Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help needed

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Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help needed

Post by Graf Zahl »

To verify the extent of how some engine features have been used by mods I need to get hold on all projects currently featured in the Projects section of the forum.
There's just one huge problem here: It's over 5000 threads that need checking, I simply cannot do this alone.

So I just set up a private cloud storage where these things can be uploaded. If someone is interested in helping me out, here's the procedure:

1) get the login info for the cloud storage I set up, I'll send them via PM to interested persons.
2) Once set up ask for a range of threads to check. To make things manageable, ranges are thread titles in alphabetic order, you can arrange the forum display for that by going to the bottom of the page, select "Sort by", set it to "Subject" and "Ascending". I will generally hand out ranges by the first letter, e.g. "Get everything starting with 'H" from the "Levels" forum.
3) Download everything that has actual content and is not hosted on /idgames. Since I can batch download from /idgames without issues I do not need anything hosted there.
4) Upload to the cloud storage I provide.

I think if I can get help from maybe 10 people we can handle all those 5000 threads in a few days, I already started with the levels forum and will continue on it.

The main reason for this undertaking is that I really would like to fix the texture scaling feature, but have no good numbers of how many mods depend on ZDoom's old per-texel-panning feature that needs to be disabled for the feature to be fixed. The content on /idgames depending on it is virtually non-existent and could be handled with compatibility patches but many high profile mods are not present there.

Also, if someone knows of mods on ModDB that may need checking, those are of course also appreciated.

Status (green done, yellow claimed, red, to do):

Levels: complete
Graphics/Audio patches: 0ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (only graphics patches needed!)
Last edited by Graf Zahl on Sat Dec 21, 2019 1:52 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by Player701 »

OK, count me in. I think I can spare some time for this stuff, at least this weekend.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by _mental_ »

Me too.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by Graf Zahl »

OK, you can already start downloading. I already did all threads of levels starting with A and am half through B.
Pick your letter and post a notification here, I'll send you the login data ASAP.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by m8f »

Count me in. I can start with 0 and A of gameplay mods.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by Graf Zahl »

Ok, I'll send you the login data, too.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by Player701 »

Since people have already started from A, I think I will go in reverse order to avoid conflicts. I'm planning to start with Levels, from Z; you may also reserve a few more letters from that end (say, 4-5). I guess there aren't too many project names starting with those letters (except maybe Z), so I will probably be moving even faster towards the more common letters.
Last edited by Player701 on Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by _mental_ »

I'll take TCs from the start of the list. I can only start tomorrow, so you can "assign" someone else to me if needed.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by Graf Zahl »

Like I said, best make a quick post when you claim a letter and start downloading it, then I can mark it so the next person can choose something else. Also make a quick post when the letter is done and uploaded so I can mark it finished.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by Player701 »

I can also start only tomorrow, so I guess I'll see which letters are still available by then. My initial plan is unchanged, though.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by Apeirogon »

I have few mods from moddb in mind but
old per-texel-panning feature
how determine is mod using it? Because I hear first time about this feature.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by Graf Zahl »

I can only determine that by looking at the mod's internals. That's why I need to collect them. If you know about stuff on ModDB that may need investigation, please post links to these mods here.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by m8f »

Gameplay mods 0A is uploaded. Not sure if heavy stuff like AEoD should go there. Uploaded anyway.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by Graf Zahl »

These large mods are particularly important, even if they don't contain maps. I need to get an idea what people were doing in these and if there's some pitfalls to look for.
I chose Mega for a reason, it's the service with by far the largest storage space for a free account.
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Re: Collecting all mods from the Projects forum .- Help need

Post by Player701 »

I will now start to download everything in Levels in reverse order, let's say, from Z to V for now. I will update this post when I'm finished.

Upd: Finished downloading everything I could, and uploaded everything to the cloud (V-W-X-Y-Z). I'll see if I have the time for more later today.

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