Seeing Doom better in the light

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Seeing Doom better in the light

Post by UnbornDecay25 »

I hope for one this is the correct topic. If not, feel free to alert me to the correct one, and eliminate this post

Is there a way to make Gz Doom be more visible when my screen is illuminated <Causing the backwards effect of darkening the screen> and not drown out all the color. And it would also be great if i could bind it to a button but I'd have no idea how to do that.

The only reason i ask is cause Doom, its derivatives, and mods become very hard to even see what I'm doing if the screen darkens due to natural light, and moving to another location isnt always available.
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Re: Seeing Doom better in the light

Post by Rachael »

Doom and nearly all of its derivatives - including GZDoom - have an internal "gamma" setting that is specifically designed for extraneous situations where you would be less able to see the screen.

By default in Doom, that works by pressing F11 (which also works in GZDoom) - or in GZDoom there's also a menu entry under Options->Display Options to set it explicitly.
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Re: Seeing Doom better in the light

Post by UnbornDecay25 »

Rachael wrote:Doom and nearly all of its derivatives - including GZDoom - have an internal "gamma" setting that is specifically designed for extraneous situations where you would be less able to see the screen.

By default in Doom, that works by pressing F11 (which also works in GZDoom) - or in GZDoom there's also a menu entry under Options->Display Options to set it explicitly.
Thank you. I tried that and it washed out the colors pretty bad, but its the price to pay for being able to see a bloody thing. I also didnt know that trick with f11
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Re: Seeing Doom better in the light

Post by Korell »

Alternatively, you could try changing the sector light mode. The default, "Dark", I find too dark, so I changed it to "Doom" instead, which I find much better. There's also a "Vanilla" option now, which seems brighter still. Note that this is assuming that you are using the OpenGL rendering mode.

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