well, it's just a minor patch that changes the look of the vanilla torches (tall and short) for different animation, without "breaking the bank" of the doom assets.
get it here --> https://www.mediafire.com/file/y7lzfk1a ... s.pk3/file (just slap it at the end of your load order like any other mod)
I wont say 'improved' as, tbh, theres not much of a change occring here. really all it is, is amuscaria's flames (from hellforged ep1) recoloured with some additional 'smuts' (lifted from brutal doom) on some slightly altered torch/stick 'bodies'.
why bother then? well, why not eh? you could say that about any visual patch, but, the reasons this one was done are twofold;
One, I've always found some of doom's mismatched art a little jarring, espescially on things like flames. I wanted to use those flame sprites so they matched the design of the fire-can and archvile fire a little more and two, keep them sperate to the stands/sticks so that I can have nice transluscent flames, yet keep the torch or stick solid.
This is actually a rather nice effect that creates great silhouettes of the stands when viewed from afar.
The incusion of the 'smuts' was a way of better homaging the original sprites some, albeit with, IMHO, better quality animation. I've also made it in this patch so that the firecan has these to better blend the styles together even further.
heres more shots to show off the transluscency and the aforementioned shilouetting in some more well known maps...
Spoiler:The use of translation to make the alternate colours based on doom's green colours means that any colours you fancy could be created off of the back of this.
also it's 'seperate'/modular nature means that you could quite easily use completely different flame sprites if you so wished or even do some code to create torches that can be lit and extinquished as switchable decorations as you see fit...
so, yes, do feel free to use.
now includes gldefs thanks to Craneo!