This is just a dumb wad I'm working on called Fartyguns. I've been working on this on and off since 2009, and thought I had lost it until, I dunno, say, a year ago, when I suddenly found it in my mediafire account. Since then I've decided to pick it up again, because obviously, it's just too damn good to let it rot and ferment into jenkem. Some may consider it immature; some may consider it a work of art. Whatever perspective you're looking at this from, I hope you enjoy it. If you don't, that's fine too.
Features include a fart hotkey, farting enemies, farting weapons, farts, farts, fire, gas, and more farts, oh, and a custom HUD that I'm still working on. You can also bribe enemies with the money you earn, which can also be used for... nothing yet, but I'm still cooking up ideas for that.
Oh - and I developed it specifically for Zandronum, meaning you can have a complete shitfest with your friends! Bother your pals, your buddies, your frienderinos, your butt-buddies, by gassing the spawn, or setting it on fire, or simply annihilating them with some stupid overpowered shit. Or maybe send them flying across the room with the super shotgun. Or send a baron flying in their face.
Some media:
Download link: