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Another map full of terror and nasty traps. Next step would be finally to build my own map from scratch. This map is for anybody who likes original map design plus new rooms and challenging fights. Well, I hope they are challenging.
Placed as 01,tested on GZDoom only, Ultra Violence recommended.
Nobody interested, but that's okay. Here is tweaked Map01. I just want to have familiar map with lots of monsters and all weapons for mod testing.
[Version 2. I've done lots of tweaks, because first version was garbage. This is still garbage, but better. It's a lot easier, rooms are not insanely crowded, no teleporting squads. No high tier monsters except two archies. New rooms have a purpose, better texturing, etc.]
Placed as 01,tested on GZDoom only, Ultra Violence recommended.
Compilation of all my five Terror Maps. Maps 01 and 02 were reworked - 02 now, 01 some time ago. 01 is now relatively easy, because it's start map. Map 03 was tweaked (now) to be more hard. 04 and 05 are, i believe, hard enough.
Reworked Map02. More traps, more ambushes, more terror. I purposedly avoided to some traps (like supercharge, which is obvious trap) and real minigun addon was BIG help, because is OP. But if you know what you doing, you will be fine. At this point, i'm working on version 3 of this map, ending was maybe too easy.
Maps of Chaos Terror Edition V3.7 (Maps 01-05) - all maps: minor design tweaks, some bug fixing, monster placing, etc., reworked map03
Some screens