What's it good for? First thing is debugging. If you type INFO at the console it tells you about what you're looking at. Except that it can't tell you about any actors that are not on the block map because it uses a line trace to find the actor and the line trace function doesn't find actors not on the block map.
Second thing is if you wanted to build a hitscan weapon that can shoot down projectiles, a regular hitscan can't do that because projectiles are not on the block map. But you could use my function for that.
Thing thing, well I can't think of a third thing right now, but I'm sure there are more things out there.
Anyway, to the code:
Code: Select all
//a class for tracking hits on an actor
class HitList
private array<actor> HitA;
//can't have an array of vector3 so have to do it like this
private array<float> HitX;
private array<float> HitY;
private array<float> HitZ;
//tells how many hits on the list
uint Size() {return HitZ.Size();}
//clears everything
void clear()
//adds a hit to the list
uint Push3Floats(actor HitActor, float HitLocationX, float HitLocationY, float HitLocationZ)
if (!HitActor) return -1;
return HitX.Size() - 1;
//adds a hit to the list
uint PushVector3(actor HitActor, vector3 HitLocation)
return Push3Floats(HitActor, HitLocation.x, HitLocation.y, HitLocation.z);
//gets a specific hit
actor, vector3 Get(uint IndexNumber)
return HitA[IndexNumber], (HitX[IndexNumber], HitY[IndexNumber], HitZ[IndexNumber]);
//sorts the hits by their distance to a point
void SortByDistanceTo(vector3 ReferencePos)
if (Size() <= 1) {return;}
array<double> ValueList;
array<int> IndexList;
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
vector3 diff = (HitX[i], HitY[i], HitZ[i]) - ReferencePos;
//TODO: is "dot" faster than "length()"? Need to test this
//ALT: ValueList.push( diff.length() );
ValueList.push( diff dot diff );
ArraySort.SortDouble(ValueList, IndexList);
array<actor> newHitA;
array<float> newHitX;
array<float> newHitY;
array<float> newHitZ;
for (int i = 0; i < IndexList.size(); i++)
void print()
for (int i = 0; i < HitZ.size(); i++)
console.printf("HitList: (%8.2f,%8.2f,%8.2f) %s", HitX[i], HitY[i], HitZ[i], HitA[i].GetCharacterName());
struct LineSegCollide play
bool CheckLineSegHitsActor(vector3 LineStart, vector3 LineStop, actor CheckTarget, out HitList Hits)
double aLeft = CheckTarget.pos.x - CheckTarget.radius;
double aRight = CheckTarget.pos.x + CheckTarget.radius;
double aFront = CheckTarget.pos.y - CheckTarget.radius;
double aBack = CheckTarget.pos.y + CheckTarget.radius;
double aBottom = CheckTarget.pos.z;
double aTop = CheckTarget.pos.z + CheckTarget.height;
//check for easy misses
if (LineStart.x < aLeft && LineStop.x < aLeft) return false;
if (LineStart.x > aRight && LineStop.x > aRight) return false;
if (LineStart.y < aFront && LineStop.y < aFront) return false;
if (LineStart.y > aBack && LineStop.y > aBack) return false;
if (LineStart.z < aBottom && LineStop.z < aBottom) return false;
if (LineStart.z > aTop && LineStop.z > aTop) return false;
vector3 LineDirection = LineStop - LineStart;
if (!Hits) Hits = new("HitList");
int NumHits = 0;
//check left
if (LineDirection.x != 0)
double t = (aLeft - LineStart.x) / LineDirection.x;
if (0 <= t && t <= 1)
double y = LineStart.y + LineDirection.y * t;
double z = LineStart.z + LineDirection.z * t;
if (aFront <= y && y <= aBack && aBottom <= z && z <= aTop)
Hits.Push3Floats(CheckTarget, aLeft, y, z);
//check right
if (LineDirection.x != 0)
double t = (aRight - LineStart.x) / LineDirection.x;
if (0 <= t && t <= 1)
double y = LineStart.y + LineDirection.y * t;
double z = LineStart.z + LineDirection.z * t;
if (aFront <= y && y <= aBack && aBottom <= z && z <= aTop)
Hits.Push3Floats(CheckTarget, aRight, y, z);
//check front
if (LineDirection.y != 0)
double t = (aFront - LineStart.y) / LineDirection.y;
if (0 <= t && t <= 1)
double x = LineStart.x + LineDirection.x * t;
double z = LineStart.z + LineDirection.z * t;
if (aLeft <= x && x <= aRight && aBottom <= z && z <= aTop)
Hits.Push3Floats(CheckTarget, x, aFront, z);
//check back
if (LineDirection.y != 0)
double t = (aBack - LineStart.y) / LineDirection.y;
if (0 <= t && t <= 1)
double x = LineStart.x + LineDirection.x * t;
double z = LineStart.z + LineDirection.z * t;
if (aLeft <= x && x <= aRight && aBottom <= z && z <= aTop)
Hits.Push3Floats(CheckTarget, x, aBack, z);
//check bottom
if (LineDirection.z != 0)
double t = (aBottom - LineStart.z) / LineDirection.z;
if (0 <= t && t <= 1)
double x = LineStart.x + LineDirection.x * t;
double y = LineStart.y + LineDirection.y * t;
if (aLeft <= x && x <= aRight && aFront <= y && y <= aBack)
Hits.Push3Floats(CheckTarget, x, y, aBottom);
//check top
if (LineDirection.z != 0)
double t = (aTop - LineStart.z) / LineDirection.z;
if (0 <= t && t <= 1)
double x = LineStart.x + LineDirection.x * t;
double y = LineStart.y + LineDirection.y * t;
if (aLeft <= x && x <= aRight && aFront <= y && y <= aBack)
Hits.Push3Floats(CheckTarget, x, y, aTop);
return NumHits > 0;
bool CheckLineSegHitsActors(vector3 LineStart, vector3 LineStop, array<actor> CheckTargetList, out HitList Hits)
if (!Hits) Hits = new("HitList");
bool ret = false;
for (int i = 0; i < CheckTargetList.size(); i++)
if (!CheckTargetList[i]) continue;
if (CheckLineSegHitsActor(LineStart, LineStop, CheckTargetList[i], Hits)) {ret = true;}
return ret;
bool CheckPlayerLineOfSightHitList(int PlayNum, array<actor> CheckTarget, out HitList Hits, double LookRange = 4096, int TRF_Flags = 0, out FLineTraceData ltd = null)
PlayerPawn pp = players[PlayNum].mo;
if (!pp) return false;
pp.LineTrace(pp.Angle, LookRange, pp.Pitch, TRF_flags, pp.player.viewheight, data: ltd);
vector3 LineStart = pp.pos;
LineStart.z += pp.player.viewheight;
vector3 LineStop = ltd.HitLocation;
bool ret = CheckLineSegHitsActors(LineStart, LineStop, CheckTarget, Hits);
return ret;
actor, vector3 CheckPlayerLineOfSightHitActor(int PlayNum, array<actor> CheckTarget, double LookRange = 4096, int TRF_flags = 0)
PlayerPawn pp = players[PlayNum].mo;
if (!pp) return null, (0,0,0);
actor retAct = null;
vector3 retPos = pp.pos + (0,0,pp.player.ViewHeight);
fLineTraceData ltd;
HitList Hits = new("HitList");
if (CheckPlayerLineOfSightHitList(PlayNum, CheckTarget, Hits, LookRange, TRF_Flags, ltd))
if (0 < Hits.size())
[retAct, retPos] = Hits.Get(0);
else if (ltd.HitType == TRACE_HitActor)
retAct = ltd.HitActor;
retPos = ltd.HitLocation;
retPos = ltd.HitLocation;
return retAct, retPos;
Where does it get the list of actors to check? You'll have to provide that. Where does it get the line segment? From a line trace. All you have to tell it is the player number and it can get everything it needs from there.
The function call looks like this:
[HitActor, HitLocation] = LineSegCollide.LineSegCollide.CheckPlayerLineOfSightHitActor(consoleplayer, CheckTargets);
If HitActor is not null then the line hit an actor. It could be one of the actors in CheckTargets or it could have missed all of those and hit another actor. HitLocation tells where the hit happened.
And here is a handler to demonstrate it with:
Code: Select all
class LSC_Handler : EventHandler
//a list of classes not to hit
static const string ExcludeFromChecks[]={"MapMarker","WireCube3d"};
array<class> ExcludeList;
override void OnRegister()
//should only need to do this once
//builds a list of classes to exclude with building a target checking list
void BuildExcludeList()
for (int i = 0; i < ExcludeFromChecks.size(); i++)
class ExcludeClass = ExcludeFromChecks[i];
if (ExcludeClass) ExcludeList.push(ExcludeClass);
//builds a list of non-blockmap actors, exclusing classes in ExcludeList
void BuildCheckList(int PlayerNum, array<actor> CheckList, array<class> ExcludeList)
PlayerPawn pp = (0 <= PlayerNum && PlayerNum < players.size()) ? players[PlayerNum].mo : null;
ThinkerIterator it = ThinkerIterator.Create("Actor");
Actor mo;
while (mo = Actor(it.Next()))
bool ShouldSkip = (mo == pp);
ShouldSkip |= !mo.bNoBlockMap;
for (int i = 0; i < ExcludeList.size() && !ShouldSkip; i++)
ShouldSkip = mo is ExcludeList[i];
if (ShouldSkip) continue;
override void NetworkProcess(ConsoleEvent e)
if (e.Name ~== "LSC_Call")
//Checks the given player line of sight and prints info on any actor hit
void CheckPlayerLOS(int PlayerNum)
if (PlayerNum < 0 || PlayerNum >= players.size()) return;
array<actor> CheckList;
BuildCheckList(PlayerNum, CheckList, ExcludeList);
actor HitActor;
vector3 HitPos;
[HitActor, HitPos] = LineSegCollide.CheckPlayerLineOfSightHitActor(PlayerNum, CheckList, 4096, TRF_AllActors | TRF_ThruHitScan);
console.printf("Hit (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) %s", HitPos.x, HitPos.y, HitPos.z, HitActor ? HitActor.GetClassName() : "[No actor]");//DEBUG
- Doesn't work through portals, mirrors, etc
- There's a bit of weird code internally, because ZScript doesn't allow vector3 types in dynamic arrays or by reference function parameters
- Is not aware of any infinitely tall actors mode, uses the exact actor height & radius to calculate the hitbox
- If you really want a gun to shot down a projectile, probably should double the height down as Doom only puts a hitbox on the upper half
Fixed code not running on newer (~4.10) versions of GZDOOM, according to this post