Is there a command to disable NormalSpecular maps in GzDoom?

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Is there a command to disable NormalSpecular maps in GzDoom?

Post by Guest »

Hey all!

I'm working on a standalone game that runs on the GzDoom engine. After working on it for 1,5 years, I decided to take a look at normal/specular mapping to see if it adds anything to the atmosphere of the game. And sending a version with specular maps to my playtesters, the results were somewhat mixed. One half loved it while the other half thought it took ruined the old-skool look and feel of the game.

Now I know that you can simply disable it by removing the file that has the definitions, but is there an ingame way to do it? Is there a cvar I can add to the options menu that disables this? Perhaps through a console command? I tried to look up the GL_ commands but I couldnt find anything related to normal/specular mapping. So perhaps i'm missing something?

Help is appreciated!
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Re: Is there a command to disable NormalSpecular maps in GzD

Post by dpJudas »

I'm afraid there is no such setting currently.
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Re: Is there a command to disable NormalSpecular maps in GzD

Post by Nash »

Hmm, correct me if I'm wrong, but this isn't as easy as plugging in a CVar check in ApplyNormalMap (or whatever it's called; I forget) in main.fp because... user materials have made it possible to apply completely custom normal mapping shaders. Right?
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Re: Is there a command to disable NormalSpecular maps in GzD

Post by dpJudas »

That is correct.

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