Flashing'fading flats with no mod loaded?

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Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2024 3:08 pm

Flashing'fading flats with no mod loaded?

Post by ichxg0 »

So I think this one is actually a bug... Unless there's some way a mod can permanently alter gzdooms settings maybe? Seems like a stretch, but this is weird. I can't remember when I started to notice it, but originally I thought it was some weird compatibility thing between different mods I had loaded, but curiously, even with my skins folder empty and loading up a single mapset, I still get this behavior.

Here are some videos, I switch the dynamic lights on and off in the recording to show that the pulsing is still there... Also this apparently happens with both Open GL and Vulkan, fwiw.



Just weird, flashing/pulsing. I thought maybe it was jumping between two different mods patches because of load order or too many or something, but again, this happens with nothing but maps loaded.

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