Ogg OPUS music does not play in full

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generic name guy
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Ogg OPUS music does not play in full

Post by generic name guy »

In GZDoom 4.11.3, music in .opus format does not play past 12-16 seconds or so. To reproduce this, you only have to convert any song that is around 1 minute long into OPUS and try to play it in GZDoom.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Ogg OPUS music does not play in full

Post by Graf Zahl »

It's a known issue, the 4.11.3 package was shipped with the wrong libsndfile.dll, please take the one from the 4.11.2 package and copy it over the old one.
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generic name guy
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Re: Ogg OPUS music does not play in full

Post by generic name guy »

This has been happening since August, so around 4.9 or so, not 4.11.

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