Did you know that you can deal damage to the +NODAMAGE actors with any weapons?

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Did you know that you can deal damage to the +NODAMAGE actors with any weapons?

Post by Mozart27 »

Maybe you've known already: There is a trick to deal damage to +NODAMAGE actor flag
1. Create a "PowerUp" inventory
2. Override virtual function ModifyDamage, code as follow

Code: Select all

class ForceDamage: Powerup 
		powerup.duration -30;
	override void ModifyDamage(int damage, Name damageType, out int newdamage, bool passive, Actor inflictor, Actor source, int flags)
		if(!passive && source && inflictor)
			newdamage = 0; //Prevent duplicating damage
			source.DamageMobj(inflictor, owner, damage, damageType, DMG_FORCED);			
3. Give it to the player or any friendly actors. Now you can deal damage to any +NODAMAGE actors with any weapons.

- When you deal damage, the "source" parameter actually points to the actors who took the damage, not the damage dealer as Wiki says.
- The function ModifyDamage() is still called when you deal damage, just before the +NODAMAGE flag reduce damage to 0.
- Therefore, you can deal damage to the actor even if they have NODAMAGE flag by calling source.DamageMObj() in the overridden ModifyDamage() virtual function. Parameter "newdamage" needs to be set to 0 to prevent duplicating damage.
- However, if they also have +INVULNERABLE or +SPECTRAL, this PowerUp won't work on them since +INVULNERABLE and +SPECTRAL prevents ModifyDamage() being called, unless the puffs or missiles have +FOILINVUL and +SPECTRAL flags.

A broken version of this PowerUp can be as follow:

Code: Select all

class ForceMissileDamage: Powerup 
		powerup.duration -30;
	override void DoEffect()
		let it =  ThinkerIterator.Create('Actor');
		Actor mo;			
		while ( (mo = Actor(it.Next())) )
			if (mo == self || mo == Owner) 
				continue; //Exclude originator and shooter
			if(!mo.bIsMonster && !(mo is "Inventory") && mo.bMissile && mo.target == owner) //Get the missile that the owner shoots
				mo.bFoilInvul = mo.bSpectral = true; //To make sure that the ModifyDamage() is called.
				mo.FriendPlayer = 666; //Spectral projectile can only deal damage if their FriendPlayer variable is non-zero.
	override void ModifyDamage(int damage, Name damageType, out int newdamage, bool passive, Actor inflictor, Actor source, int flags)
		if(!passive && source && inflictor && inflictor.bMissile)
			newdamage = 0; //Prevent duplicate damage
			source.DamageMobj(inflictor, owner, damage, damageType, DMG_FORCED);				
This ForceMissileDamage powerup can make any projectiles that you should to be able to deal damage to any shootable actors, even if they have +INVULNERABLE, +SPECTRAL and +NODAMAGE flags set simuntaneously.
Sadly, this doesn't work with hitscan attack though.
This trick still works with ZDoom 4.11.0.

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