Scaled projectile decals

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Scuba Steve
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Scaled projectile decals

Post by Scuba Steve »

OK, so question about the plasma gun's decal. ZDoom uses the plasma gun projectile as an alpha overlay for the decal it applies to walls. In the case of projects that apply a filter to upscale projectiles, the alpha decal gets distorted and stretched on the wall. All things considred, shouldn't the alpha map scale appropriately and match the original size of the projectile?

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Graf Zahl
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Re: Scaled projectile decals

Post by Graf Zahl »

Please post a runnable example for testing.
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Re: Scaled projectile decals

Post by Scuba Steve »

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Re: Scaled projectile decals

Post by Scuba Steve »

Any news on this front, or is it something we'd be better off fixing using decaldefs?
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Scaled projectile decals

Post by Graf Zahl »

It's a problem deep in the decal implementation which simply ignored the texture scaling. Apparently it still gets past the barriers I erected when rewriting the texture manager to not return unscaled texture sizes anywhere. Unfortunately you posted this right when I was on vacation and the link is dead, so unless you re-upload it so I can check this particular case the issue will remain unsolved.

What renderer is this? Software, hardware or both?
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Re: Scaled projectile decals

Post by Scuba Steve » ... yG1W0/view

Hardware renderer. The software renderer returns a slightly different error; the overlayed sprite is not cut off, it's just twice the size.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Scaled projectile decals

Post by Graf Zahl »

Yes, that's the original error I remember. Apparently part if it has filtered down to the hardware renderer as well.
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Re: Scaled projectile decals

Post by Nash »

GZDoom 4.5.0, software renderer. No mods, no autoload.

Happens only with the following INI setup, though.
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Re: Scaled projectile decals

Post by Nash »

It has been known and confirmed for quite some time now that this happens in the software renderer when any of the HQ resizing modes are enabled. I usually play with NormalNx, so when I switch to the software renderer, the stretchy decals will happen. It also affects weapon sprites on the HUD (software renderer).

Bug still exists in GZDoom 4.7.0.

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