[???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

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[???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by phantombeta »

No idea when this showed up, but it has probably been around for a long time.
Basically, when the game is paused, GC collection slows down to a crawl. This means that, if a normal menu allocates classes constantly, the GC never collects memory fast enough to offset the constant increase, and you end up with a net increase in RAM usage.

You can reproduce this with Nash's PDA starter kit:
  • Clone the repo or download the source Zip and launch GZDoom while using the entire folder as a file, with Doom 2 as the IWAD.
  • Start the game and do "stat gc" in the console.
  • Pick up the items in front of you, then press the Use Inventory key on the item you get.
  • Click any of the entries in the list.
  • Memory allocations will now be too fast for the GC to keep up with. Once "Alloc" reaches "Thresh", it'll be stuck in the Sweep phase.
If you add "menuactive = OnNoPause;" to the Init function of PDAMenu (In "zscript/PDAMenu.zc"), the issue never pops up. Once Alloc reaches Thresh, it starts collecting dead objects just fine.
Doing "gc pause 1; gc stepmul 400000" in the console also seems to help while the game is paused.

In general, this is a pretty serious issue that needs to be fixed. There's no reason for GZDoom to slow down the GC like this when the game is paused.
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by Player701 »

Also confirmed to happen with RRWM's HUD, which uses a widget system that involves creating a lot of small objects on each draw pass. Guess I never noticed this because I usually minimize the game instead of pausing it, and also maybe because I have 32 GB RAM. :roll:
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by Gutawer »

Since this effects ZForms so much I've looked into this and the cause is fairly simple - the GC is normally called via CheckGC once per thinker per tick, and while the game is paused, thinkers aren't ticked, so the GC is never called apart from a few scattered calls to CheckGC (which are the cause of this bug not happening if stepmul is set to a very high amount). A simple solution here is just to call GC::FullGC before the early return in line 112 of p_tick.cpp. I'm not sure if there's a better solution but in my testing this doesn't result in any major performance problems (especially since the game gets locked to 35 FPS when the game is paused anyway).
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by Gutawer »

I've PR'd the fix described above here: https://github.com/coelckers/gzdoom/pull/1242
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by drfrag »

What about this? It fixes the problem:

Code: Select all

diff --git a/src/p_tick.cpp b/src/p_tick.cpp
index 7253eafbe..8b74e41ec 100644
--- a/src/p_tick.cpp
+++ b/src/p_tick.cpp
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ void P_Ticker (void)
 					ac->flags8 &= ~MF8_RECREATELIGHTS;
+				if (!(ac->ObjectFlags & OF_EuthanizeMe))
+					GC::CheckGC();
Edit: i've tweaked it a little.
Edit2: wrong flag.
Last edited by drfrag on Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by drfrag »

I made another PR (it's been closed BTW) and it fixed the issue with Nash's PDA Starter kit but this not only happens when the game is paused. I've tried RRWM and memory usage keeps increasing even when the game is running, with my fix it decreases when you pause the game tough. So may be the issue with the HUD it's not a bug and just there are too many objets being created.
https://bitbucket.org/Player701/rrwm/do ... -v1.2.3.7z
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by Player701 »

In my RRWM playtesting sessions the game never crashed during gameplay, and I never noticed any abnormal memory usage. I've just tested again with GZDoom 4.5.0 and RRWM 1.3.0a, and memory usage does seem to go higher and higher if I just fire up a level and do nothing. But as soon as I start running around, opening doors, shooting at enemies etc., it eventually stabilizes and only starts increasing again while the game is paused (and resets to normal once un-paused).
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by Graf Zahl »

Let me repeat: I think placing the additional calls in P_Ticker is dead wrong because this is not the correct place for paused gameplay, Also, repeated calls to CheckGC only are effective if there have been additional allocations in the mean time. So this must be done in a place that a) gets called repeatedly and b) is at least somewhat sensitive to object allocation frequency.
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by drfrag »

Player701 wrote: memory usage does seem to go higher and higher if I just fire up a level and do nothing
If you don't interact with the actors memory usage skyrockets until the system freezes (i was so pissed the last time that i added an optional ram safeguard to abort), alerting the monsters is enough to prevent it. So this issue is even more serious than it seemed initially.
Graf Zahl wrote: repeated calls to CheckGC only are effective if there have been additional allocations in the mean time
For me it works when the game is paused, my code AFAIK iterates through all actors whose objects have not been released by the GC. I could not find a better place. But now it also happens when the game is not paused.
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by Graf Zahl »

Yes, it works - but not by design but by happenstance. You still gobble up all the allocations from a single frame which in bad cases can cause problems. If you want to do it like this, a single CheckGC call in the main loop would suffice and produce the exact same result as this.
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by drfrag »

Not really but i don't know how to fix this, the problem is that the GC can't keep up when thinkers don't think, with the game being paused or not. Could we do something about that in the menu ticker?
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by Gutawer »

One thing to note here for the writers of mods that this effects - ZScript structs aren't allocated via new(...) so they aren't subject to this. I've entirely fixed this issue locally for the next version of ZForms by converting the AABB class to a struct. It's a bit less nice to use because structs are a bit limited in ZScript but it works well enough, and causes no memory issues. Not a fix to the root cause but this seems like it'll fundamentally be a hard issue to fix so I feel like pointing it out.
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by Graf Zahl »

I really don't lnow what to do here. Not even allocation counting works because the allocator retardedly counts EVERYTHING it allocates, even static arrays and stuff for deciding when to start a GC run. As a result there is no way to determine how many GC'd objects were allocated last frame and make the GC catch up if it starts collecting but cannot keep up with the allocations.

The entire 'call CheckGC in the thinker loop was just a crutch to patch over the broken design of the allocator.
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by drfrag »

This is what i did, i don't get why it's wrong but for me it works.
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Re: [???] GC can't keep up while the game is paused

Post by Graf Zahl »

This is not the right place. It'd still lose track of the allocations if the menu was used outside a game, e.g on an intermission screen or the main demo loop.

A proper fix would have to fix the allocator first, otherwise there's no way to decide how often to call CheckGC.

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