Making a (mostly) universal difficulty modes replacement mod, got mode ideas?

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Making a (mostly) universal difficulty modes replacement mod, got mode ideas?

Post by Spaceman333 »


As the title says I'm doing a mod that would replace all the vanilla difficulty options/skill levels with ones that are better labeled, offer a complete description exactly what they do behind the scenes (like stat multipliers etc.) but also offer a bunch of new modes that aim to be alternative ways to enjoy Doom, so I'm not looking to create any sort of "annoying" or "painful" difficulty modes, just ones that offer an alternative/remixed gameplay that would be fun to pick from the menu.

I have this raw text from a txt file of all the ideas I want to implement and I wanted to share it here if anyone wants to suggest some more options that I could add in here:

(pardon if its a bit messy, should still be mostly legible)
Extra Easy Modes:
gentle stroll - easy filter, 0.1x dmg
soft chaos - total infight, UV, 0.1x dmg

Default Vanilla Modes
easy enemy spawn filter (HNTR)
medium enemy spawn filter (HMP)
hard enemy spawn filter (UV)

Simple Alternative Challenge Modes:
hard filter + fast
hard filter + 2x enemy hp
hard filter + 2x enemy hp + fast

Themed Alternative Challenge Modes:
overkill mode: 4x ammo from pickups, enemy hp 50%, fast and 1.3 aggression (max possible), UV, player hp is normal 1.0x, heal factor 2x
kaiju war: 5x enemy hp, slow monsters, 0.2x dmg to player, easy filter, 8x ammo pickups, 2x armor factor
bar fight - total infight, 3x hp, slow monsters, UV, heal factor 4x
mosquitoes - infinitely respawning enemies(just get to exit), fast monsters, enemy hp 20%, enemy damage to player is 0.3x, UV spawns, 2x ammo, heal factor 1.5x
double tap - respawn 1 times, 2x ammo, UV, 0.9 dmg to player, fast respawn.
three strikes - respawn 2 times, 4x ammo, HMP, 0.7 dmg to player, medium respawn.
five lives - respawn 4 times (5 lives), slow monsters, enemy hp 50%, UV, slow respawn.
gentlemen - no infight, fast, 2x enemy hp, 2x ammo, UV, heal factor 2x, replace all monsters with zombiemans(zomb,shot,mini)/shotgun(knight,rev)/mini(fatso,arach) /chaingun/imp/lostsouls(flyers)/ rares: fatso(cyber)/arachno(spider)/revenant(arch)/knight(baron)
barrel madness - lost souls>barrel, pinkies/spectre> barrel, baron ball>barrel, painelemental replaces many enemies like arch, reve, arachno, fatso, armor shards>barrel, 2x monster hp, cyber>fatso, spider>arachno
scavenger - pickups downgraded: stim>vial, medkit>stim, ammo halved, HNTR, 2x enemy hp, slow, armor>shard, blue>green, mega>blue, armor factor 2, soul>medkit
oops all nazis - all walking monsters>nazi, caco & lost soul stay, pain elemental>lost soul, fatso(cyber)/arachno(spider)/knight(baron)
punch party - pinkies, lost souls and imps only, slow monsters, bosses are fatso, all hp pickups replaced with berserker kit, 50% enemy hp, UV, enemy dmg 0.5x, large ammo pickups replaced with blue armor, only small ammo remains, ammo received is halved.
bullet hell - undead hitscanners+arch removed, imp and baron take their places. pain elementals>cacos, all projectiles of imp, knight, baron, reve, fatso, cyber and arachno are now cacoballs. arachno spawn replaced with fatso,spider replaced with arachno. fast monsters, 2x enemy hp, enemy damage 0.25x. 2x ammo.
bizarro - shotgun>plasma gun, ssg>bfg, shotgun ammo>cell ammo, UV, 2x hp, bullets wep/ammo>rockets, berserk>chainsaw, small ammo>large ammo, (And all those vise versa too), fatso shot>cybershot, cacoshot > knight shot, arachnoshot > imp shot, reve shot>lost soul, lost soul> shotgun, total infight, baron shot>revball, spectre>pinky, nazi>keen, armor factor 2, zombie>imp, shotgun>lost soul

Marine Alternative Challenge Modes:

marines, normal - UV, all monsters replaced with marines, but all flying enemies are lost souls tho.
marines, fodder - UV, fast, 0.5hp, enemy dmg 0.5
marines, officers - HMP 3x hp, slow, noinfight, heal 2x, 2x ammo
marines, jackals - UV fast + 2x hp, 2x ammo, 2x heal, 2x armor, enemy dmg 0.75,
marines, ogres - HNTR 4x hp, slow, heal 2x, ammo 2x, enemy dmg 2x
marines, fubar - UV, respawn 2 times, fast, totalinfight, 2x ammo, 2x heal, 2x armor, 0.75 dmg to player, fast respawn, vials and shards are barrels
Basically the mod is only focused using the stuff from this page:

No other scripting or other big brain stuff. I know that some rare mods might have their own difficulty modes and this might break some scripting in them, but they're often so well polished that this mod wouldn't be used with it anyway. This mod is intended for all the other mods that don't have any scripts hooking into skill levels to work, which there are quite a lot of, stuff like weapon sets, monster mods, partial and total conversion mods.

Let me know if you have any more ideas worth adding to the list of new difficulty modes.
Best suggestions are those that try to remain mostly fair and balanced.
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Re: Making a (mostly) universal difficulty modes replacement mod, got mode ideas?

Post by Spaceman333 »

Ok worked some more on this and created 39 modes in total:
Chill Mode: Gentle Stroll. Player Can Respawn Without Resetting Map. Easy spawn filter. Monster hp 0.5x, dmg 0.1x. Slow monsters, total infight. Pickup factors; health 5.0x, armor 5.0x, ammo 5.0x. Calm walk with occasional combat! Press Y or N

Chill Mode: Soft Stride. Player Can Respawn Without Resetting Map. Hard spawn filter. Monster hp 0.5x, dmg 0.1x. Slow monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 2.0x. Crowded but easy! Press Y or N

Regular mode: Easy enemy spawns. Same as: Hey, Not Too Rough! Press Y or N

Regular mode: Medium enemy spawns. Same as: Hurt Me Plenty! Press Y or N

Regular mode: Hard enemy spawns. Same as: Ultra-Violence! Press Y or N

Extra mode: Hard enemy spawns. Monsters are twice as fast. Press Y or N

Extra mode: Hard enemy spawns. Monsters have double health. Press Y or N

Extra mode: Hard enemy spawns. Monsters have double health and speed. Press Y or N

Theme Mode: Bar Fight. Hard spawn filter. Monster hp 3.0x, dmg 0.5x. Slow monsters, total infight. Pickup factors; health 4.0x, armor 4.0x, ammo 4.0x. Everyone is drunk! Press Y or N

Theme Mode: Kaiju War. Easy spawn filter. Monster hp 3.0x, dmg 0.5x, kickback 3.0x. Slow monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 8.0x, armor 8.0x, ammo 8.0x. Lumbering slugfest! Press Y or N

Respawns Mode: Mosquitoes. Hard spawn filter. Monsters respawn endlessly, after 20 secs. Monster hp 0.2x, dmg 0.3x, kickback 0.5x. Fast monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 1.0x. Bloody nuisance! Just run to the exit! Press Y or N

Respawns Mode: Double Tap. Hard spawn filter. Monsters respawn once, after 2 secs. Monster hp 0.9x, dmg 0.9x. Normal monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 1.2x. They only live twice! Press Y or N

Respawns Mode: Three Strikes. Medium spawn filter. Monsters have 3 lives, respawn after 20 secs. Monster hp 0.7x, dmg 0.7x. Slow monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 1.5x. Triple trouble cursed! Press Y or N

Respawns Mode: Five Lives. Medium spawn filter. Monsters have 5 lives, respawn after 9 secs. Monster hp 0.5x, dmg 0.5x. Fast monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 1.2x. They're getting reinforcements! Press Y or N

Theme Mode: Gentlemen. Hard spawn filter. Most enemies replaced with ZombieMen, Shotgunners, and Lost Souls, while bigger enemies also downgraded. Monster hp 2.0x, dmg 0.7x. Fast monsters, no infight, no pain, aggro boost 0.5x. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 1.0x. First Encounter Assault Recon! Press Y or N

Theme Mode: Barrel Madness. Hard spawn filter. Flying and heavy enemies replaced with Pain Elementals that spawn Barrels, Lost Souls are Barrels, Knight and Baron creates Barrels, Bosses spam Barrels. Shards and Vials are Barrels. Monster hp 1.5x, dmg 1.5x. Normal monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 1.0x. HAHAHAHAHA! Press Y or N

Theme Mode: Scavenger. Easy spawn filter. Armor and health pickups replaced with downgrades. Monster hp 2.0x, dmg 1.0x. Slow monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 0.5x. Survive poverty! Press Y or N

Theme Mode: Oops All Nazis. Hard spawn filter. Most ground enemies replaced with Nazis, bosses and minibosses shuffled too, Lost Souls are Nazis, Pain Elemental drops Nazis. Monster hp 1.0x, dmg 0.6x. Normal monsters, no infight, aggro boost 0.2x. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 1.0x. Nazis, nazis everywhere! Press Y or N

Theme Mode: Punch Party. Hard spawn filter. Most enemies replaced with Imps, Demons and Lost Souls, while boss enemies are downgraded. Most health pickups replaced with Berserk Kit or upgraded, while large ammos are now Barrels or Armor. Vials and Shards are Barrels. Monster hp 0.6x, dmg 0.6x. Slow monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 0.2x. Knuckle Sandwitch Boogaloo! Press Y or N

Theme Mode: Bullet Hell. Hard spawn filter. Hitscan enemies replaced, most enemy projectiles are cacoballs, Spidermastermind is Arachnotron. Monster hp 0.8x, dmg 0.3x. Fast monsters, normal infight, aggro boost 0.3x. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 2.0x. A fast flurry of spray and pray! Press Y or N

Zombieman Mode: Zombiewalls. Hard spawn filter. Every enemy, decoration, shard and vial are now a ZombieMan. Bosses replaced with chaingunners and flying enemies with shotgunners. Monster hp 1.5x, dmg 0.5x. Normal monsters, no infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 1.0x. They are coming out of the goddamn walls! Press Y or N

Zombieman Mode: Zombielite. Hard spawn filter. Every enemy replaced with ZombieMan. Bosses replaced with chaingunners and flying enemies with shotgunners. Monster hp 6.0x, dmg 1.0x. Normal monsters, no infight. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 2.0x. The SWAT teams are here! Press Y or N

Zombieman Mode: Zombie Moshpit. Medium spawn filter. Every enemy replaced with ZombieMan. Bosses replaced with chaingunners and flying enemies with shotgunners. Monster hp 13.0x, dmg 1.0x. Slow monsters, total infight. Pickup factors; health 3.0x, armor 3.0x, ammo 3.0x. I don't know who is fighting who anymore! Press Y or N

Pureblood Mode: Clean. Hard spawn filter. Every ground enemy is now Imps. Bosses replaced with Nobles, flyers with Demons. Monster hp 1.0x, dmg 1.0x. Normal monsters, no infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 1.0x. All natural demons, no cyber included! Press Y or N

Pureblood Mode: Stampede. Hard spawn filter. Every ground enemy is now Demons. Bosses replaced with Nobles, flyers with Lost Souls. Monster hp 0.4x, dmg 0.4x. Normal monsters, no infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 1.0x. Oh no they're charging towards us! Press Y or N

Pureblood Mode: Flood. Hard spawn filter. Every ground enemy, decoration, shard and vial are now Imps. Bosses replaced with Nobles, flyers with Demons. Monster hp 0.5x, dmg 0.5x. Normal monsters, no infight. Pickup factors; health 3.0x, armor 3.0x, ammo 3.0x. Imps in every nook and cranny! Press Y or N

Pureblood Mode: Kaboom. Hard spawn filter. Every ground enemy is now Imps. All decoration, shards and vials replaced with Barrels. Bosses replaced with Nobles, flyers with Demons. Monster hp 1.0x, dmg 1.0x. Normal monsters, no infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 1.0x. Now its REALLY time to explode! Press Y or N

Scorn Mode: Scorn Ever. Easy spawn filter. Monsters respawn endlessly, after 5 minutes. Monster hp 64.0x, dmg 0.1x, kickback 8.0x. Slow monsters, total infight. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 2.0x. Don't disturb them, just run! Press Y or N

Scorn Mode: Scorn Once. Easy spawn filter. Monsters respawn only once, after 1 minute. Monster hp 8.0x, dmg 0.4x, kickback 4.0x. Slow monsters, total infight. Pickup factors; health 5.0x, armor 5.0x, ammo 5.0x. They lumber but they do die! Press Y or N

Chaos Mode: Turbo Overkill. Hard spawn filter. Monster hp 0.5x, dmg 1.0x, kickback 2.0x. Fast monsters, 1.0 (max) boosted aggro, total infight. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 2.0x. Extreme speed chaotic combat! Press Y or N

Chaos Mode: Bizarro. Hard spawn filter. All weapons and ammo switched so you get Plasma before Shotguns, Rockets before Chaingun and vice versa. All monsters have swapped places and fire swapped projectiles. Shards and Barrels swapped places. Monster hp 1.2x, dmg 0.7x. Fast monsters, total infight, aggro boost 0.1x. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 1.0x. Improbability drive imploded! Press Y or N

Marine Mode: Civilians. Hard spawn filter. Every enemy replaced with Civilian Unarmed Marines. Monster hp 1.0x, dmg 1.0x. Normal monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 1.0x, armor 1.0x, ammo 1.0x. Wait, are we the bad guys? Press Y or N

Marine Mode: Normal. Hard spawn filter. Every enemy replaced with various Marines. Monster hp 0.7x, dmg 0.7x. Normal monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 1.5x, armor 1.5x, ammo 1.0x. Doomguy vs more Doomguys! Press Y or N

Marine Mode: Fodder. Hard spawn filter. Every enemy replaced with various Marines. Monster hp 0.3x, dmg 0.3x. Fast monsters, total infight. Pickup factors; health 1.5x, armor 1.5x, ammo 1.0x. Incompetent energetic newbies with guns! Press Y or N

Marine Mode: Officers. Medium spawn filter. Every enemy replaced with various Marines. Monster hp 2.0x, dmg 1.0x. Slow monsters, no infight. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 2.0x. Stiff but coordinated! Press Y or N

Marine Mode: Jackals. Hard spawn filter. Every enemy replaced with various Marines. Monster hp 1.2x, dmg 0.7x, aggro boost 0.2x. Fast monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 2.0x. Savage rapid mercenaries! Press Y or N

Marine Mode: Ogres. Easy spawn filter. Every enemy replaced with various Marines. Monster hp 3.0x, dmg 2.0x, kickback 3.0x. Slow monsters, normal infight, aggro boost 0.5x. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 2.0x. Brute force siege punishers! Press Y or N

Marine Mode: Fubar. Hard spawn filter. Monsters have 3 lives, respawn after 35 secs. Every enemy replaced with various Marines. Monster hp 1.5x, dmg 0.7x, aggro boost 0.2x. Fast monsters, normal infight. Pickup factors; health 2.0x, armor 2.0x, ammo 2.0x. Reinforcements, Chaos and Insanity! Press Y or N

Chill Mode: Aftermath. Hard spawn filter. Every enemy replaced with dead or gore. There is no one to fight here, its just corpses where enemies would otherwise spawn. Eerie walkthrough of the locale! Press Y or N
I still need to decide the colors want to give em and it'll be a ready mod soon after.
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Re: Making a (mostly) universal difficulty modes replacement mod, got mode ideas?

Post by Spaceman333 »

Almost done.


Might change a few colors, but seems to be working ok.
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Re: Making a (mostly) universal difficulty modes replacement mod, got mode ideas?

Post by Spaceman333 »

Ok, I got some errors fixed and its now a ready mod, albeit untested balance wise.

Try the BETA here:
I still want to do a proper release post with AI generated images for each unique difficulty mode, to give the user a sense of what that difficulty mode would feel like to play. Gotta figure out prompts and which model I should use for it.

Feedback on balancing and new difficulties to add is still welcome.
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Re: Making a (mostly) universal difficulty modes replacement mod, got mode ideas?

Post by Spaceman333 »

Mod is now released here:

If you have more ideas for new modes or balance changes to recommend, post em there!

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