Possible bug Line_Set_Portal used with fast projectiles

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Possible bug Line_Set_Portal used with fast projectiles

Post by Zedonk »

When the sapphire wand is shot through an interactive, the projecile exits at an angle. Though this only seems to happen if the portal entrance and the portal are at different orientations. (E.g. when the exit is at 90 degrees to the entrance.)

I made a thread in the Editing help - mapping section asking for help in casing I was using it incorrectly but now I think it might be a possible bug.

Here's the link to the thread:

Link to test wad:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/84pqfexqa ... s.wad/file

Link to youtube showcasing the problem:

[fixed video link -Enjay]

Many thanks for any help : )

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