spears will not only explode, but also split in 3 spears evertime it hits a target (up to 3 times).
Host Stage: City of the Damned
4) Devil's Claw: This 3 pronged crystal weapon shoots out demon blood projectiles at a fightening rate, although each shot is weak. Alt fire will cause it to fire the same projectiles, but 3 at a time, and will bounce off of walls and floors before disappearing. Power this thing up and it will have infinite ammo as well as increase it's damage. Or will it will fire attacks that will drain the blood from your foes, feeding it to you and healing any wounds that you might have.
Host Stage: All stages
5) Soul Smasher: Rapid fire weapon that sends out small homing spirit-projectiles that continues to attack its target for a short time. Alt-fire will cause it to behave like a shotgun, sending out a fan of none-homing or more powerful attacks. Power it up and you will be able to summon hungry sprits to feast on the spirits of your souls (Wraithverge-like) or launch an attack that will instantly kill any non-boss demon, turning it's spirit into usable health and ammo.
Host Stage: Necropolis and City of the Damned
6) Lavaburst: This weapon made from molten rock spits outs flaming brimstone that acts like grenades, exploding into many small burning fragments. Alt-fire will cause this weapon to launch a rolling ball of molten rock that will crush almost anything in it's path (like diablo 2's Druid attack spell). Power this thing up and it will either cause a small volcano to burst up from under your enemie's, raining molten rock on them. Or cause a conflagration to burst from below their their feet, roasting them any anyone caught in the blast alive.
Host Stage: The Pit
7) Frostscourge: As the name implies, this weapon uses freezing attacks; throwing a spinning ball of ice that shatters into a cloud of freezing gas and fragments. Alt-fire will turn this into a sort of freeze-thrower whose stream of freeze air will quickly solidify any flesh. Power it up and this weapon will send a storm cloud to rain down sharts of ice (Blizzard Spell of Diablo 2's Sorceress) or send out a ring of freeze projectiles to not only freeze your enemies, but to push them and their projectiles away should they get too close.
Host Stage: Necropolis
8) Rod of Pain: This rod uses bolts of deadly electricity to quickly fry your enemies. Alti-fire will cause it's bolts to bouce from foe to foe (Chain-lightning like). Power it up ad it will send archs of deadly electricity to elecricute almost any foe within seconds (Arc of Death-like). Or fire a large projecile of ball-lightning that will float around, sending bolts of electricity to zap your foes before exploding (Doom 3 BFG 9000-like, still have to figure out how to do that Via ACS and decorate).
Host Stage: Hades Spire
9) Unmaker: The ultimate weapon, and the one you will try to find. It is so powerful that it was broken up into pieces long ago by the Moloch Abbadon, in an attempt to prevent it's used against him. There will be 5 pieces of this weapon. The normal mode is not all that powerful, but shoots out bolts of energy, but uses no ammo. The other mode, will be it's ultimate attack. It will send out a small blackhole that will suck everything into it, ripping it apart atom by atom. The use of this weapon will be kept projected from it's choatic fury. This mode of fire is the only way to harm the Moloch enough to kill him. But to do so, You must feed the unmaker souls and gore. Each enemy you slay will give the unmaker a certain amount of charge. Once full charged, you will be able to use it's ultimate attack.
When powred up, it either shoots double the amount of bolts or will use only require 50% of the full charge to send out it's singularity-attack.
Host Stage: none
Items Info:
There will be several new pickups available in episode 3, designed to hel you survive the choas. Some will be picked up and used instantlt, while others can be collected and used later.
Doom Orb: mini Doomsphere pickup that can be carried in the inventory. Gives you 10 seconds of the Doomsphere effect.
Phantom Orb: mini Phantomsphere pickup that can be carried in the inventory. Gives 10 seconds of the Phantomsphere effect.
Gravity Orb: mini Gravitysphere pickup that can be carried in the inventory. Gives 30 seconds of flight.
Redemed Souls: Small gathering of redemed souls that will gladly heal you to be released from their hellish prison. Gives 100 hp. Can be carried in the inventory.
Skull Bomb: burning skulls that can be tossed like grenades when you run low on ammo. Can be put into inventory.
Glyth of Fire: Sends out a ring of fireballs to roast some demons when you run low on ammo. Can be placed into the inventory.
Glyth of Frost: Sends out a ring of freezing projectiles. It doesnt do much damage, but freezes the bad guys in place so you can escape or beat them down with the vorpal Blade. can be placed into the inventory.
Glyth of Vemon: Sends out a cloud of toxic gas to kill your foes should you they get too close to you. Can be carried in the inventory
Blade Charge: Gives you 3 charged attacks for the Vorpal Blade (300% charge) instantly. Can be carried in the inventory.
Power Leech: Draws power from the stage you are in, replenishing the ammo for that particular weapon that is native to your current stage. Can be carried in the inventory.
Spirit Armor: Much like the Bone armor, but gives 200 armor and cuts damage by 75%.
GuardianSphere: Powerup that regenerates your armor for 2 points per second. Doesn't matter what kind of armor you have.
GravitySphere: Powerup that gives you 180 seconds of free flight, allowing you to explore elevated secrets or fly over deadly pits of slime or lava.
TerminatorSphere: Powerup that gives 50% ammo to all your weapons instantly.
TurboSphere: Powerup that allows you added agility and speed, allowing you to jump higher and run faster.
Shrines info:
This is something new i'm testing in the 3rd episode. Shrines are gives you various things when you use them. They recharge over time and can use used later. They do no affect the item count percentage.
Life Shrine: Gives 100 health bonus.
Armor Shrine: Gives 100 armor bonus.
Ammo Shrine: Gives 25% ammo to all weapons.
Powerup Shrine: Gives a random powerup.
Item Shrine: Gives 1 of each inventory item.
Checkpoint Shrine: Gives you a checkpoint and also replenishes all your health and armor. (still debating on this, seems kinda useless).
Monsters info:
Abyss Crawler: Small skull like spider creatures that spit out toxic spores that eats you from the inside. They are very weak, bt comes in swarms. They hide in corpses and holes, or are spawned from the hive.
Abyss Hunter: flying cousin of the crawler that launches toxic stingers. They move erratically, making them hard to hit. Also very weak but attacks in large swards. Also spawned from the hives.
Abyssal Hive: Hive structure of the Abyss crawlers and hunters. It has no defenses of its own, but sends is usually guarded by it's resisdents. Will spawn various Abyss-creatures.
Hades Sphere: Masses of pure chaotic energy that has taken form. They are most common in the Hades Spire, and can appear out of thin air. They teleport around as they fly towards their target, detonating on impact.
Devils: Evolved cousins of the imp. These spikey hunoid demons are much more aggressive then their lesser kin. They can easily overcome you if enogh of them uses their barrage of fireballs.
Phantom: Ghostly undead monsters that is phased out. most attacks are harmless against it they simply go right through. They still take damage from splash, and soul-based attacks, or the Vorpal Blade and Unmaker.
Ghoul: Undead constucts made from rotting bones and flesh. They are running bags of toxin that launches spinning spheres of vemon from afar or attacks with their fists up close. When killed, the toxic gasses from inside their bodies are released, creating a deadly cloud of sufficating poison. Dangerous when a lot of them are around.
Hellhound: hellish dogs that spit fire balls or uses a flame-breath attack when they get closer. They ave frightening speed which allows them ot close onto their prey to use their rows of razor like teeth. A nuisance when faced alone, a nightmare when found in packs.
Fallen: burning charred creatures from the pit that patrol the skies for targets to set fire to. They have deadly aerial agility and spits volleys of scorching fireballs.
Death Invarnate: Shells created by hades spheres to use as a host. So evil are these creatures that their stare is enough to inflict pain. They will attack with their rock hard fists up close and have the nasty ability to ressruect themselves if slain. Only by destroying their bodies completely can you hope to kill one of these; but then a nasty surprise awaits.
Soul Harvester: Guardians of the Necropolis and masters of all undead. They are professionals at using soul based attacks that seek you out. Although the weakest of the guardians, these creatures summon wraiths and other undead to aid them.
Hades Elemental: Creatures of pure chaos, relating to the cacodemon, infernos, and pain elementals. They spouted mouths to the side of their bodies to unleash all sorts of lightning attacks. When they feel like it, they can belch out a small black-hole that floats eerily around, waiting to such you into the void. Well killed, their bodies collaspes into the void, pullig you with it if you're not careful. They are placed to guard the Hades Spire, where they reign supreme over their ball-like minions.
Diabloist: Devilized Archviles that have been evolved to be so destructive that they lose the ability to heal their kin. Their devastating fire attacks and seed makes them one of the hardest enemies you will face. They guard the Pit, waiting eagerly to roast you alive.
Vemon Lord: Final guardian before the fight against the Moloch himself. This flying giant rests upon a lake of vemon and will unleash all sorts of toic attacks against you. His aerial agility and speed makes one of even his size hard to hit. You best choice are homing attacks.
Moloch Abaddon: The supreme ruler of the Planes of Despair, and one of the largest demons you will ever see. This behemoth hands rains of molten rock or ice at will, or fires out a flurry of various projectiles. All things accounted for, this demon will most likely kill you with a single attack if you not careful. So powerful is the Moloch that only the Unmaker can harm him. For that reason, he scatter it's parts across the planes. Finding and assemling the weapon is a nightmare, fighting him with it will be pure hell.
Last edited by Amuscaria on Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:30 pm, edited 29 times in total.
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Yeah, great plans for the project, well thought and planned! The screenshots don't look all that bad, honestly, I like em, consistent design, beautiful shots And conc. your sprites: You already know, that they are simply awesome...I'm even interested to map for you... E2M5... Tower of Suffering... I just get a lot of ideas for that one now
- Posts: 3821
- Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:42 pm
- Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
- Operating System Version (Optional): Windows 10
- Graphics Processor: nVidia with Vulkan support
- Location: 2280 Lol Street: The Calamitous Carnival (formerly Senators Prison)
ooh! do not deny Tormentor mapping for you. <.<Tormentor667 wrote:Yeah, great plans for the project, well thought and planned! The screenshots don't look all that bad, honestly, I like em, consistent design, beautiful shots And conc. your sprites: You already know, that they are simply awesome...I'm even interested to map for you... E2M5... Tower of Suffering... I just get a lot of ideas for that one now
[/Tormentor fanatic mode]
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- Location: Growing from mycelium near you.
I was hoping to turn this into a community project, since there is NO way i'll finish these by myself. Sure, if you wanna map, go rite of head. But let me send you that wad of textures first. I hope more people would wanna join then we can split the maps up.
Oh yeah, is there a way to make the poison damage effects of Hexen? I didnt see that as a damage type on wiki.
Oh yeah, is there a way to make the poison damage effects of Hexen? I didnt see that as a damage type on wiki.
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sweet, that makes 3 mappers that I have (myself included). Maybe we oughtta start a chat room sometime to discuss the project. You are all free to make your suggestions ofcourse. I'll be doing most of the graphics work, since I think i'm better at spriting than mapping. BUt if you wanna submit stuff too, feel free to. I would really like to have a good Decorate guy around here since I'm still only begining to do it. I'll upload the DE_MAIN.wad for you guys. It has all the current monsters for Ep.2 and the textures for all four episodes. I'll be sticking to EP.2 until i get it finished, but will make all the monsters and weapons ahead of time for the Doom community to use if they want.Kirby wrote:This sounds like a great project! If you are looking for mappers, sign me up!:)
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- Location: Germany
Okay, send me the resource (or give me a download link) with the new textures and stuff, if possible also with the DECORATE entries for your new monsters and objects that I can easily test them, and I will produce something for youEriance wrote:I was hoping to turn this into a community project, since there is NO way i'll finish these by myself. Sure, if you wanna map, go rite of head. But let me send you that wad of textures first. I hope more people would wanna join then we can split the maps up.
Oh yeah, is there a way to make the poison damage effects of Hexen? I didnt see that as a damage type on wiki.
(another project I joined... damn, I must be an idiot with too much time on my hands )
Oh, email is "tormentor667 AT arcor DOT de"
- Posts: 622
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:31 am