This is a gameplay mod for GZDoom which replaces the classic Doom weapons and enemies into their Doom 3 counterparts, with adjustments made and additional extras included. This mod contains new graphics made by various community members and sound effects from Doom 3. The weapons and enemies can be run together or separately, but are recommend to be run together for the best intended experience.
Requires GZDoom ver.4.7.1 or up and a valid doom wad.
Previous versions
v2.2Mirror 1
v.1.5Mirror 1
v1.3Mirror 1
v1.3Mirror 2
v1.2Mirror 1
v1.2Mirror 2
v1. Mirror 1
v1. Mirror 2
This mod aims to mix the gameplay of classic Doom with the semi-real themes from Doom 3. Weapons are based off the Doom 3 arsenal.
Some features are:
-All guns have clips that must be reloaded, powered by RRWM reloading system [1.3.0a].
-Weapons eject casings and smoke.
-Hitscans have tracers and sounds for hitting either flesh or walls and fly-by.
-Most of the weapons will deal more damage than their classic versions.
-Weapons use the classic Doom ammo types, an optional patch is included that gives weapons new ammo types based on Doom 3
-Shotguns are stronger but have a wider spread.
-The chaingun is faster and more powerful but must wind-up to fire.
-Plasma rifle projectiles are a bit faster and stronger.
-The BFG charges up for stronger blasts, be careful you don't overload it!
-Grenades that behave similar to Doom 3, don't overcook them!
-The Soul Cube or The Artifact can replace the Megasphere or Soulsphere.
-Friendly sentry bots can replace blurspheres, press 'use' to activate them.
-For more QOL some weapons can be zoomed or have different fire modes
and you can perform a quick-kick attack (user 1) at any time if you like.
-Doom 3 style hud by Blux001, with edits to include weapon icons and flashlight.
-Added features to the Nightmare skill level, based off Doom 3. Your health degenerates and healing kits are now small bonuses, but you start off with either the soul cube or artifact.
Nearly every Doom 3 enemy makes an appearance (over 35 enemies). Sprites were chosen to be in a classic Doom style. Special thanks to the work of many members of the Doom community! (see credits)
Some features are:
-Blood now splats on the floor and fades away.
-Zombiemen are slower but have increased health with ZSecs mixed in, with increased tactics but more manageable hit points.
-Imps now perform leaping attacks or heavier fireballs when in medium range.
-Pinky demons can be randomly replaced with other melee demons and zombies.
-Revenant's seeking missiles are now fired in pairs, but they now slowly fall
to the ground and can be destroyed by shooting at them.
-Barons of Hell are replaced with Brusiers or, with a rare chance, one of the Hellhunter bosses.
-The Vagary replaces the Arachnotron. Still a big spider, but different in fighting style. They throw seeking spike balls and spawn Trites, smaller spider-like demons.
-The Lost Mission's Guardian of Hell replaces the Spidermastermind.
-The Cyberdemon has a chance to be replaced with the Sabaoth.
-Resurrection of Evil's final boss The Maledict replaces the Icon of Sin battle.
Also included is a 'world' patch that turns maps into a Doom 3 style, includes DarkDoomZ and D3RetroTex, along with liquid effects and Doom 3 sounds. Edits have been made to the flashlight to add battery drain and monster alerting, which can be turned off in the options menu.