[4.2.x] Wallsprites do not sample texture data correctly

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[4.2.x] Wallsprites do not sample texture data correctly

Post by Rachael »

Discovered while fixing this bug.

Same file sample.

While sampling Y-data seems to work just fine, sampling X data does not. It always samples one column of the sprite (the center?).

Furthermore, the texture resize system seems to bork it even further.
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Re: [4.2.x] Wallsprites do not sample texture data correctly

Post by SanyaWaffles »

https://www.dropbox.com/s/tbyujjqpw2sj5 ... .ipk3?dl=0

I'll work on getting some sort of minimal example ready so you don't have to constantly download a huge 47MB file. This was discovered during the development of a project of mine which makes extensive use of wall sprites.
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Re: [4.2.x] Wallsprites do not sample texture data correctly

Post by drfrag »

LZDoom was not affected by the crash but it's affected by this bug. The legacy branch still crashes after the fix. Edit: and master.
Last edited by drfrag on Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [4.2.x] Wallsprites do not sample texture data correctly

Post by drfrag »

But did they work in ZDoom? Is there a simple test wad out there?
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Re: [4.2.x] Wallsprites do not sample texture data correctly

Post by drfrag »

They never worked in software. Here's a minimal example, i've tried 3.1.0a and they were broken. Graf fixed the crash then and it came back later.
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