Help with Graphical glitch [closed]

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Help with Graphical glitch [closed]

Post by Dinosaur_Nerd »

I'm experiencing some sort of bad graphical behavior in my mod that appears to be ZFighting.
The problem goes away when OpenGL is disabled and the software renderer is used.
The glitching occurs on both AMD and NVidia Graphics cards.
This issue is very intermittent:
-appears without warning and seemingly unconnected to anything happening in the game
-stops randomly, again, with no explanation that I can determine.
-seems to happen most frequently on DOOM2 MAP10, this is, however, very likely coincidental.

I've only been able to see this glitching in my own mod, that is likely also coincidental because I spend 90% of my time working on, and testing my mod. I would attempt to try to reproduce this problem with other mods, or the base game, but the demands on my time are tremendous and I have no one to cover my work for me.

System Specs are as follows:
Edit: Found the problem.

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