String from ACS to DECORATE?

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Bilbö Bägginson
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String from ACS to DECORATE?

Post by Bilbö Bägginson »

Is there any way to pass a string from ACS to an action function in DECORATE?

I am trying to control the "state" parameter in a_jump function via ACS:
Something like this:


Code: Select all

NULL A 0 A_Jump(256, callacs("GetStateName"))

Code: Select all

script "GetStateName" (void)
 int Result = "Ready";
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Re: String from ACS to DECORATE?

Post by TDRR »

No, this isn't possible (you can't really return a string from ACS to DECORATE, nor can you even pass in a dynamic value to A_Jump's target). You can just use SetActorState to achieve the same effect, though.
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Bilbö Bägginson
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Re: String from ACS to DECORATE?

Post by Bilbö Bägginson »

You can just use SetActorState to achieve the same effect, though.
Yes, but I want to do it for weapon actor, and SetActorState doesn't work for them. Thanks anyway
nor can you even pass in a dynamic value to A_Jump's target

Got it
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Re: String from ACS to DECORATE?

Post by TDRR »

This is kind of an evil hack, but the Held state (which I believe is also available on the Weapon class) allows you to call action functions on the weapon/item. You could maybe wrangle that in some way to use SetActorState on the weapon. The challenge here is that in this context, you don't have access to the player.
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Bilbö Bägginson
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Re: String from ACS to DECORATE?

Post by Bilbö Bägginson »

What's the Held state? Couldn't find anything on wiki.
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Re: String from ACS to DECORATE?

Post by TDRR »

It's a state literally called "held". It's run every tic you have the item. Like Pickup/Use on CustomInventory but instead run every tic an actor has said item.

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