Game Window Opens on -norun

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Game Window Opens on -norun

Post by Lycanite »

I used "gzdoom -norun" on a watch command when working on zscript, this way I get a live feed of any script errors in a terminal window while I'm working on things.
In recent updates, on Linux (not sure about other platforms) a window now opens which takes focus away from my IDE and takes over the display for a few seconds before closing.
Previously -norun would not open a game window and worked well as a feed for script errors.
As a feature on top of this, when there is a script error, a popup displays with the error message, could an option to not display that popup be added as well, I can see the error in the terminal anyways and the popup also takes focus away from the IDE. With this I could look at taking things a step further and maybe integrate into the VSCode or a Zed extension in the future.

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