If you don't remember what the classic font looked like, here is an example:
All characters have been imported from duke3d.grp 1.3D, stored in .art files to make a very simple drag-and-drop solution possible (not even a .def file is needed). I have chosen file names so that you shouldn't experience conflicts with any other groupfiles or mods. On top of that, I have added the dash (-) character (tile #2929, originally made by SwissCM for the 8-bit redfont in the Duke3D HRP) which was missing in the 1.3D art to make sure the character set is complete. The other good thing: This should also work in any other port, e.g. EDuke32 or Rednukem.
Two versions are available:
- duke3d_font13.pk3: Unaltered redfont, directly taken from the 1.3D groupfile
- duke3d_font13cm.pk3: SwissCM's redfont edit (cleaned up, a bit brighter, better legibility)
Needless to say, it's autoload material and meant to be used as such. To pull it off, place attached duke3d_font13.pk3 in your Raze directory and put something like this in your ini:
Code: Select all
Duke would probably say: "Aaaah... MUCH better!"