So after a while of trying I finally decided to make a release of it, it's a bit too brown but it works in general, it goes very well with mods like
Serious Doom, WW_Nazis and DIO Doom I think.
I originally used "textures" folder structure but since it breaks some levels that may have their own textures lump I decided to make every texture a "patch"
that replaces the default Doom wall patches (while leaving textures untouched), that way mapsets that call in for the default patches to be used will
use these instead, this, ofcourse, limits the textures to the shape the original patches had, but it works none the less.
This should be compatible with all levels that use vanilla textures as well as a few ones that replace said textures with new ones. (EDIT: added support for Alien Vendetta)
UPDATED Screenshots (slightly out of date):
More Screenshots:
(Old screenshots taken with WW_Nazis!)
Download: ... 7.pk3?dl=0
version 7 changelog:
changed the metal flat texture
changed some door textures
changed most of the PANCASE textures
changed most tech switch textures
changed wall25_1 (sp_face) AGAIN, this time for last hopefully
tweaked the acid and blood drip pipe textures
recolored burning barrel sprite and brick wall lamp texture
recolored pretty much almost all props in general
recolored "snake" floor and wall textures
added techlamps
replaced the small tree with a bush of sorts (from Powerslave)
probably more I forgot about
Older versions:
ID Software - Doom Itself
DBTanathos - Hexen 2 Texturepack (used as a base)
Raven Software - Hexen 2 Textures (some are still used), Heretic and Hexen textures taken from AV)
Lobotomy Software - Powerslave Sprites and Textures
FreeDoom Team - Some Textures
Ceeb - Converting the Textures for Realm667
DunkelSchwamm - Ripping the Sprites for TSR
OSJC Latchford - new barrel sprites
(if someone knows which of the AV mappers did the texture edits from that wad, please tell me so I can include them in the credits)
Feedback appreciated!