Phoenix rod + voodoo doll: death sound oddities

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Phoenix rod + voodoo doll: death sound oddities

Post by Caleb13 »

Vanilla Heretic introduced more player death sounds than Doom, there is wimpy (PLRWDTH), normal (PLRDTH), brutal (PLRCDTH) and gib (GIBDTH). The first two can be combined with burning sound (PHOPOW) if the player was killed by fire sources such as lava or Phoenix rod. In that case, normal death sprite animation is replaced with player burning away. The other two deaths are never combined with burning sound in vanilla. I've noticed GZdoom g4.14.0 breaks this convention when voodoo dolls are involved. I've prepared a small testing map with voodoo doll and Phoenix rod in E1M1, I'm attaching it below. You need to tinker with health and attack angles a bit, but it's pretty common to get brutal+brutal, brutal+gib or gib+gib deaths combined with burning sound, which shouldn't happen.

Moreover, when brutal+brutal or gib+gib death occurs, the second sound gets an odd delay of about 0.5 seconds. That doesn't happen in vanilla, either. I couldn't reproduce it reliably my testing map, but here is a save file from recent Heretic mod Island of Despair. ... PtgibdXeRs
(I had to use external hosting because attachment limit is only 50 KB here.)

The mod extensively uses various voodoo doll tricks, which is how I originally noticed the discrepancy. If you load the save, you will find yourself aiming at a doll with Phoenix rod. If you fire, 3 death sounds will be always played - two gib ones (GIBDTH) and one burning one (PHOPOW). And like I said, the second gib sound will be always delayed. Note this happens only if you directly hit the doll. If you kill it with splash damage (aim at the ceiling) only two death sounds are played and no delay occurs between them.

It seems to affect only Heretic -- when I tried killing dolls with rocket launcher in Doom 2, I always got only 2 death sounds, no matter what I tried.
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