(Compatible with ZDoom 2.8.1!)
Spoiler: ChangelogAs the name might imply, this mod does two primary things to the vanilla Doom bestiary:
- Completely get rid of monster hitscans, and replace them with tiny, speedy projectiles.
- Change the monsters to have less of a bite and are slightly more easier to learn and defeat.
- All former humans' hitscans have been replaced with speedy bullet projectiles. dealing 1-4 damage per bullet.
- Zombiemen fire one bullet every few seconds.
- Shotgun Guys spew 3 of then in a 12 degree fan
- Chaingunners spew much quicker streams of bullets, but are less aggressive.
- Every enemy-exclusive projectile has been slowed down to at least 2/3rds of their speed, and deal less damage to the player.
- Demons/Sprectres take longer to bite you.
- Lost Souls, Cacodemons, and Pain Elementals fly slower.
- Hell Knights and Barons fire slightly slower.
- Pain Elementals take longer to spew Lost Souls.
- Revenants no longer spam heatseeking missiles like crazy.
- Mancubuses now move about the speed an actual obese person would move, and made the FatShots more simpler.
- Arachnotrons fire slightly slower.
- Archviles take longer to hex the player with hitscan fire bullshit, and have a higher pain chance.
- Cyberdemons fire 2 rockets per volley instead of three.
- Spider Masterminds have a higher pain chance, and take longer to fire their super chaingun,
- SS Nazis and Keens have not been replaced for DeHackEd purposes.
Sit on this link with your big, massive runp to download this here mod: