Autosave from different games overwrite each other

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Autosave from different games overwrite each other

Post by masterkark »

I played some Doom and already had 4 autosaves, then played Adventure of Square and noticed that its first autosave (auto0) has overwritten Doom's. Is there a way to separate autosaves and manual saves for each WAD listed in GZDoom?
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Re: Autosave from different games overwrite each other

Post by Korell »

You can specify a save folder in the ini file or via the command line, so that each mod/game uses a different folder.

Note that I use a separate ini file for each IWAD, and a separate one for each mod, too. I keep all my ini files in a configs folder and call them via a batch file for the game or mod that I want to play. However, I use my batch files to specify the save folder to use. For example:

START gzdoom.exe -iwad %iwad% -file %addons% -config %config% -savedir %savedir%

Where I specify set values for the iwad, addons, config and savedir parameters.

Alternatively, I imagine that you could use ZDL and specify the -savedir as an extra command line argument.
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Re: Autosave from different games overwrite each other

Post by masterkark »

Thank for reply.

I want to avoid batch files and .exe parameters since I want my GZDoom configuration to be fully portable and cross-platform. So I would like to direct save folders in the .ini. However, the "AutoExec" sections are broader than the "Autoload" ones (for example, there is no AutoExec specifically for Blasphemer or WadSmoosh, according to ZDoom Wiki). I want to use the "save_dir" CVAR. Is it possible to somehow use it in Autoload sections instead of AutoExec?

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