[1.7.1] [Powerslave] Various major bugs

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[1.7.1] [Powerslave] Various major bugs

Post by Powerslaver »

A while back I played Powerslave on Raze 1.7.1. Here are the bugs I encountered. I hope these can be fixed because it's otherwise a great sourceport.

Kilmaatikahn's second phase appears to be broken. He doesn't attack you and instead just shuffles around and periodically glows and growls and leaves orange spheres behind that hang in the air. Isn't he supposed to lay eggs that hatch into Wasps?
Another issue: Kilmaatikahn's head is supposed to fall on the ground and then the centipede is supposed to emerge from the ground. Currently, his head hangs in the air and the centipede emerges from the wall.

In the original game, the flamethrower staggers enemies, triggering their pain animation and interrupting their attack. This is not the case in Raze, making the flamethrower far less useful.

The Cobra Staff does not seem to work like in the original game, where it would home in on enemies without much difficulty, even those below or above you. In Raze, it seems to have real difficulty hitting targets that are on a different elevation. When firing at an enemy that is above you, like on a platform or at the top of stairs you're climbing, this causes major problems, making the projectile slam into a nearby wall, wasting ammo and often damaging the player with the splash damage. This happens even if you have a clear line of sight to the enemy. The issue seems to be that in Raze, the projectile has a windup time where it flies horizontally for a while before it starts homing in, which causes it to slam into a wall before it can go up or down to hit an enemy on a different elevation.

In the original game, firing the Cobra Staff knocks back the player a bit, making the weapon feel more impactful. That's missing here. Can it be implemented?

Another problem with the Cobra Staff is that it will sometimes teleport away the enemy it hits. I assume this is the game trying to simulate the knockback effect, but it looks like the enemy is being teleported.

Enemies won't react or attack you if you emerge from water and swim above water, not even if you start shooting them. Maybe this was the case in the original game too, but I hope this can be fixed or implemented as an optional setting. Certain enemies (or maybe all of them) also can't seem to attack while standing on shallow water.

Another water-related bug: While swimming above water and firing the Cobra Stuff, the projectile goes underwater and, finding no target under water, will home back in on the player, killing you. That can't be the intended behavior. Since you're swimming above water, the projectile should not go underwater.

There are a few other things I noticed, though I'm not sure if these are bugs.

Mummies fire 2 projectiles: a red and a grey one. The latter both damages you and resurrects any mummy corpse it crosses. But if it hits a live mummy, it will deal damage to it. It seems weird to me that the projectile that would raise them from the dead would also damage them. Maybe they can be made immune to its damage?

Their red projectile, whch turns you in a mummy, homes in you, but that's not the case for their regular grey projectile, which just fires in a straight line. Can it be made homing too? It would improve gameplay.

Ammit don't pose much of a threat because instead of charging towards you, they're constantly interrupting their movement to stand still and roar at you, which exposes their weakpoint. Again, maybe this was the case in the original game too, but I hope it can be fixed/improved.

The red bugs seem very hard to hit, especially when they're moving. Is this really intended?
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Graf Zahl
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Re: [1.7.1] [Powerslave] Various major bugs

Post by Graf Zahl »

1.7.1 is old. Several of the issues you mention have already been fixed in 1.8.1, so if you want to help, please check the latest version to see what still needs to be done.
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Re: [1.7.1] [Powerslave] Various major bugs

Post by Powerslaver »

Graf Zahl wrote:
> 1.7.1 is old. Several of the issues you mention have already been fixed in
> 1.8.1, so if you want to help, please check the latest version to see what
> still needs to be done.

1.8.1. wasn't available when I played through the game. Save files from 1.7.1. don't work with the newer version of Raze, so I have no idea if the stuff I mentioned was fixed.

I suppose I could install 1.8.1. and use cheat codes to check stuff out. I might do that.
Last edited by Powerslaver on Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [1.7.1] [Powerslave] Various major bugs

Post by Rachael »

Without followup, this has gone stale.

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