[Abandonded] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

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[Abandonded] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by The Philosopher »

Or The Thing mod for the ones who are unfamiliar with the title, is an Action-Horror mod based on both movie and the videogame, trying to catch the feel of being the only one alive while you run from the Things in your mappack of preferance.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/hihpu7t70jbuc ... 3.rar?dl=0

Mod Guide made by Eggs:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZNHsP ... bQvp0K4_bP

NOTE: This is higly unfinished! So expect some balancing issues and changes in time.

If theres anyone who I left uncredited pleasd let me know

Have Fun!
Last edited by The Philosopher on Sat Oct 09, 2021 6:07 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by EddieMann »

Flamethrower should be the main focus of weaponry, since it IS what they use to clear 'em for good - barring that, replace the pistol with a revolver, shotgun with the winchester trench shotgun, and chaingun with the G3 - to keep true to the '82 film.

Increase the flamethrower's range just a bit.
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by The Philosopher »

EddieMann wrote:Flamethrower should be the main focus of weaponry - barring that, replace the pistol with a revolver, shotgun with the winchester trench shotgun, and chaingun with the G3 - to keep true to the '82 film.
Well actually in the beggining i didnt want to make the arsenal closed to the one from the Movie but more closely to the Doom's arsenal and other reason was that for the Dying Marine i am using a edited doom player sprites, originally i was going to use the player sprites from Artic Wolf seeing that they were mpre fitting to the Thing atmosfeer, maybe in the future i will make it more Movie friendly.
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by r&r »

Well weapons from the game The Thing 2002 video game could work

But maybe like a weapon-set optional thing
like a survive the horror set up or action horror setup.

and something like adding companions that could become the thing and can turn on you would be a interesting thing.
so it's your choice to free them or tell them to stay or tag along. like the brutal friends mechanics
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by The Philosopher »

r&r wrote:Well weapons from the game The Thing 2002 video game could work

But maybe like a weapon-set optional thing
like a survive the horror set up or action horror setup.

and something like adding companions that could become the thing and can back fire would be a interesting thing.
so it's your choice to free them or tell them to stay or tag along. like the brutal friends mechanics
Initially i coded friendly marines that would replace the keys and you needed to "activate" them for obtaining the key but there would be a chance that when activating them would make them hostile and when killing would reveal themselves as Things

And dont worry about the weapons, i liked Eddieman idea of a more Movie tyed arsenal so that would be the next thing i will work on.
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by PatCatz2004 »

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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by Artman2004 »

I've always wanted a The Thing mod for Doom, and this is quite well done, even at this stage. However, I do have some criticisms:
-Most of the enemies aren't very Thing-y. I hope that you replace them in the future.
-You should credit your sources for resources.
-Why is there a Gauss cannon?
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by The Philosopher »

Artman2004 wrote:I've always wanted a The Thing mod for Doom, and this is quite well done, even at this stage. However, I do have some criticisms:
-Most of the enemies aren't very Thing-y. I hope that you replace them in the future.
-You should credit your sources for resources.
-Why is there a Gauss cannon?
- If i would have the necessary sprite skills, i would compleitely made the Things from the game but for now i am using sprites that altough not very Thing-y like you sai they still have the behaviour of their Thing Game counterpart
-Credits are in the Credits.txt
-The is inspired by the Thing, not a TC of the Thing and i wanted a counterpart of the BFG so i choose the Gauss Cannon, but in previous post next version i will replace the weapons with more Movie friendly weapons
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by r&r »

Now we just need winter horror map
or something like The thing horror textures replacements

but it's hard to find now textures
https://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/textures/ nightmare 1 seems like i cold have snow textures.

there also https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/level ... o/nhell_d2

and https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/ ... ters-fury/

and Project Einherjar textures too

they might be good for a textures the thing texture pack
Last edited by r&r on Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by The Philosopher »

r&r wrote:Now we just need winter horror map
or something like The thing horror textures replacements

but it's hard to find now textures
https://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/textures/ nightmare 1 seems like i cold have snow textures.

there also https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/level ... o/nhell_d2

and https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/ ... ters-fury/

they might be good for a textures the thing texture pack
Currently i am working on a mapset, its gonna take a while since this is my first time using Doom Builder, currently i am using the Artic Wolf textures
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by Valherran »

That dude ought to be wearing a hazmat suit, 1 blood splatter on the skin and you're done. :lol:
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by r&r »

The Philosopher wrote:
r&r wrote:Now we just need winter horror map
or something like The thing horror textures replacements

but it's hard to find now textures
https://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/textures/ nightmare 1 seems like i cold have snow textures.

there also https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/level ... o/nhell_d2

and https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/ ... ters-fury/

they might be good for a textures the thing texture pack
Currently i am working on a mapset, its gonna take a while since this is my first time using Doom Builder, currently i am using the Artic Wolf textures
Ah ok then, oh theres also Project Einherjar textures and the Ghostbusters too if you want to add in some 80's,
basically the pc (bottom right of this sheet) https://www.spriters-resource.com/resou ... /30657.png
https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-hotel-lo ... /downloads this mod got some neat textures too.

But for more 80's sprites and devices, maybe better off finding a 80's pics of those devices and scale it down and photo edit them into a sprite.

Some sprites that might fit for this mod or make good inspiration for ideas
https://www.spriters-resource.com/resou ... /30566.png
https://www.spriters-resource.com/resou ... /39453.png
https://www.spriters-resource.com/resou ... /30666.png
https://www.spriters-resource.com/resou ... /20813.png
https://www.spriters-resource.com/resou ... /27001.png
https://www.spriters-resource.com/resou ... /27206.png
https://www.spriters-resource.com/resou ... /15289.png
https://www.spriters-resource.com/resou ... /15293.png
https://www.realm667.com/index.php/en/b ... e-henchman
https://www.realm667.com/index.php/en/b ... -scientist
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

First of all, thanks for choosing me as a beta tester!

Secondly, sorry for taking long to post feedback about the mod. I could not download the new version because i am having deep troubles with the internet (otherwise i would show some new tricks in Nightshift :p)

I also wanted this feedback to be private, but since i am not going to be harsh, i don't see reason to not post here.

This list is based on the beta version you sent me. With that said, let's start:

The first thing i noticed is that the mod inclined a lot to the Brutal Doom side. This is not an offense, not at all. But i think Doomguy black gloves are as already as bland for all of us as the standard gloves, and they basically pass the feeling that the mod is going to be "action packed". This is rather a personal mumbling, so i am going to go ahead and say that i would invest in some new sleeves, i dunno, maybe a heavy coat.
I swear i have more to say but i forgot a bunch. I will give a spin with the new version as soon as possible and give you new ideas.

If possible, i have a ton of Resident Evil things here too, so i can provide some resources.

Keep rocking, this is my favorite (and i bet a lot of guys here too) horror movie. You don't see movies as good as this even today. Carpenter is a genius.
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by EddieMann »

The Philosopher wrote:
r&r wrote:Now we just need winter horror map
or something like The thing horror textures replacements

but it's hard to find now textures
https://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/textures/ nightmare 1 seems like i cold have snow textures.

there also https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/level ... o/nhell_d2

and https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/ ... ters-fury/

they might be good for a textures the thing texture pack
Currently i am working on a mapset, its gonna take a while since this is my first time using Doom Builder, currently i am using the Artic Wolf textures
Take inspiration from Strange Aeons and other wads like it, you'll really find a worthy niche there.
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Re: [WIP] "Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide"

Post by XLightningStormL »

Personally I'd prefer to see weapons that would more benefit The Thing's era, and time setting, so:
1) Instead of the Bwutal D0w0m flamethrower opt instead for a better sprite (i.e such as the really bad example Flammenwerfer from uhh Moon Man.pk3 {this is the only source I could think of off the top of my head that uses that flamethrower, sorry])
2) Use the VietDoom M16 instead of the bd19 AR (not exactly accurate considering that VD's is a M16A1, and a M16A2 would be a better option, but gotta work with what you gotta work with) and give it a burst-function instead of semi-auto.
3) Eschew the Gauss Cannon entirely, maybe replace it with the Grenade Launcher, make it a M79, have it be reloadable, maybe even got the RE2-route and give it incendiary rounds or something.
4) Replace the 5 Slot GL with Dynamite (I can provide you with proper tan-colour Dynamite sprites based on the Thing mind you, as I'm using such a weapon for RN)
5) Maybe instead of using a greyscaled Shotgun, and just replace it with VD's Ithaca M37 (that appeared in The Thing according to IMFDB)
6) Replace the starting weapon with a .44 Revolver (something like what MacReady uses in the movie, just upscale it for .44 so it's not pointless, once again VD has the assets for it so :P)

Just suggestions, not dictating :P

You mention making a mapset, you might wanna check out Cold as Hell, since that's basically The Thing From Another World meets Doom.

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