Less Frustrating Doom Monsters! [1.0.12]

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Less Frustrating Doom Monsters! [1.0.12]

Post by kinker31 »

(Compatible with ZDoom 2.8.1!)
Spoiler: Changelog
As the name might imply, this mod does two primary things to the vanilla Doom bestiary:
  • Completely get rid of monster hitscans, and replace them with tiny, speedy projectiles.
  • Change the monsters to have less of a bite and are slightly more easier to learn and defeat.
The comprehensive list of changes is as follows:
  • All former humans' hitscans have been replaced with speedy bullet projectiles. dealing 1-4 damage per bullet.
  • Zombiemen fire one bullet every few seconds.
  • Shotgun Guys spew 3 of then in a 12 degree fan
  • Chaingunners spew much quicker streams of bullets, but are less aggressive.
  • Every enemy-exclusive projectile has been slowed down to at least 2/3rds of their speed, and deal less damage to the player.
  • Demons/Sprectres take longer to bite you.
  • Lost Souls, Cacodemons, and Pain Elementals fly slower.
  • Hell Knights and Barons fire slightly slower.
  • Pain Elementals take longer to spew Lost Souls.
  • Revenants no longer spam heatseeking missiles like crazy.
  • Mancubuses now move about the speed an actual obese person would move, and made the FatShots more simpler.
  • Arachnotrons fire slightly slower.
  • Archviles take longer to hex the player with hitscan fire bullshit, and have a higher pain chance.
  • Cyberdemons fire 2 rockets per volley instead of three.
  • Spider Masterminds have a higher pain chance, and take longer to fire their super chaingun,
  • SS Nazis and Keens have not been replaced for DeHackEd purposes.
"LessFrustratingDoom" is the main file, "LFD_HitscanOnly" is a variant of the mod that only replaces the hitscanners and leaves the rest of the monsters alone.

Sit on this link with your big, massive runp to download this here mod:
Less Frustrating Doom.zip
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Last edited by kinker31 on Fri Jul 17, 2020 4:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Less Frustrating Doom Monsters! [1.0.0]

Post by Captain J »

A Mercy to Ultra-violent doom, i see. This might work so well with the Hideous Destructor, tho i haven't played along with it... Yet!
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Re: Less Frustrating Doom Monsters! [1.0.0]

Post by MFG38 »

kinker31 wrote:Hell Knights move slightly slower.
Unless you mean the HK projectiles rather than HKs themselves, this is just unnecessary. You already move faster than HKs even at walking speed, so they'll rarely be a problem speed-wise.
kinker31 wrote:Cacodemons, and Pain Elementals fly slower.
Also unnecessary, see above.
kinker31 wrote:made the FatShots less unpredictable.
Fun fact: there is a pattern to the FatShots, meaning that any sense of unpredictability in regards to them is entirely subjective. It shouldn't even take a lot to learn it.

Okay, on a serious non-nitpicky note, while this mod isn't something I can see myself playing beyond a brief look out of morbid curiosity, the general premise is something I sorta dig. I can see it being a great way for a new player to ease themselves into dealing with the various enemy types. For someone like me who's played the game for some 12 years and knows it like the back of their own hand, though, it's little more than a pointless nerf.
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Re: Less Frustrating Doom Monsters! [1.0.0]

Post by kinker31 »

MFG38 wrote:Fun fact: there is a pattern to the FatShots, meaning that any sense of unpredictability in regards to them is entirely subjective. It shouldn't even take a lot to learn it.
I probably should've said "simplified the Mancubus attack pattern", but it was nearly 5 in the morning when I finished the mod, even though it's probably not a good idea to describe stuff when the chance to fall asleep on the keyboard is pretty darn high. I'll update the page to reflect that once I get 1.0.1 out, which shouldn't take too long.
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Re: Less Frustrating Doom Monsters! [1.0.1]

Post by kinker31 »

Version 1.0.1 has been released!
  • Hell Knights, Hell Barons, Cacodemons, and Pain Elementals now have retained their vanilla speeds.
  • Tweaked the Archvile.
  • Tweaked the Spider Mastermind.
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Re: Less Frustrating Doom Monsters! [1.0.12]

Post by retronutcase »

Question. Can bullet enemies like Zombiemen/Shotgunners/Chaingunners still infight with one another? I know a few cases have existed when turning them from hitscan to projectile broke that because projectiles in Doom can't affect another creature of the same type.
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Re: Less Frustrating Doom Monsters! [1.0.12]

Post by Spaceman333 »

As a fan of "I H8 Pain Elementals" mod, I appreciate more mods like this.

Thank you for making it! :D
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Re: Less Frustrating Doom Monsters! [1.0.12]

Post by kinker31 »

retronutcase wrote:Question. Can bullet enemies like Zombiemen/Shotgunners/Chaingunners still infight with one another? I know a few cases have existed when turning them from hitscan to projectile broke that because projectiles in Doom can't affect another creature of the same type.
I haven't tested it extensively yet, but I think it can still work, it just might take longer for them to finish each other off.

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