Dual-boot Windows 7 with Puppy Linux?

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Dual-boot Windows 7 with Puppy Linux?

Post by TDRR »

This question may have been better off in the Puppy Linux forums but after having endless trouble logging into my account i gave up and just figured i should post it here.

So, how would i set up Puppy Linux (mostly equivalent to Ubuntu Xenial) to be able to be selected for booting into it along with Windows 7?

Right now i'm partitioning the drive to make an ext2 partition and install Puppy Xenial on it, but it's taking forever, if anyone can point me to a good partitioning tool (that doesn't remove whatever you already have in the drive) for either Windows or Linux that would be great.

As far as i know you need to set stuff up in GRUB but i'm rather inexpert on that side of the process, as i already tried before to do this and my PC turned into a nice brick so i had to reinstall everything. :lol:
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Re: Dual-boot Windows 7 with Puppy Linux?

Post by drfrag »

Easiest way: just use two hard drives and bios boot menu. An old drive will do for puppy linux.
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Re: Dual-boot Windows 7 with Puppy Linux?

Post by TDRR »

I figured it out before you posted, but for some strange reason i couldn't log into the forums.

I just used GRUB4DOS when installing Puppy Linux and it worked perfectly! In fact, i'm typing this in Puppy Linux, and it's working really well.

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